* Jude DaShiell <jdashiel at shellworld.net> wrote: > Since grml is a security hardened operating system when I upgraded some > packages on it to 0.8 version level status I was told the packages could > be compromised since their signatures couldn't be verified. What part or > parts of the upgrade process did I omit? Very probably you are talking about the new grml repositories: http://lists.mur.at/pipermail/grml/2006-December/001159.html Solution as documented at http://wiki.grml.org/doku.php?id=debian => gpg --keyserver subkeys.pgp.net --recv-keys F61E2E7CECDEA787 gpg --export F61E2E7CECDEA787 > /etc/apt/grml.key apt-key add /etc/apt/grml.key -mika- -- ,'"`. http://www.michael-prokop.at/ ( grml.org -? Linux Live-CD for texttool-users and sysadmins `._,' http://www.grml.org/