-----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE----- Hash: SHA1 Hi all. I'm working with Francois to bring speakup back into current versions of SystemRescueCD. Due to speakup's bleeding edge status now, Francois wants to build speakup outside the kernel, so as to not effect those who don't need to use speakup. What we've decided on doing is to accept boot parameters as if speakup was in the kernel, and load required modules based on the boot parameters given, (I.E. speakup.synth=bns at the isolinux boot prompt would modprobe the speakup_bns.ko module with the start=1 flag from within the initrd image). The advantage to this approach is that speakup will not be in the kernel at all, you will still get speech during the initrd stage, before the cd itself starts loading up, and invoking speakup via boot parameters now means a seamless switch-over should speakup again be built into the kernel one day. Sysresccd is built on a gentoo system, and Francois will be doing the building. I assume he'll provide me a beta iso to test, before making the official release. I am assuming he's better off emerging speakup from gentoo, instead of from git? If this is correct, then I plan to provide him with a link to William's message on this: http://speech.braille.uwo.ca/pipermail/speakup/2008-April/046047.html . If something has changed regarding gentoo and speakup since that message, then could someone using gentoo please kindly describe any changes since that message, in such a way so as to allow someone who is not himself a speakup user to emerge and build speakup successfully? If he's better off using git instead of the gentoo repos, I'll let him know to do that instead. Thanks for any help in advance. Greg - -- web site: http://www.romuald.net.eu.org gpg public key: http://www.romuald.net.eu.org/pubkey.asc skype: gregn1 (authorization required, add me to your contacts list first) - -- Free domains: http://www.eu.org/ or mail dns-manager at EU.org -----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE----- Version: GnuPG v1.4.6 (GNU/Linux) iD8DBQFIcoTe7s9z/XlyUyARAi/BAKCgSQNjPJyuntaC8+zawEfrQXn8FQCfWNU3 QSgGe/F3zu1lGOh8736m0EA= =w7eY -----END PGP SIGNATURE-----