Daniel Dalton, le Wed 16 Jul 2008 08:15:11 +1000, a ?crit : > On Tue, Jul 15, 2008 at 11:50:57AM +0100, Samuel Thibault wrote: > > > I'm desperate to hear people talking on the debian-accessibility lists. > > I mentioned speechd-up inclution in debian there... and got no > replies... ?! I did reply. > So I guess that means my idea was rejected... Nope. As I said, it's mostly a lack of time. Mario asked several time for help maintaining the plethora of packages that he maintains, and got no answer, _that_ is the problem. > But that is such a small package isn't it? Small doesn't mean simple. Here, the maintainer will have to set the build deps and runtime deps, make sure it is by default correctly configured to discuss with speakup and speechd-dispatcher, etc. > I don't really see the point if no one replies. Again, I have replied: lack of people getting involved in actually doing things. Samuel