Linux Speakup
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- Comments Regarding Gnome Accessibility
- Debian Questions
- Creating a Custom Kernel on Debian
- Comments Regarding Gnome Accessibility
- Creating a Custom Kernel on Debian
- Creating a Custom Kernel on Debian
- Creating a Custom Kernel on Debian
- Creating a Custom Kernel on Debian
- reconfiguring xserver-xorg (xorg.conf)
- Debian Questions
- Debian Questions
- Debian Questions
- Debian Questions
- Debian Questions
- Debian Questions
- if not skype, what?
- if not skype, what?
- espeakup v0.1 released
- Debian Questions
- espeakup v0.1 released
- espeakup v0.1 released
- Speakup source?
- Speech Dispatcher 0.6.7 Released
- your mail
- Scrollback and DEC-Talk Express
- No subject
- Scrollback and DEC-Talk Express
- espeakup v0.1 released
- From: Willem van der Walt
- Debian Questions
- Debian Questions
- Debian Questions
- espeakup v0.1 released
- Debian Questions
- Speakup source?
- Debian Questions
- Debian Questions
- Debian Questions
- Debian Questions
- Debian Questions
- Speakup source?
- Debian Questions
- Debian Questions
- Scrollback and DEC-Talk Express
- Debian Questions
- Scrollback and DEC-Talk Express
- espeakup v0.1 released
- Debian Questions
- Debian Questions
- Debian Questions
- hardware synthesizer
- speech-dispatcher
- Initial success with Espeakup
- From: William F. Acker WB2FLW +1-303-722-7209
- reconfiguring xserver-xorg (xorg.conf)
- control vs keypad enter (was Re: Initial success with Espeakup)
- control vs keypad enter (was Re: Initial success with Espeakup)
- Initial success with Espeakup
- Initial success with Espeakup
- reconfiguring xserver-xorg (xorg.conf)
- Initial success with Espeakup
- Initial success with Espeakup
- laptop layout
- speech-dispatcher
- espeakup v0.1 released
- hardware synthesizer
- Scrollback and DEC-Talk Express
- Scrollback and DEC-Talk Express
- Obtaining Debian
- Obtaining Debian
- Obtaining Debian
- Obtaining Debian
- Obtaining Debian
- Obtaining Debian
- Obtaining Debian
- Obtaining Debian
- Obtaining Debian
- Obtaining Debian
- Obtaining Debian
- Obtaining Debian
- Obtaining Debian
- reconfiguring xserver-xorg (xorg.conf)
- reconfiguring xserver-xorg (xorg.conf)
- reconfiguring xserver-xorg (xorg.conf)
- alsa-lib-devel
- Ubuntu
- All speakup mirrors down
- reconfiguring xserver-xorg (xorg.conf)
- reconfiguring xserver-xorg (xorg.conf)
- reconfiguring xserver-xorg (xorg.conf)
- reconfiguring xserver-xorg (xorg.conf)
- Obtaining Debian
- From: Kristoffer Gustafsson
- laptop layout
- Obtaining Debian
- Obtaining Debian
- From: Kristoffer Gustafsson
- Obtaining Debian
- Ubuntu
- getting logwatch forwards
- All speakup mirrors down
- Obtaining Debian
- Alternate Git Repository
- reconfiguring xserver-xorg (xorg.conf)
- reconfiguring xserver-xorg (xorg.conf)
- reconfiguring xserver-xorg (xorg.conf)
- reconfiguring xserver-xorg (xorg.conf)
- reconfiguring xserver-xorg (xorg.conf)
- reconfiguring xserver-xorg (xorg.conf)
- reconfiguring xserver-xorg (xorg.conf)
- reconfiguring xserver-xorg (xorg.conf)
- reconfiguring xserver-xorg (xorg.conf)
- reconfiguring xserver-xorg (xorg.conf)
- reconfiguring xserver-xorg (xorg.conf)
- reconfiguring xserver-xorg (xorg.conf)
- reconfiguring xserver-xorg (xorg.conf)
- reconfiguring xserver-xorg (xorg.conf)
- reconfiguring xserver-xorg (xorg.conf)
- reconfiguring xserver-xorg (xorg.conf)
- laptop layout
- intro and questions
- laptop layout
- laptop layout
- laptop layout
- intro and questions
- intro and questions
- intro and questions
- intro and questions
- intro and questions
- Scrollback and DEC-Talk Express
- question on speakup-source debian package
- intro and questions
- intro and questions
- intro and questions
- intro and questions
- Alternate Git Repository
- Alternate Git Repository
- intro and questions
- Alternate Git Repository
- Alternate Git Repository
- Alternate Git Repository
- Alternate Git Repository
- intro and questions
- intro and questions
- intro and questions
- grml 1.1 and eeepc
- Corrupted filesystem: what are my pptions?
