pcm means pulse code modulation. In terms of aumix think of it as the DAC audio output. That is, the digital to analog converter output of sound card. pcm and pcm2 are two outputs, not present on all cards, most will just have one. The -w is DAC output level for the first DAC (pcm) while -W is same for the second DAC (pcm2). You can't ignore pcm because it's the DAC output level. The master level (volume) is downline from the pcm levels. John Heim wrote: This is something I've been meaning to ask about for some time. What's up with the -w and -W options to aumix? Or maybe I should ask what is pcm and pcm 2? I have one machine where I got no sound until i said 'aumix -w 100' and another where I had to use the capital W. The -v flag didn't do anything until I set the -w flag. What the heck is pcm and why can't I just ignore it? :-)