Sorry for an off-topic couple of questions. Since 1997 I had been sifting through usenet news groups with trn-and-exporting uuencoded binaries in pine. However, last 3 years or so, like a plague almost all of binary usenet has gone Yenc. Now, I realize there are yenc decoders as well as some pearl scripts such as ubh, but are their any menue-driven unix news readers which support yenc? It was suggested I look at pan, but it looks to be for a graphical linux. Trn will not handle yenc, but there are some work arounds. I've written the pine team, asking if there are ways to decode these messages? They-and-others think I could pipe to a yenc decoder. I know there is a pipe function in pine, but am not sure what to do with it? Thanks so much in advance, as now giganews keeps binaries 70-days Hart