- question on speakup-source debian package
- question on speakup-source debian package
- question on speakup-source debian package
- question on speakup-source debian package
- question on speakup-source debian package
- DecTalk-and-A-Newer Speakup
- Scrollback and DEC-Talk Express
- Scrollback and DEC-Talk Express
- grml 1.1 and eeepc
- question on speakup-source debian package
- installing via serial
- question on speakup-source debian package
- installing via serial
- question on speakup-source debian package
- installing via serial
- Latest Debian snapshot
- Latest Debian snapshot
- Latest Debian snapshot
- irc
- Latest Debian snapshot
- irc
- debian packages question
- Latest Debian snapshot
- Latest Debian snapshot
- Latest Debian snapshot
- Latest Debian snapshot
- mplayer connandline options
- installing via serial
- installing via serial
- installing via serial
- installing via serial
- Debian package snapshot
- mplayer connandline options
- on debian lenny has anyone tried installing podracer lately?
- CentOS
- CentOS
- CentOS
- on debian lenny has anyone tried installing podracer lately?
- irc
- irc
- Debian ist kaput, revisited...
- installing via serial
- installing via serial
- installing via serial
- irc
- irc
- irc
- booting grub from cd
- booting grub from cd
- Removable disc connection problem
- Debian ist kaput, revisited...
- Debian ist kaput, revisited...
- irc
- irc
- irc
- irc
- irc
- Debian ist kaput, revisited...
- floating serial ports issue fixed
- Debian ist kaput, revisited...
- booting grub from cd
- Debian ist kaput, revisited...
- booting grub from cd
- floating serial ports issue fixed
- booting grub from cd
- floating serial ports issue fixed
- Debian ist kaput, revisited...
- Removable disc connection problem
- Debian Ist Kaput!
- booting grub from cd
- Debian Ist Kaput!
- speakup in initrd to get speech for root mount
- Debian Ist Kaput!
- Debian Ist Kaput!
- Debian Ist Kaput!
- Debian Ist Kaput!
- Removable disc connection problem
- Strange Debian sources.list quirk?
- Strange Debian sources.list quirk?
- Strange Debian sources.list quirk?
- duo boot systems...revisited, i think?
- duo boot systems...revisited, i think?
- duo boot systems...revisited, i think?
- duo boot systems...revisited, i think?
- duo boot systems...revisited, i think?
- Problems with latest git speakup as modules?
- duo boot systems...revisited, i think?
- Removable disc connection problem
- Removable disc connection problem
- Fw: information on making speakup work with soft synths
- problems updating to kernel
- can't boot with latest speakup.git
- speakup slackware 12.1 question
- Shane's kernels
- Shane's kernels
- From: Foreign White Devil
- duo boot systems...revisited, i think?
- From: Kristoffer Gustafsson
- duo boot systems...revisited, i think?
- duo boot systems...revisited, i think?
- Shane's kernels
- Shane's kernels
- Shane's kernels
- Shane's kernels
- duo boot systems...revisited, i think?
- duo boot systems...revisited, i think?
