Linux Speakup
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- iptables?
- iptables?
- speakup kernel for debian and squashfs
- grml spelling issues
- grml spelling issues
- kernel patch question
- Baens bar software (was NAEB looking for speakup folks to help implement on ebook reader)
- Fedora Core packages
- Baens bar software (was NAEB looking for speakup folks to help implement on ebook reader)
- Baens bar software (was NAEB looking for speakup folks to help implement on ebook reader)
- grml spelling issues
- From: Jonathan Duddington
- Fedora Core 6 kernel source - where is it
- kernel patch question
- fedora core 6 installing everything
- grml spelling issues
- help with iptables please
- iptables help please
- iptables help please
- Using speechd-up without it rewriting /proc tables
- iptables help please
- iptables help please
- From: Willem van der Walt
- iptables help please
- hardware synth type
- Fwd: more csun live saga!
- Speakup Digest, Vol 42, Issue 44
- hardware synth type
- hardware synth type
- If you can't make CSUN, Listen to these webcasts from CSUN - Live
- Baens bar software (was NAEB looking for speakup folks to help implement on ebook reader)
- misreading before the 20th character
- grml spelling issues
- grml spelling issues
- Re: grml spelling issues
- grml spelling issues
- grml spelling issues
- grml spelling issues
- From: Albert E. Sten-Clanton
- grml spelling issues
- grml spelling issues
- grml spelling issues
- grml spelling issues
- podcasting--podracer etc.
- Reading became duplicated
- grml spelling issues
- podracer
- grml spelling issues
- Problem with accented characters
- almost solved, was Re: Problem with accented characters
- grml spelling issues
- From: Jonathan Duddington
- almost solved, was Re: Problem with accented characters
- grml spelling issues
- grml spelling issues
- Problem with accented characters
- Problem with accented characters
- Problem with accented characters
- podcasting--podracer etc.
- grml spelling issues
- grml spelling issues
- grml spelling issues
- fc6 disk problems
- grml spelling issues
- grml spelling issues
- grml spelling issues
- formatting an flash drive
- grml spelling issues
- formatting an flash drive
- grml spelling issues
- formatting an flash drive
- formatting an flash drive
- grml spelling issues
- formatting an flash drive
- grml spelling issues
- FC 6 disk problems.
- From: Albert E. Sten-Clanton
- fc6 disk problems
- From: Albert E. Sten-Clanton
- Proxy
- NAEB looking for speakup folks to help implement on ebook reader
- grml spelling issues
- NAEB looking for speakup folks to help implement on ebook reader
- NAEB looking for speakup folks to help implement on ebook reader
- grml spelling issues
- FC 6 disk problems.
- fc6 disk problems
- Yum GPG problem.
- grml spelling issues
- OT: IBM Scientists Develop Streaming Video For Visually Impaired
- Proxy
- grml spelling issues
- for those who hate cell phones
- for those who hate cell phones
- FC 6 disk problems.
- compressed file systems
- FC 6 disk problems.
- From: Albert E. Sten-Clanton
- Notetaker & linux
- FC 6 disk problems.
- grml spelling issues
- FC 6 disk problems.
- OT: C header files
- OT: C header files
- OT: C header files
- OT: C header files
- grml spelling issues
- DecTalk Issues
- grml spelling issues
- interesting ubuntu amd discovery
- for those who hate cell phones
- aumix -w
- aumix -w (was: grml)
- .m4a file format problem solved
- DecTalk Issues
- grml
- small speakup and debian issues
- small speakup and debian issues
- small speakup and debian issues
- .m4a file format problem solved
- grml
- From: Albert E. Sten-Clanton
- grml
- Fedora 6 and Speakup on New Thinkpad
- Fedora 6 and Speakup on New Thinkpad
- Fedora 6 and Speakup on New Thinkpad
- ALSA dmix Questions
- for those who hate cell phones
- for those who hate cell phones
- Games and Amusements
- Games and Amusements
- for those who hate cell phones
- ALSA dmix Questions
- ALSA dmix Questions
- Problems with software speech
- Games and Amusements
- Problems with software speech
- Games and Amusements
- Problems with software speech
- trplayer and 2.6.18
- for those who hate cell phones
- Problems with software speech
- Games and Amusements
- Problems with software speech
- Problems with software speech
- trplayer and 2.6.18
- for those who hate cell phones
- Replying to The Speakup List?
