Hello, we have fixed some bugs in Speech Dispatcher which might have caused Speech Dispatcher and SpeechD-Up crashing often under some circumstances. For those who have experienced these problems, could you please test and verify that these problems were fixed in the current CVS version? We've also created .tar.gz and .deb packages for easier installation: Tarball: http://www.freebsoft.org/~hanke/speech-dispatcher-beta/speech-dispatcher-0.6.3test2.tar.gz Debian: http://www.freebsoft.org/pub/projects/speechd/snapshot-debian/ (version For proper testing, it is important to intall both Speech Dispatcher and libspeechd. Thank you, Hynek Hanke -- NOVINKA speci?ln? pro mu?e - 20% SLEVA- Lycopen Vitamin E + Selen Sn??en? rizika rakoviny prostaty! http://www.sportobchod.cz/lycopen-vitamin-e-selen.htm