Georgina Joyce wrote: > I'm having problems in accessing removable disks that have a fat32 file > system on my unstable debian system. I thought that it might be because > I've not selected something in my custom kernel but can't see what. > Maybe I need to write a udev rule but I can't get my head around that > but I'm just stabbing in the dark any ideas? > > usb 2-5: Product: VR Stream > usb 2-5: Manufacturer: Humanwre > Hi, First, you probably shouldn't include your serial number on public mailing lists. Have you tried using a card reader instead? The Stream should work in Linux but Humanware has said many times that using a card reader is the recommended, and much faster, way to copy books to the SD card. Also, although this seems obvious, make sure you do a full card format as FAT32. I've read various reviews that said that cards had to be reformatted several times before they worked correctly.