- Problems with software speech
- Problems with software speech
- An official slightly off topic anouncement
- An official slightly off topic anouncement
- Fedora 6 and Speakup on New Thinkpad
- games and amusements
- games and amusements
- games and amusements
- speakup desktop guide suggestion
- An official slightly off topic anouncement
- An official slightly off topic anouncement
- Replying to The Speakup List?
- An official slightly off topic anouncement
- An official slightly off topic anouncement
- An official slightly off topic anouncement
- Replying to The Speakup List?
- An official slightly off topic anouncement
- Replying to The Speakup List?
- Replying to The Speakup List?
- An official slightly off topic anouncement
- An official slightly off topic anouncement
- An official slightly off topic anouncement
- Replying to The Speakup List?
- From: Albert E. Sten-Clanton
- An official slightly off topic anouncement
- Replying to The Speakup List?
- An official slightly off topic anouncement
- Replying to The Speakup List?
- Games and Amusements
- An official slightly off topic anouncement
- ***SPAM*** Re[2]: An official slightly off topic anouncement
- An official slightly off topic anouncement
- An official slightly off topic anouncement
- Replying to The Speakup List?
- An official slightly off topic anouncement
- An official slightly off topic anouncement
- Fedora 6 and Speakup on New Thinkpad
- An official slightly off topic anouncement
- Games and Amusements
- Replying to The Speakup List?
- Fedora 6 and Speakup on New Thinkpad
- trplayer and debian 2.6.18
- Fedora 6 and Speakup on New Thinkpad
- An official slightly off topic anouncement
- web browsing with java support
- An official slightly off topic anouncement
- An official slightly off topic anouncement
- An official slightly off topic anouncement
- Games and Amusements
- Games and Amusements
- Games and Amusements
- Games and Amusements
- Suggestion: Speakup desktop guide
- Games and Amusements
- Games and Amusements
- Saving characters pronounciation
- Saving characters pronounciation
- Fedora 6 and Speakup on New Thinkpad
- Fedora 6 and Speakup on New Thinkpad
- Fedora 6 and Speakup on New Thinkpad
- Fedora 6 and Speakup on New Thinkpad
- Fedora 6 and Speakup on New Thinkpad
- Fedora 6 and Speakup on New Thinkpad
- Suggestion: Speakup desktop guide
- Suggestion: Speakup desktop guide
- OT: saytime program
- Features after users guide publication
- Suggestion: Speakup desktop guide
- From: Albert E. Sten-Clanton
- Features after users guide publication
- a concession to two dimensions
- web browsing with java support
- Suggestion: Speakup desktop guide
- Suggestion: Speakup desktop guide
- Suggestion: Speakup desktop guide
- Suggestion: Speakup desktop guide
- Suggestion: Speakup desktop guide
- Suggestion: Speakup desktop guide
- Suggestion: Speakup desktop guide
- OT: saytime program
- Suggestion: Speakup desktop guide
- Features after users guide publication
- Features after users guide publication
- Features after users guide publication
- best use of resources
- ot, configuring x
- trplayer and debian 2.6.18
- OT: saytime program
- ot, configuring x
- Text-To-Speech on Phones: Nuance Talks
- USB to Serial
