Linux Speakup
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- fc installation?
- Question about devil-linux
- Directory Services and linux
- OT: Directory Services and linux
- Debian install with Software Speech?
- fc installation?
- redhat 7 with speakup question
- Question about devil-linux
- Speech Dispatcher bugfixes, request for help with testing
- Re: Speech Dispatcher bugfixes, request for help with testing
- Question about devil-linux
- Speakup with Ubuntu
- Question about devil-linux
- Speakup with Ubuntu
- From: Terrence van Ettinger
- software speach in gentoo
- Question about devil-linux
- software speach in gentoo
- Question about devil-linux
- Debian kernel confusion
- Debian kernel confusion
- gnu c library 2.6 or latest version for debian
- gnu c library 2.6 or latest version for debian
- gnu c library 2.6 or latest version for debian
- gnu c library 2.6 or latest version for debian
- Debian install with Software Speech?
- Speech-Dispatcher vi CVS?
- Re: Speech-Dispatcher via CVS?
- Speech-Dispatcher vi CVS?
- main iptables problem solved. was locked out of system
- Successful Debian install...Now what?
- Successful Debian install...Now what?
- my podracer script
- redhat 7 with speakup question
- Successful Debian install...Now what?
- debian etch tools
- Successful Debian install...Now what?
- Debian install with Software Speech?
- Debian install with Software Speech?
- Successful Debian install...Now what?
- Debian install with Software Speech?
- Debian install with Software Speech?
- Debian install with Software Speech?
- GRML: Loss of speech after upgrade?
- Speech Dispatcher bugfixes, request for help with testing
- GRML: Loss of speech after upgrade?
- spelling was Re: GRML swspeak?
- Debian install with Software Speech?
- Debian install with Software Speech?
- Debian install with Software Speech?
- spelling was Re: GRML swspeak?
- redhat 7 with speakup question
- redhat 7 with speakup question
- Test, please ignore.
- DecTalk PC Reading Program
- redhat 7 with speakup question
- Speakup and grml spelling
- Speech Dispatcher bugfixes, request for help with testing
- spelling was Re: GRML swspeak?
- DecTalk PC Reading Program
- Speakup and grml spelling
- From: keithint38 at
- GRML swspeak?
- modified fedora and software speech
- modified fedora and software speech
- help with a bash script
- help with a bash script
- spelling was Re: GRML swspeak?
- GRML swspeak?
- spelling was Re: GRML swspeak?
- Recompiling the GRML kernel
- spelling was Re: GRML swspeak?
- From: Albert E. Sten-Clanton
- GRML swspeak?
- spelling was Re: GRML swspeak?
- spelling was Re: GRML swspeak?
- spelling was Re: GRML swspeak?
- From: Albert E. Sten-Clanton
- Directory Services and linux
- dectalk express and kernel 2.6.20
- OT: Directory Services and linux
- DecTalk PC Reading Program
- modified fedora and software speech
- upgrading from apache to apache2 under debian
- GRML installed to HD
- upgrading from apache to apache2 under debian
- GRML installed to HD
- spelling was Re: GRML swspeak?
- GRML swspeak?
- modified fedora and software speech
- GRML swspeak?
- GRML swspeak?
- GRML installed to HD
- spelling was Re: GRML swspeak?
- GRML swspeak?
- GRML swspeak?
- From: Albert E. Sten-Clanton
- GRML swspeak?
- GRML swspeak?
- Speakup and Orca
- windows files to linux?
- Speakup and Orca
- Debian install with Software Speech?
- Debian install with Software Speech?
- Debian install with Software Speech?
- Debian install with Software Speech?
- debian etch CD installation issues and installing gcc and development tools
- windows files to linux?
- flite with speakup config?
- Unregular reading when reading the whole screen
- Speaku is not loaded at startup
- Speaku is not loaded at startup
- Cursor parking?
- flite with speakup config?
- Speakup kernel patch dropped from Ububtu Gutsy
- a few questions about packages on modified speakup
- a few questions about packages on modified speakup
- a few questions about packages on modified speakup
- a few questions about packages on modified speakup
- flite with speakup config?
- flite with speakup config?
- Cursor parking?
- Cursor parking?
- TeX
- ubuntu wifikey question
- Alsa and software speech
- three hds? is this possible?
- TeX
- three hds? is this possible?
- three hds? is this possible?
