I've had that with SD cards before. I use a Mac, and it normally happens to me when I delete files on the card, but don't empty the trash before I eject the card. If it is something like that, just reformat the card and the problem will go away. Bob On 1/20/07, Paul Migliorelli <paulmigs at migliorelli.org> wrote: > Hi all. I'm trying to move and or copy a stack of files from a dir onto > an sd card 1 gig in a card reader. Mounted as root to slash dev slash > sda1 or sdd1. Actually this scenario is the same for the sd card in the > reader, and a 1 gig usb drive on 2 different fc6 boxes. so I say from > root mount slash dev slash sda1 space card, where card is off my home dir. > Files get there, but after about 450 meg, it thinks no space left. df > does show that it thinks it is a gig. Any clues about what it may want > for any of these devices? I know the card is cleared enough at the start > and does have the room. Thanks. > > _______________________________________________ > Speakup mailing list > Speakup at braille.uwo.ca > http://speech.braille.uwo.ca/mailman/listinfo/speakup >