Hi guys This is going to seem a bit odd, but I'll ask anyway. I'm looking for an old laptop with a serial port. The entire purpose for this laptop would be for it to be used as a serial terminal into other UNIX systems, servers for the most part (in particular it would be used for the installation of such systems before the network is running. For this kind of thing I'm looking for an old laptop that someone is willing to get rid of cheap. The only requirements, other than the fact that it has to work, are for it to have a working serial port, audio card, and hard drive (size doesn't matter in this case so it doesn't have to be a big hd). I'd hope for a working cdrom and/or floppy drive though this isn't required, as I could install the system from another computer with a laptop hd adapter. A working battery would be nice but is not required by any means, as long as I get the AC Adapter with it. And, yes, I could go out and buy a new laptop and a USB serial converter, but if that's all I'm going to use it for there's very little point to doing that. I already have a laptop, iBook to be exact, that I use for normal purposes. So, anyone got any old junk like this they'd be willing to part with? Thanks