- TeX
- TeX
- TeX
- help with a bash script
- Another test
- Another test
- help with a bash script
- help with a bash script
- help with a bash script
- help with a bash script
- help with a bash script
- help with a bash script
- help with a bash script
- help with a bash script
- ubuntu wifikey question
- Alsa and software speech
- my system earlier was hacked
- Alsa and software speech
- patching 2.6.21 with speakup
- patching 2.6.21 with speakup
- patching 2.6.21 with speakup
- patching 2.6.21 with speakup
- Dectalk PC kernel module available
- alsa questions?
- security precautionswith iptables?
- security precautionswith iptables?
- security precautionswith iptables?
- security precautionswith iptables?
- alsa questions?
- for travis
- security precautionswith iptables?
- linux still dying;potential errors
- shell script request? possibly?
- shell script request? possibly?
- shell script request? possibly?
- alsa questions?
- linux still dying;potential errors
- linux still dying;potential errors
- shell script request? possibly?
- shell script request? possibly?
- main iptables problem solved. was locked out of system
- shell script request? possibly?
- linux still dying;potential errors
- linux still dying;potential errors
- alsa questions?
- linux still dying;potential errors
- linux still dying;potential errors
- linux still dying;potential errors
- linux still dying;potential errors
- linux still dying;potential errors
- linux still dying;potential errors
- linux still dying;potential errors
- linux still dying;potential errors
- linux still dying;potential errors
- alsa questions?
- linux still dying;potential errors
- linux still dying;potential errors
- alsa questions?
- heretical thoughts was Re: Speakup dropped from Ubuntu
- heretical thoughts was Re: Speakup dropped from Ubuntu
- heretical thoughts was Re: Speakup dropped from Ubuntu
- heretical thoughts was Re: Speakup dropped from Ubuntu
- three hds? is this possible?
- grml 1.0 and dectalk
- grml 1.0 and dectalk
- From: josh at
- three hds? is this possible?
- three hds? is this possible?
- three hds? is this possible?
- three hds? is this possible?
- three hds? is this possible?
- three hds? is this possible?
- three hds? is this possible?
- three hds? is this possible?
- three hds? is this possible?
- heretical thoughts was Re: Speakup dropped from Ubuntu
- From: Albert E. Sten-Clanton
- heretical thoughts was Re: Speakup dropped from Ubuntu
- heretical thoughts was Re: Speakup dropped from Ubuntu
- heretical thoughts was Re: Speakup dropped from Ubuntu
- heretical thoughts was Re: Speakup dropped from Ubuntu
- heretical thoughts was Re: Speakup dropped from Ubuntu
- heretical thoughts was Re: Speakup dropped from Ubuntu
- heretical thoughts was Re: Speakup dropped from Ubuntu
- heretical thoughts was Re: Speakup dropped from Ubuntu
- heretical thoughts was Re: Speakup dropped from Ubuntu
- From: Albert E. Sten-Clanton
- heretical thoughts was Re: Speakup dropped from Ubuntu
- heretical thoughts was Re: Speakup dropped from Ubuntu
- heretical thoughts was Re: Speakup dropped from Ubuntu
- Speakup kernel patch dropped from Ububtu Gutsy
- Speakup kernel patch dropped from Ububtu Gutsy
- Speakup kernel patch dropped from Ububtu Gutsy
- Speakup kernel patch dropped from Ububtu Gutsy
- Speakup kernel patch dropped from Ububtu Gutsy
- heretical thoughts was Re: Speakup dropped from Ubuntu
- Speakup kernel patch dropped from Ububtu Gutsy
- Speakup kernel patch dropped from Ububtu Gutsy
- Speakup kernel patch dropped from Ububtu Gutsy
- Speakup kernel patch dropped from Ububtu Gutsy
- Speakup kernel patch dropped from Ububtu Gutsy
- Speakup kernel patch dropped from Ububtu Gutsy
- Jupiter with Softsynths?
- Problem logging in as root
- High-Frequency at The Bottom?
- Problem loggin asor ot
- Problem loggin asor ot
- speakup debian iso location
- mailman config
- a few questions about packages on modified speakup
- Problem logging in as root
- Problem logging in as root
- Problem loggin asor ot
- mailman config
- Jupiter with Softsynths?
- High-Frequency at The Bottom?
- High-Frequency at The Bottom?
- new speakup debian iso rave and question
- new speakup debian iso rave and question
- new speakup debian iso rave and question
- new speakup debian iso rave and question
- fedora livecd
- frozen messages in mailq, think they're clogging smtp
- yum problems
- fedora livecd
- problem running speakup
- a pdftotext question?