- Change log since Speakup 2.0
- USB to Serial
- trplayer and debian 2.6.18
- trplayer and debian 2.6.18
- boot freezing before Speech comes up
- bsdgames
- getting rid of debian dependencies
- USB to Serial
- OT: saytime program
- OT: saytime program
- USB to Serial
- USB to Serial
- OT: saytime program
- OT: saytime program
- USB to Serial
- Text-To-Speech on Phones: Nuance Talks
- Text-To-Speech on Phones: Nuance Talks
- Text-To-Speech on Phones: Nuance Talks
- Text-To-Speech on Phones: Nuance Talks
- boot freezing before Speech comes up
- Text-To-Speech on Phones: Nuance Talks
- bsdgames
- Text-To-Speech on Phones: Nuance Talks
- Advice
- ot, configuring x
- problems compiling speechd-up
- getting rid of dependencies under debian
- ot, configuring x
- boot freezing before Speech comes up
- Text-To-Speech on Phones: Nuance Talks
- Text-To-Speech on Phones: Nuance Talks
- getting rid of dependencies under debian
- ot, configuring x
- trplayer and debian 2.6.18
- Text-To-Speech on Phones: Nuance Talks
- trplayer and debian 2.6.18
- trplayer and debian 2.6.18
- Text-To-Speech on Phones: Nuance Talks
- boot freezing before Speech comes up
- trplayer and debian 2.6.18
- trplayer and debian 2.6.18
- Text-To-Speech on Phones: Nuance Talks
- Text-To-Speech on Phones: Nuance Talks
- trplayer and debian 2.6.18
- Text-To-Speech on Phones: Nuance Talks
- Text-To-Speech on Phones: Nuance Talks
- Text-To-Speech on Phones: Nuance Talks
- trplayer and debian 2.6.18
- Text-To-Speech on Phones: Nuance Talks
- Text-To-Speech on Phones: Nuance Talks
- Text-To-Speech on Phones: Nuance Talks
- trplayer and debian 2.6.18
- Text-To-Speech on Phones: Nuance Talks
- Text-To-Speech on Phones: Nuance Talks
- Features after users guide publication
- Dectalk USB in serial mode
- Dectalk USB in serial mode
- Text-To-Speech on Phones: Nuance Talks
- ***SPAM*** Re: Text-To-Speech on Phones: Nuance Talks
- Text-To-Speech on Phones: Nuance Talks
- ***SPAM*** Re: Text-To-Speech on Phones: Nuance Talks
- Text-To-Speech on Phones: Nuance Talks
- Text-To-Speech on Phones: Nuance Talks
- Text-To-Speech on Phones: Nuance Talks
- Text-To-Speech on Phones: Nuance Talks
- Features after users guide publication
- Text-To-Speech on Phones: Nuance Talks
- Features after users guide publication
- Text-To-Speech on Phones: Nuance Talks
- Text-To-Speech on Phones: Nuance Talks
- Features after users guide publication
- trplayer and debian 2.6.18
- Text-To-Speech on Phones: Nuance Talks
- Text-To-Speech on Phones: Nuance Talks
- compiling Softsynth the right way
- Text-To-Speech on Phones: Nuance Talks
- Features after users guide publication
- Text-To-Speech on Phones: Nuance Talks
- compiling Softsynth the right way
- compiling Softsynth the right way
- spd neither crashes nor speak
- spd neither crashes nor speak
- Error On Yum Update
- trplayer and debian 2.6.18
- Text-To-Speech on Phones: Nuance Talks
- compiling Softsynth the right way
- Features after users guide publication
- spd neither crashes nor speak
- Looking for Chuck Hallenbeck's grabit?
- Error On Yum Update
- Chuck, Thanks for the Script!
- Chuck, Thanks for the Script!
- spd neither crashes nor speak
- grabit
- Looking for Chuck Hallenbeck's grabit?