- Shane's kernels
- Shane's kernels
- From: Kristoffer Gustafsson
- Shane's kernels
- Shane's kernels
- From: Foreign White Devil
- Shane's kernels
- From: Foreign White Devil
- Shane's kernels
- Shane's kernels
- Shane's kernels
- Shane's kernels
- trying to fix long cursor delays in latest speakup.git
- trying to fix long cursor delays in latest speakup.git
- From: William F. Acker WB2FLW +1-303-722-7209
- trying to fix long cursor delays in latest speakup.git
- Shane's kernels
- Shane's kernels
- ot: fedora sulphur has no sound
- Shane's kernels
- Shane's kernels
- Shane's kernels
- ot: fedora sulphur has no sound
- status of speakup support for espeak
- From: Willem van der Walt
- Shane's kernels
- From: Foreign White Devil
- Best distro
- status of speakup support for espeak
- Initial success with Speakup Debian package
- Best distro
- Best distro
- information on making speakup work with soft synths
- information on making speakup work with soft synths
- information on making speakup work with soft synths
- information on making speakup work with soft synths
- information on making speakup work with soft synths
- information on making speakup work with soft synths
- Shane's kernels
- my email from Satorday?
- my email from Satorday?
- information on making speakup work with soft synths
- information on making speakup work with soft synths
- Shane's kernels (was: Best distro)
- information on making speakup work with soft synths
- information on making speakup work with soft synths
- information on making speakup work with soft synths
- status of speakup support for espeak
- Speakup in Debian Installer
- Speakup in Debian Installer
- Best distro
- Best distro
- Best distro
- From: Foreign White Devil
- Best distro
- Best distro
- From: Foreign White Devil
- Best distro
- From: Foreign White Devil
- Speech Dispatcher 0.6.7 Release Candidate 1 (request for help with testing)
- status of speakup support for espeak
- From: William F. Acker WB2FLW +1-303-722-7209
- Best distro
- Best distro
- Best distro
- Best distro
- Best distro
- Best distro
- From: Foreign White Devil
- Best distro
- slackware 12.1 and ltlk synthesizer
- information on making speakup work with soft synths
- status of speakup support for espeak
- eSpeak and Festival
- From: Jonathan Duddington
- status of speakup support for espeak
- information on making speakup work with soft synths
- status of speakup support for espeak
- OT: Comcast email is driving me crazy!!!
- soudeast site is down
- smp testing
- Creating Speakup for FreeBSD
- Creating Speakup for FreeBSD
- information on making speakup work with soft synths
- status of speakup support for espeak
- From: Kristoffer Gustafsson
- status of speakup support for espeak
- status of speakup support for espeak
- status of speakup support for espeak
- cutcrap?
- status of speakup support for espeak
- From: Kristoffer Gustafsson
- status of speakup support for espeak
- status of speakup support for espeak
- no sound on fedora 9
- From: DON.RAIKES at
- Creating Speakup for FreeBSD
- Creating Speakup for FreeBSD
- cutcrap?
- cutcrap?
- starting software speech at boot up
- starting software speech at boot up
- starting software speech at boot up
- getting started with speakup out of git
- starting software speech at boot up
- starting software speech at boot up
- getting started with speakup out of git
- starting software speech at boot up
- getting started with speakup out of git
- getting started with speakup out of git
- getting started with speakup out of git
- getting started with speakup out of git
- getting started with speakup out of git
- getting started with speakup out of git
- getting started with speakup out of git
- getting started with speakup out of git
- getting started with speakup out of git
- getting started with speakup out of git
- getting started with speakup out of git
- From: Willem van der Walt
- getting started with speakup out of git
- speakup git url
- speakup in gentoo, and speakup coming back to SystemRescueCD
- speakup in gentoo, and speakup coming back to SystemRescueCD
- Asking For SpeakUpp Fedora 6 Download URL
- From: William F. Acker WB2FLW +1-303-722-7209
- Asking For SpeakUpp Fedora 6 Download URL
- From: SunUgerdodge & ProsBrilliantes
- Starting speakup in F9.