- DecTalk and DosEmu
- what door or window did I leave open?
- what door or window did I leave open?
- fedora livecd
- DecTalk and DosEmu
- DecTalk and DosEmu
- command line imm programs
- fedora and orca
- what door or window did I leave open this time?
- command line imm programs
- fedora and orca
- what door or window did I leave open this time?
- Compiling kernel module for dectalk pc for Centos
- Compiling kernel module for dectalk pc for Centos
- Compiling kernel module for dectalk pc for Centos
- Compiling kernel module for dectalk pc for Centos
- Talking Myth TV?
- For you Ubuntu fans:
- Talking Myth TV?
- Help with dtpc.o for Centos 5
- Ethernet card Problem
- Address of fast speakup cvs mirror
- yum problems
- small problem with yum after reinstalling fedora core 6
- Ethernet card Problem
- ethernet problem
- Ethernet card Problem
- New mailling list practices
- Read all problem
- need tips for accessing Orkut with ELinks
- small problem with yum after reinstalling fedora core 6
- samba and deb problems.
- grml question...
- New mailling list practices
- New mailling list practices
- anyone know of a commandline instantmsg app
- problem may be partially resolved.
- weird mail errors
- Fedora Live & Orca
- anyone know of a commandline instantmsg app
- forcefsck question
- new debian etch speakup works with dectalk express
- linux connection dying
- linux connection dying
- verizon and debian
- Ethernet card Problem
- fedora livecd
- ethernet problem
- Ethernet card Problem
- Ethernet card Problem
- Ethernet card Problem
- Ethernet card Problem
- Fedor live cd
- Problems with speechd-up-0.4
- Problems with speechd-up-0.4
- Fedora question
- Ethernet card Problem
- Test Message
- Test Message
- Fonix DecTalk RT
- dtpc.o for Centos 5
- linux connection dying?
- linux connection dying?
- linux connection dying?
- linux connection dying?
- Curiocity
- Curiocity
- Curiocity
- Curiocity
- Curiocity
- php5 and mail problems?
- Speakup Ubuntu module suggestion
- Speakup Ubuntu module suggestion
- Speakup Ubuntu module suggestion
- Speakup Ubuntu module suggestion
- Speakup Ubuntu module suggestion
- the joy of procmail was Re: off-topic posts
- off-topic posts
- Speakup Ubuntu module suggestion
- the joy of procmail was Re: off-topic posts
- the joy of procmail was Re: off-topic posts
- off-topic posts
- the joy of procmail was Re: off-topic posts
- off-topic posts
- off-topic posts
- Speakup and Vi clones
- Speakup and Vi clones
- From: Albert E. Sten-Clanton
- Ubuntu modules for speakup, and other questions for Luke-Themuso
- Ubuntu modules for speakup, and other questions for Luke-Themuso
- Speakup and Vi clones
- off-topic posts
- off-topic posts
- off-topic posts
- off-topic posts
- off-topic posts
- Espeak on Ubuntu 7.4
- speakup and feisty
- Unable to use espeak with orca
- Ubuntu, and Speakup
- Ubuntu, and Speakup
- php5 and mail problems?
- Unable to use espeak with orca
- Ubuntu, and Speakup
- Unable to use espeak with orca
- the linux core;tutorials and etc
- Unable to use espeak with orca
- Unable to use espeak with orca
- Ubuntu, and Speakup
- Ubuntu, and Speakup
- the linux core;tutorials and etc
- the linux core;tutorials and etc
- the linux core;tutorials and etc
- Speechd-up question
- browsers, was Re: ot perhaps, spell checkers for pine?
- ot perhaps, spell checkers for pine?
- active sync for linux
- Ubuntu
- Ubuntu
- active sync for linux
- Ubuntu, latest version with Speakup support?
- Ubuntu, latest version with Speakup support?
- active sync for linux
- Ubuntu, latest version with Speakup support?
- possible error
- active sync for linux
- active sync for linux
- dumb question
- install help
- install help
- From: lists at
- ot: install help
- From: lists at
- install help
- Braille display advice
- pci or usb synth
- ot: install help
- pci or usb synth
- pci or usb synth
- ubuntu 7.4
- From: lists at
- pci or usb synth
- pci or USB synth
- pci or usb synth
- Cambium Learning Technologies/KESI Engineering Position
- pci or USB synth
- pci or usb synth
- OT: Usenet services
- command to change to a different user
- command to change to a different user
- Quick Programs Menu
- Quick Programs Menu
- File Manager with associations?
