Hello, I'm preparing a Debian package for SpeechD-Up and I'm puzzled with the permissions to the /dev/softsynth device and the /proc/speakup/ controlls. The device is sometimes created by the user and sometimes automatically, the proc tree is allways created when loading Speakup. Is there some convention about who should be the owner and group of /dev/softsynth and /proc/speakup? I've been using the device as root so far, but this doesn't allow me to run SpeechD-Up under a different user (e.g. speechd-up). Making /dev/softsynth world readable is not an option too as it will typically contain a complete log of users activity on the system consoles, so it must be protected. One more thing to consider is that there might be other interfaces than SpeechD-Up wanting to access /dev/softsynth and /proc/speakup/ . So it seems to me that it would be most sensible to create a group with the name ''speakup'' and make /dev/softsynth and /proc/speakup readable/writable by this group. Include user speechd-up in group speakup and run SpeechD-Up with this user. Should this be the correct approach, who will set the group ownership for /dev/softsynth and /proc/speakup ? Should Speakup do it? Should it be some user-space script? Which one? The ownership change cannot be made in time of installation of SpeechD-Up as there is not any guarantee that Speakup will already be installed and that the device won't be deleted/re-created later (in case of dynamically created device, it will). I'd like to know your opinion. Thank you, Hynek Hanke