- Starting speakup in F9.
- speakup git url
- Help Me To Download Speak Up Modified For Fedora 6
- From: SunUgerdodge & ProsBrilliantes
- rsync resources?
- experience with speakup git of today tusing 2.6.25-gentoo-r5
- thanks for "screen"
- rsync resources?
- rsync resources?
- speechd-up in debian SID
- experience with speakup git of today tusing 2.6.25-gentoo-r5
- experience with speakup git of today tusing 2.6.25-gentoo-r5
- experience with speakup git of today tusing 2.6.25-gentoo-r5
- experience with speakup git of today tusing 2.6.25-gentoo-r5
- experience with speakup git of today tusing 2.6.25-gentoo-r5
- experience with speakup git of today tusing 2.6.25-gentoo-r5
- experience with speakup git of today tusing 2.6.25-gentoo-r5
- rsync resources?
- rsync resources?
- rsync resources?
- unable to install speakup to gentoo 2.6.25-gentoo-r5
- Please Use Dates in Bugs.txt
- Please Use Dates in Bugs.txt
- Please Use Dates in Bugs.txt
- Please Use Dates in Bugs.txt
- Fixes, please test!
- Fixes, please test!
- speechd-up in debian SID
- Fixes, please test!
- speechd-up in debian SID
- flush and buffering updates -- please test.
- dectalk drivers
- using wireless with debian?
- using wireless with debian?
- dectalk drivers
- dectalk drivers
- speechd-up in debian SID
- More on UTF-8 issues
- From: Willem van der Walt
- flush and buffering updates -- please test.
- flush and buffering updates -- please test.
- speechd-up in debian SID
- speechd-up in debian SID
- More on UTF-8 issues
- speechd-up in debian SID
- flush and buffering updates -- please test.
- flush and buffering updates -- please test.
- Speakup Differential Pronounciation Of Strange Characters
- flush and buffering updates -- please test.
- Speakup Differential Pronounciation Of Strange Characters
- solution found for the weird characters in console
- using wireless with debian?
- solution found for the weird characters in console
- using wireless with debian?
- using wireless with debian?
- using wireless with debian?
- using wireless with debian?
- using wireless with debian?
- using wireless with debian?
- using wireless with debian?
- Scroll lock bug
- using wireless with debian?
- using wireless with debian?
- using wireless with debian?
- using wireless with debian?
- using wireless with debian?
- using wireless with debian?
- using wireless with debian?
- using wireless with debian?
- Weird Characters (was: a quick question)
- Keyboards - oh, the clickyness (was:Re: Anyone know what is happening in DebianLenny?)
- a quick question
- a quick question
- a quick question
- a quick question
- a quick question
- a quick question
- a quick question
- a quick question
- a quick question
- a quick question
- a quick question
- Keyboards - oh, the clickyness (was:Re: Anyone know what is happening in DebianLenny?)
- Keyboards - oh, the clickyness (was:Re: Anyone know what is happening in DebianLenny?)
- Keyboards - oh, the clickyness (was:Re: Anyone know what is happening in DebianLenny?)
- Keyboards - oh, the clickyness (was:Re: Anyone know what is happening in Debian Lenny?)
- Anyone know what is happening in Debian Lenny?
- Keyboards - oh, the clickyness (was:Re: Anyone know what is happening in Debian Lenny?)
- Anyone know what is happening in Debian Lenny?
- Keyboards - oh, the clickyness (was:Re: Anyone know what is happening in Debian Lenny?)
- Scroll lock bug
- spk-connect-ttsynth working under gentoo AMD64
- Scroll lock bug
- Anyone know what is happening in Debian Lenny?
- Anyone know what is happening in Debian Lenny?
- Anyone know what is happening in Debian Lenny?
- Anyone know what is happening in Debian Lenny?
- Anyone know what is happening in Debian Lenny?
- Anyone know what is happening in Debian Lenny?
- Anyone know what is happening in Debian Lenny?