- command line option in speakup to change synthisizer options
- command line option in speakup to change synthisizer options
- Useful linux tip
- command line option in speakup to change synthisizer options
- OT: Usenet services
- Useful linux tip
- Stopping Speakup while using Gnome.
- Stopping Speakup while using Gnome.
- command line option in speakup to change synthisizer options
- Stopping Speakup while using Gnome.
- command line option in speakup to change synthisizer options
- Ubuntu 704 and speech.
- command line option in speakup to change synthisizer options
- From: Albert E. Sten-Clanton
- Stopping Speakup while using Gnome.
- Ubuntu 704 and speech.
- command line option in speakup to change synthisizer options
- Ubuntu 704 and speech.
- From: Kostas Theodoropoulos
- Ubuntu 704 and speech.
- question on debian etch speakup net installation
- Stopping Speakup while using Gnome.
- Ubuntu 704 and speech.
- From: Kostas Theodoropoulos
- Fedora
- Fedora
- Fedora
- Oralux CD
- ot: current weather conditions
- ot: current weather conditions
- VmWare
- VmWare
- VmWare
- VmWare
- OT: For Gregory Nowak
- VmWare
- ot: current weather conditions
- Fw: installing ubuntu with vmware
- VmWare
- VmWare
- VmWare
- VmWare
- ot: current weather conditions
- VmWare
- OT: For Gregory Nowak
- VmWare
- Fedora
- VmWare
- VmWare
- VmWare
- installing ubuntu with vmware
- From: jaffar at
- Fedora
- Where To Get Ubuntu 7.04? Was: Re: VmWare
- Where To Get Ubuntu 7.04? Was: Re: VmWare
- From: talmage at
- Where To Get Ubuntu 7.04? Was: Re: VmWare
- VmWare
- VmWare
- VmWare
- wine and speakup
- VmWare
- VmWare
- Oralux CD
- console apps for playing swf
- VmWare
- VmWare
- VmWare
- VmWare
- VmWare
- VmWare
- VmWare
- VmWare
- console apps for playing swf
- wine and speakup
- wine and speakup
- wine and speakup
- wine and speakup
- wine and speakup
- speakup modified etch install
- Thinkpad Saga Continues
- odd messages I get in fedora core 6 and subgestion for installation how to
- Thinkpad Saga Continues
- Thinkpad Saga Continues
- just one more test
- test please ignore
- DECTalk Express driver
- ubuntu live CD and software speech
- next etch net-install cd
- OT: mutt question
- DECTalk Express driver
- DECTalk Express driver
- ot: ubuntu development
- Thinkpad Saga Continues
- Thinkpad Saga Continues
- Thinkpad Saga Continues
- Thinkpad Saga Continues
- Thinkpad Saga Continues
- Thinkpad Saga Continues
- Thinkpad Saga Continues
- next etch net-install cd
- next etch net-install cd
- Thinkpad Saga Continues
- Thinkpad Saga Continues
- linux, windows and vmware
- linux, windows and vmware
- linux, windows and vmware
- linux, windows and vmware
- linux, windows and vmware
- linux, windows and vmware
- debian etch netinstall 32 bit iso like is already provided for sarge release
- linux, windows and vmware
- linux, windows and vmware
- linux, windows and vmware
- linux, windows and vmware
- From: l84ad8r at
- podracer with debian updates
- The gnome and orca interface - was: About Ubuntu
- errors when reinstalling kernel-2.6.19 on fedora core 6
- errors when reinstalling kernel-2.6.19 on fedora core 6
- errors when reinstalling kernel-2.6.19 on fedora core 6
- errors when reinstalling kernel-2.6.19 on fedora core 6
- starting software speech automatically at boot
- restarting anaconda to install another set of packages
- rpm of kernel source 2.6.19
- about the latest ubuntu
- about the latest ubuntu
- dectalk express drivers
- now speakup won't speak on my fedora core 6 installation
- for those who hate cell phones
- memtest86
- looking for old laptop
- about the latest ubuntu
- looking for old laptop
- about the latest ubuntu
- about the latest ubuntu
- about the latest ubuntu
- From: talmage at
- about the latest ubuntu
- From: talmage at
- about the latest ubuntu
- about the latest ubuntu
- about the latest ubuntu
- about the latest ubuntu
- eSpeak 1.22 now available
- From: Jonathan Duddington
- about the latest ubuntu
- about the latest ubuntu
- OT: mutt question
- about the latest ubuntu
- From: talmage at
- about the latest ubuntu
- dectalk express drivers
- about the latest ubuntu
- about the latest ubuntu
