I cannot check this problem at this time. Sinse I am at school, I am not at my Linux box. SSH access is blocked-and I need to be available localy. First: I am running: Gentoo Linux AMD 64, kernel 2.6.19, I believe that ESpeak is 0.18 or whatever. I have described the best way to produce this. I can also add that one way to do it is to download the modified version of GRML 0.8 (a 32-bit OS) and to just rappidly start typing, it contains ESpeak, and some small modifications to Speech-Dispatcher. One of these includes something where Speech-Dispatcher would send blank lines at the synthesizer. This has been disabled, along with the Preempt-the-big-kernel-lock. The kernel is SMP. Don't worry. I h ave a script, Speech does come back. If I type: "Speak "Text"" (Without the first quotes) the Speak "Text" will make Espeak speak "Text" Or: Speak "Kirk is so coool!" will echo "Kirk is so cooool!" So, perhaps it's with speechd-up? Also: Another problem: Newer versions of Speechd-up appear not to speak the punctuation characters on the keyboared. This includes period, slash, etc. BTW..Tyler Spivey, have y ou managed to debug this at all in VMWare? Regards, --Keith