- Advice
- spd neither crashes nor speak
- bsdgames
- From: Paul Migliorelli (+1 3 0 3 5 5 2 6 9 7 0)
- news readers
- problems compiling speechd-up
- Advice
- problems compiling speechd-up
- problems compiling speechd-up
- playing sounds remotely was Re: OT: saytime program
- usenet readers
- playing sounds remotely was Re: OT: saytime program
- playing sounds remotely was Re: OT: saytime program
- usenet readers
- usenet readers
- problems compiling speechd-up
- problems compiling speechd-up
- OT: saytime program
- Speakup in Combination with Emacspeak and others
- Speakup in Combination with Emacspeak and others
- OT: saytime program
- OT: saytime program
- Speakup in Combination with Emacspeak and others
- OT: saytime program
- OT: saytime program
- Speakup in Combination with Emacspeak and others
- From: Albert E. Sten-Clanton
- Docs for speakup & DECtalk software
- OT: saytime program
- Speakup in Combination with Emacspeak and others
- OT: saytime program
- Speakup Digest, Vol 41, Issue 47
- From: Albert E. Sten-Clanton
- OT: saytime program
- Finereader engine for Linux
- From: Willem van der Walt
- OT: saytime program
- winamp
- An official slightly off topic anouncement
- winamp
- An official slightly off topic anouncement
- Editors?
- mta problem update
- winamp
- Speech Dispatcher 0.6.2 Released
- Espeak Problems
- Editors?
- Dectalk USB?
- mta problem update
- From: josh at
- Espeak Problems
- Speakup Digest, Vol 41, Issue 47
- Espeak Problems
- ot: mta problems with both exim and postfix
- From: josh at
- Espeak Problems
- ot: mta problems with both exim and postfix
- Espeak Problems
- Espeak Problems
- Espeak Problems
- winamp
- winamp
- Editors?
- winamp
- winamp
- ot: compiling gnome
- Editors?
- Log in to GUI as root
- Editors?
- Editors?
- winamp
- winamp
- Editors?
- From: Albert E. Sten-Clanton
- Editors?
- Log in to GUI as root
- dectalk express not found under 2.6.20x
- winamp
- Greetings
- my speech-dispatcher espeak-generic.conf fixes
- dectalk express not found under 2.6.20x
- From: josh at
- dectalk express not found under 2.6.20x
- Greetings
- Greetings
- Greetings
- software speech with GRML.
- Greetings
- Speakup Digest, Vol 41, Issue 47
- From: Albert E. Sten-Clanton
- podracer
- software speech with GRML.
- ot: compiling gnome
- Mounting USB memory stick problem
- Speakup Digest, Vol 41, Issue 47
- Mounting USB memory stick problem
- ot: access expert?
- ot: access expert?
- ot: access expert?
- OT: Podracer and Feedburner
- Speakup Digest, Vol 41, Issue 47
- From: Albert E. Sten-Clanton
- Speakup Digest, Vol 41, Issue 47
- What to do if SSpeakup fails to patch?
- What to do if SSpeakup fails to patch?
- GRML difficulties
- re; podracer
- Mounting USB memory stick problem
- Mounting USB memory stick problem
- podracer
- From: Albert E. Sten-Clanton
- podracer error probably inside grep
- Speakup Digest, Vol 41, Issue 47
- installing linux to an external drive
- Seeing Videos in Linux?
- Speakup Digest, Vol 41, Issue 47
- those .mov files!
- Seeing Videos in Linux?
- installing linux to an external drive
- those .mov files!
- installing linux to an external drive
- From: jaffar at
- podracer error
- ESpeak problem
- vlc almost works
- those .mov files!
- podracer
- podracer error
- interesting occurrence with amd dual core, what do you thing?
- interesting occurrence with amd dual core, what do you thing?
- podracer
- podracer
- An official slightly off topic anouncement
- ot: compiling gnome
- An official slightly off topic anouncement
- An official slightly off topic anouncement
- From: jaffar at
- interesting occurrence with amd dual core, what do you thing?
- An official slightly off topic anouncement
- interesting occurrence with amd dual core, what do you thing?