- text console tools for audio processing
- Anyone know what is happening in Debian Lenny?
- From: chomiak7737 at
- Anyone know what is happening in Debian Lenny?
- Anyone know what is happening in Debian Lenny?
- Speakup and fsck
- Speakup Documentation
- Anyone know what is happening in Debian Lenny?
- Anyone know what is happening in Debian Lenny?
- From: Kristoffer Gustafsson
- Anyone know what is happening in Debian Lenny?
- Anyone know what is happening in Debian Lenny?
- Never mind...
- text console tools for audio processing
- Anyone know what is happening in Debian Lenny?
- Anyone know what is happening in Debian Lenny?
- Bug - speakup_synth being ignored
- Bug - speakup_synth being ignored
- Probable flush update problem in source
- Scroll lock bug
- Bug - speakup_synth being ignored
- Bug - speakup_synth being ignored
- Scroll lock bug
- Beeping grub in Ubuntu
- OT: bookshare bks-unpack again!!!
- From: chomiak7737 at
- Scroll lock bug
- text console tools for audio processing
- text console tools for audio processing
- text console tools for audio processing
- text console tools for audio processing
- Scroll lock bug
- text console tools for audio processing
- text console tools for audio processing
- OT: bookshare bks-unpack again!!!
- From: chomiak7737 at
- Not speaking number before letter "bug"?
- Not speaking number before letter "bug"?
- text console tools for audio processing
- text console tools for audio processing
- Not speaking number before letter "bug"?
- Scroll lock bug
- text console tools for audio processing
- text console tools for audio processing
- Scroll lock bug
- Not speaking number before letter "bug"?
- text console tools for audio processing
- Beeping grub in Ubuntu
- text console tools for audio processing
- Scroll lock bug
- Not speaking number before letter "bug"?
- text console tools for audio processing
- Scroll lock bug
- Beeping grub in Ubuntu
- Not speaking number before letter "bug"?
- Audio processing
- Audio processing
- Arecord Help Needed
- Arecord Help Needed
- Scroll lock bug
- Audio processing
- Scroll lock bug
- speakup ex_num
- Audio processing
- Audio processing
- Scroll lock bug
- Premption issue?
- git-clone problem
- git-clone problem
- git-clone problem
- OT: Comcast email is driving me crazy!!!
- OT: Comcast email is driving me crazy!!!
- From: chomiak7737 at
- OT: Comcast email is driving me crazy!!!
- From: chomiak7737 at
- OT: Comcast email is driving me crazy!!!
- Compilation Error (soft synth related?)
- OT: Comcast email is driving me crazy!!!
- OT: Comcast email is driving me crazy!!!
- OT: Comcast email is driving me crazy!!!
- From: chomiak7737 at
- Using USB sound in Ubuntu
- OT: Comcast email is driving me crazy!!!
- Question About Security Software for Ubuntu
- OT: Comcast email is driving me crazy!!!
- From: chomiak7737 at
- OT: Comcast email is driving me crazy!!!
- OT: Comcast email is driving me crazy!!!
- From: chomiak7737 at
- git-clone problem
- git-clone problem
- Tshark and like tools
- Question About Security Software for Ubuntu
- Compilation Error (soft synth related?)
- Question About Security Software for Ubuntu
- Using USB sound in Ubuntu
- Question About Security Software for Ubuntu
- Using USB sound in Ubuntu
- Tshark and like tools
- Tshark and like tools
- Question About Security Software for Ubuntu
- Question About Security Software for Ubuntu
- Question About Security Software for Ubuntu
- Question About Security Software for Ubuntu
- Question About Security Software for Ubuntu
- the otherjava script browser?
- Question About Security Software for Ubuntu
- Using USB sound in Ubuntu
- Using USB sound in Ubuntu
- Need help converting ReiserFs to HFS or Fat32
- Using USB sound in Ubuntu
- IBMTTS on slackware
- IBMTTS on slackware
- the otherjava script browser?
- the otherjava script browser?