- OT: mutt question
- dectalk express drivers
- From: josh at
- about the latest ubuntu
- about the latest ubuntu
- about the latest ubuntu
- about the latest ubuntu
- about the latest ubuntu
- about the latest ubuntu
- From: talmage at
- about the latest ubuntu
- about the latest ubuntu
- about the latest ubuntu
- about the latest ubuntu
- about the latest ubuntu
- about the latest ubuntu
- console apps for playing swf
- about the latest ubuntu
- about the latest ubuntu
- about the latest ubuntu
- console apps for playing swf
- about the latest ubuntu
- console apps for playing swf
- grub question on fedora core 6 and debian etch system
- best boot loader to use
- console apps for playing swf
- OT: mutt question
- OT: mutt question
- status of installs without serial ports
- OT: Recommendations for system monitoring tool
- (OT): Accerciser 0.1.0 (stretch) RPM Available
- OT: a speakup success story (Re: couple linux(deb) questions)
- OT: a speakup success story (Re: couple linux(deb) questions)
- OT: a speakup success story (Re: couple linux(deb) questions)
- OT: Recommendations for system monitoring tool
- console apps for playing swf
- OT: a speakup success story (Re: couple linux(deb) questions)
- now speakup won't speak on my fedora core 6 installation
- small warning messages on fedora core 6 kernel installation
- small warning messages on fedora core 6 kernel installation
- about the latest ubuntu
- about the latest ubuntu
- about the latest ubuntu
- OT: mutt question
- couple linux(deb) questions
- looking for source?
- OT: mutt question
- From: Albert E. Sten-Clanton
- grub question on fedora core 6 and debian etch system
- couple linux(deb) questions
- couple linux(deb) questions
- couple linux(deb) questions
- mailman questions
- OT: mutt question
- mailman questions
- couple linux(deb) questions
- couple linux(deb) questions
- looking for a program?
- looking for a program?
- small warning messages on fc6
- looking for a program?
- looking for a program?
- OT: mutt question
- From: Albert E. Sten-Clanton
- small warning messages on fedora core 6 kernel installation
- From: Albert E. Sten-Clanton
- speakup crashing problem
- speakup crashing problem
- small warning messages on fedora core 6 kernel installation
- speakup crashing problem
- small warning messages on fedora core 6 kernel installation
- From: Albert E. Sten-Clanton
- speakup crashing problem
- now speakup won't speak on my fedora core 6 installation
- speakup crashing problem
- speakup crashing problem
- speakup crashing problem
- small warning messages on fedora core 6 kernel installation
- couple linux(deb) questions
- couple linux(deb) questions
- couple linux(deb) questions
- couple linux(deb) questions
- couple linux(deb) questions
- couple linux(deb) questions
- best boot loader to use
- couple linux(deb) questions
- couple linux(deb) questions
- couple linux(deb) questions
- couple linux(deb) questions
- couple linux(deb) questions
- best boot loader to use
- apparently resolved yum update problem
- From: Albert E. Sten-Clanton
- looking for source?
- looking for source?
- looking for source?
- looking for source?
- ldap library for fedora core 6
- grub question on fedora core 6 and debian etch system
- grub question on fedora core 6 and debian etch system
- dont-init-tables again
- dont-init-tables again
- grub question on fedora core 6 and debian etch system
- From: Albert E. Sten-Clanton
- grub question on fedora core 6 and debian etch system
- grub question on fedora core 6 and debian etch system
- From: Albert E. Sten-Clanton
- iptables?
- grub question on fedora core 6 and debian etch system
- iptables?
- Elinks and Speakup support
- newby mail problems
- From: lists at
- newby mail problems
- Elinks and Speakup support
- Elinks and Speakup support
- iptables?
- iptables?
- speakup desktop again
- Elinks and Speakup support
- OpenMoko
- FTP Packets
- Elinks and Speakup support
- debian and fedora core
- speakup desktop again
- speakup desktop again
- iptables?
- Don't-init-tables
- speakup desktop again
- speakup desktop again
- Don't-init-tables
- iptables?
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