- ot: compiling gnome
- An official slightly off topic anouncement
- ot: compiling gnome
- ot: compiling gnome
- ot: compiling gnome
- podracer
- ot: compiling gnome
- Mounting USB memory stick problem
- Dectalk, Lost some Interrupts?
- Regarding Dual-core processors
- An official slightly off topic anouncement
- podracer
- From: Paul Migliorelli (+1 3 0 3 5 5 2 6 9 7 0)
- An official slightly off topic anouncement
- From: Albert E. Sten-Clanton
- Dectalk, Lost some Interrupts?
- ESpeak problem
- podracer
- [ot] how do I change the search directory path for gcc
- ESpeak problem
- podracer
- ESpeak problem
- An official slightly off topic anouncement
- Mounting USB memory stick problem
- Regarding latest CVS Tarball
- ESpeak problem
- podracer
- An official slightly off topic anouncement
- Mounting USB memory stick problem
- An official slightly off topic anouncement
- An official slightly off topic anouncement
- podracer
- [SPAM] - Re: Evolution problem - Found word(s) list error in the Text body
- Evolution problem
- An official slightly off topic anouncement
- Evolution problem
- Running Speech-dispatcher inside of GDB
- An official slightly off topic anouncement
- An official slightly off topic anouncement
- An official slightly off topic anouncement
- An official slightly off topic anouncement
- New suggestion regarding speech-dispatcher
- Running Speech-dispatcher inside of GDB
- Running Speech-dispatcher inside of GDB
- New suggestion regarding speech-dispatcher
- Orca speech-dispatcher back-end, was Re: Espeak, gnome-speech and alsa
- OT: windoweyes question
- Regarding latest CVS Tarball
- OT: windoweyes question
- using serial port locked by Speakup (was: Re: Speakup and VMWare)
- using serial port locked by Speakup (was: Re: Speakup and VMWare)
- Regarding latest CVS Tarball
- Regarding latest CVS Tarball
- Regarding Speechd-up death problem
- Tools needed to install speech-dispatcher
- Espeak, gnome-speech and alsa
- Espeak, gnome-speech and alsa
- Tools needed to install speech-dispatcher
- Espeak, gnome-speech and alsa
- Tools needed to install speech-dispatcher
- Setting don't-init-tables
- O.T. ESpeak Windows version doesn't work
- Espeak, gnome-speech and alsa
- O.T. ESpeak Windows version doesn't work
- From: Jonathan Duddington
- O.T. ESpeak Windows version doesn't work
- O.T. ESpeak Windows version doesn't work
- From: Jonathan Duddington
- O.T. ESpeak Windows version doesn't work
- Regarding latest CVS Tarball
- O.T. ESpeak Windows version doesn't work
- From: Jonathan Duddington
- Espeak, gnome-speech and alsa
- O.T. ESpeak Windows version doesn't work
- Espeak, gnome-speech and alsa
- O.T. ESpeak Windows version doesn't work
- From: Jonathan Duddington
- Espeak, gnome-speech and alsa
- O.T. ESpeak Windows version doesn't work
- Espeak, gnome-speech and alsa
- From: Jonathan Duddington
- Espeak, gnome-speech and alsa
- Regarding latest CVS Tarball
- Regarding latest CVS Tarball
- Firefox 3 on Ubuntu
- Regarding Speechd-up death problem
- Regarding Speakup and delayed synthesizer starting
- Regarding Speech-Dispatcher, Speechd-up, and ESpeak with Speakup.
- Finereader engine for Linux
- Regarding Speakup and delayed synthesizer starting
- package history question
- Speakup and VMWare
- Regarding Speech-Dispatcher, Speechd-up, and ESpeak with Speakup.
- Regarding Speech-Dispatcher, Speechd-up, and ESpeak with Speakup.