- Need help converting ReiserFs to HFS or Fat32
- Need help converting ReiserFs to HFS or Fat32
- the otherjava script browser?
- From: Willem van der Walt
- the otherjava script browser?
- the otherjava script browser?
- the otherjava script browser?
- Need help converting ReiserFs to HFS or Fat32
- Need help converting ReiserFs to HFS or Fat32
- IBMTTS on slackware
- IBMTTS on slackware
- Update on Speakup Issue
- IBMTTS on slackware
- IBMTTS on slackware
- IBMTTS on slackware
- Update on Speakup Issue
- git-clone problem
- git-clone problem
- git-clone problem
- git-clone problem
- git-clone problem
- git-clone problem
- Update on Speakup Issue
- IBMTTS on slackware
- Braille Keyboard Program
- IBMTTS on slackware
- kittipan bunkrongphanit has invited you to open a Google mail account
- Braille Keyboard Program
- kittipan bunkrongphanit has invited you to open a Google mail account
- In search of a menu program.
- kittipan bunkrongphanit has invited you to open a Google mailaccount
- In search of a menu program.
- Braille Keyboard Program
- In search of a menu program.
- In search of a menu program.
- Braille Keyboard Program
- ot, remote gnu/linux admin jobs
- kittipan bunkrongphanit has invited you to open a Google mail account
- kittipan bunkrongphanit has invited you to open a Google mail account
- From: kittipan bunkrongphanit
- IBMTTS on slackware
- Installing Fedora 9 Via Telnet
- Issues with latest Speakup on
- Access to PDF and CHM files from within Shell
- IBMTTS on slackware
- Questions
- Questions
- Questions
- IBMTTS on slackware
- OT: comcast
- Issues with latest Speakup on
- OT: comcast
- OT: comcast
- From: DON.RAIKES at
- comcast
- OT: comcast
- From: chomiak7737 at
- Access to PDF and CHM files from within Shell
- IBMTTS on slackware
- IBMTTS on slackware
- new speakup git mirror
- IBMTTS on slackware
- How to get the entire log for Speakup
- Ubuntu Hardy Speakup Kernel
- How to get the entire log for Speakup
- IBMTTS on slackware
- new speakup git mirror
- speakup gets circular buffer support
- IBMTTS on slackware
- IBMTTS on slackware
- From: Willem van der Walt
- stty and Fedora 9
- From: Albert E. Sten-Clanton
- stty and Fedora 9
- IBMTTS on slackware
- IBMTTS on slackware
- redhat 9 install
- redhat 9 install
- redhat 9 install
- redhat 9 install
- Speakup not talking on grml 1.1 softsynth
- IBMTTS on slackware
- redhat 9 install
- redhat 9 install
- redhat 9 install
- stty and Fedora 9
- From: Albert E. Sten-Clanton
- Soft CPU lock errors
- Soft CPU lock errors
- Speakup not talking on grml 1.1 softsynth
- Speakup not talking on grml 1.1 softsynth
- Speakup not talking on grml 1.1 softsynth
- Speakup not talking on grml 1.1 softsynth
- Speakup not talking on grml 1.1 softsynth
- Speakup not talking on grml 1.1 softsynth
- Feedback on 3.0.3
- Characters and chartab
- Characters and chartab
- Feedback on 3.0.3
- speakup 3.0.3 is out
- speakup 3.0.3 is out
- From: Kristoffer Gustafsson
- speakup 3.0.3 is out
- speakup 3.0.3 is out
- speakup 3.0.3 is out
- From: Kristoffer Gustafsson
- speakup 3.0.3 is out
- speakup 3.0.3 is out
- From: Kristoffer Gustafsson
- speakup 3.0.3 is out
- speakup 3.0.3 is out
- From: Kristoffer Gustafsson
- speakup 3.0.3 is out
- From: Kristoffer Gustafsson
- speakup 3.0.3 is out
- speakup 3.0.3 is out
- From: Kristoffer Gustafsson
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