Albert, thanks much information you provided has provided as many useful answers as you could possibly provide. The cmos header information may provide you with some more useful information. If you get a Linux installed or try again with some form of fc6 speakup disks maybe try using acpi=force as one of the boot parameters. It could be an old acpi is being blocked from running by default and acpi=force will clear that and maybe give fc6 a little more information. Perhaps using lapic as another boot parameter may improve a few things too. As an alternative apm=on might be tried to substitute for acpi=force in boot parameters. If a system does install you may be able to read cmos information at the top of /var/logs/dmesg and if the cmos information has something else to say other than intel I'll not be surprised. My cmos information identifies this machine as a Dell. You could get the name of the computer store where you bought the machine but I don't know.