Hello list, I have posted on this many times, but feel it is necessary to restate the spisific problem I'm having with ESpeak under my AMD 64-bit system, with Gentoo Linux, SMP enabled kernel. First: Speakup and ESpeak both compile quite nicely. However, if I begin to quickly type text into say, a shell, irssi, or whatever... that is, while using keyboared echo, interrupting ESpeak with another key stroke, the synthesizer in this case "ESpeak" crashes! I have managed to make ESpeak crash eaven when setting Speech-dispatcher and Speechd-up to nice -20! I thought that it was Speech-Dispatcher and Speechd-up, as the suspect processes. It apparently leads back to the ESpeak program, (whatever the exeacutable is) that is called by speech-dispatcher and speechd-up, crashing.) Why? Because the prior two processes mentioned previously are still running. A killall speechd-up killall speech-dispatcher speec