- Speakup and VMWare
- Speakup and VMWare
- (OT) IPTables Configuration
- debian speakup disk please
- debian speakup disk please
- debian speakup disk please
- debian speakup disk please
- Regarding chucks post--on ESpeak, or anyone else
- ESpeak under AMD
- Where does ESpeak log stuff normally?
- Where does ESpeak log stuff normally?
- Debian speakup install disk please
- Problem Package Removed
- ESpeak under AMD
- From: Jonathan Duddington
- Regarding chucks post--on ESpeak, or anyone else
- ESpeak under AMD
- Debian speakup install disk please
- Firefox 3 on Ubuntu
- Booting Into Single User Mode with GRUB
- Talking caller ID with Asterisk
- a flood of packages
- got my stuff working here
- Regarding chucks post--on ESpeak, or anyone else
- From: keithint38 at
- help please, clamav, sockets, and exim4 panic log
- O.T.: clamav, spamassassin, and exim4.
- exim4 lite upgrade to heavy
- O.T.: clamav, spamassassin, and exim4.
- customize fc-6 package installs
- Booting Into Single User Mode with GRUB
- Booting Into Single User Mode with GRUB
- Booting Into Single User Mode with GRUB
- Booting Into Single User Mode with GRUB
- Booting Into Single User Mode with GRUB
- Announcing New Packages at the Speakup Modified
- Booting Into Single User Mode with GRUB
- O.T.: clamav, spamassassin, and exim4.
- trying to insure that all packages are selected for the fedora 6 install
- O.T.: clamav, spamassassin, and exim4.
- O.T.: clamav, spamassassin, and exim4.
- ESpeak problem
- ESpeak problem
- For Jonathon - Regarding ESpeak
- trying to insure that all packages are selected for the fedora 6 install
- ESpeak problem
- ESpeak problem
- For Jonathon - Regarding ESpeak
- From: Jonathan Duddington
- ESpeak problem
- From: Jonathan Duddington
- For Jonathon - Regarding ESpeak
- ESpeak problem
- From: keithint38 at
- podracer info
- trying to insure that all packages are selected for the fedora 6 install
- trying to insure that all packages are selected for the fedora 6 install
- aptitude
- podracer storage types limitation
- aptitude
- help with perl
- hacking attempts
- trying to insure that all packages are selected for the fedora 6 install
- trying to insure that all packages are selected for the fedora 6 install
- punctuation symbols
- aptitude?
- hacking attempts
- need help getting fedora 6 to boot with speech
- Road Runner protocol
- tarball needed, or very much help (fwd)
- hacking attempts
- hacking attempts
- hacking attempts
- mplayer compilation
- need help getting fedora 6 to boot with speech
- need help getting fedora 6 to boot with speech
- hacking attempts
- hacking attempts
- fc6 no speech
- hacking attempts
- need help getting fedora 6 to boot with speech
- need help getting fedora 6 to boot with speech
- need help getting fedora 6 to boot with speech
- need help getting fedora 6 to boot with speech
- need help getting fedora 6 to boot with speech
- hacking attempts
- hacking attempts
- hacking attempts
- hacking attempts
- mplayer compilation haults
- speechd-up randomly dies on AMD64
- speechd-up randomly dies on AMD64
- need help getting fedora 6 to boot with speech
- speechd-up randomly dies on AMD64]
- ***SPAM*** Re: speechd-up randomly dies on AMD64]
- need help getting fedora 6 to boot with speech
- need help getting fedora 6 to boot with speech
- need help getting fedora 6 to boot with speech
- Can't get the double talk external to speak during the fedora installneed help please
- need help getting fedora 6 to boot with speech
- speechd-up randomly dies on AMD64]
- need help getting fedora 6 to boot with speech
- need help getting fedora 6 to boot with speech
- need help getting fedora 6 to boot with speech
- How To Test For Functioning Synth
- need help getting fedora 6 to boot with speech
- speechd-up randomly dies on AMD64
- Very OT: nfbtrans and line breaks
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