Lorenzo Taylor p??e v ?t 08. 02. 2007 v 22:17 -0500: > I got the latest CVS speechd-up as suggested, but I am having nearly the > same problem. The death of speechd-up occurs slightly less frequently, > but it still only runs for a few minutes at a time. Most of the time I > can just run sudo speechdup to restart it, but sometimes I have to > restart speech-dispatcher before I can run speechd-up again. That's bad. > Is it possible that speech-dispatcher 0.6.1 could be > crashing speechd-up even though it doesn't crash Orca's > speech-dispatcher gnome-speech driver? No, Speech Dispatcher cannot be crashing speechd-up. If Speech Dispatcher crashes, the connection dies and SpeechD-Up complains in the logfile /var/log/speechd-up.log and quits. Could you please send me the logfile and preferably also a backtrace of SpeechD-Up crash? You need to run it in gdb with the -s option given to speechd-up and you need to do thread apply all bt Please let me know if you need more instructions. Thank you, Hynek Hanke