On Mon, Jul 21, 2008 at 03:28:27AM -0700, Tony Baechler wrote: > If I boot into kernel 1, or "Linux," I have the same problem as you. Yeah, that's a pretty strange error to have returned. I'm wondering what-all would cause and "Invalid argument" error now. File and ownership permissions were all okay. I'll reboot and try the keyboard controls for speed and volume, etc., and see if those work. I should have thought to check those, but didn't think of it until just now. > My /etc/rc.local also quit working. rc.local is run "set -e" which will exit immediately on any error. I have mine set up to use 'uname -r' to read the kernel name, so if it's Shane's kernel, to do things one way and address the /proc system, and if not, address the /sys system. ie: if [ `uname -r` != "Shane's kernel name" ]; then echo to /sys-modules else echo to /proc-modules fi Anyway, it keeps rc.local from quitting during setting up the synth on the Shane kernel, and addresses the correct modules. Also did it to some scripts in /usr/local/sbin, where I keep the synthesizer's speed, bolume, and default-settings controls. Actually, I did a: uname -r > /etc/proc-kernel ...while I was using Shane's kernel, and the real line in rc.local is" if [ `uname -r` != `cat /etc/proc-kernel` ]; then ...so I only have to change/create one proc-synth file in case I have to reinstall Etch from scratch again. Once I have scripts set up for something, I hate having to go in and re-edit them all over again. /usr/local is on it's own partition. That last Lenny update last night did something to the system after cron.daily had ran, I think, because I couldn't su into root until I had rebooted. Seems to be working okay now, though. If I boot into my old Linux kernel, everything works as > before. Both kernels, or both sets of modules, have the same bug where > speech will stop after about a screen and a half of text, say about 4 > KB. I haven't tried doing anything with git as I really don't feel like > compiling a new kernel package set again and it takes several hours. I > haven't figured how to pull from git and just compile modules but I > think module-assistant would do that if I could get it not to > automatically download the "latest" Speakup Debian source, which is > 3.0.2-20080517. Also, I want a stable set of Speakup modules and it > looks like the past few weeks are not stable yet. > _______________________________________________ > Speakup mailing list > Speakup at braille.uwo.ca > http://speech.braille.uwo.ca/mailman/listinfo/speakup >