Hi all. For those using linux who have an interest in seeing current weather conditions, I've written a bash script that gets the weather info from braille.wunderground.com, and displays the current conditions. I called the script "conditions". you just put it in a directory in your tath, run chmod 755 on the file, and you are rready to go. You must have the lynx browser installed in order to use this. You just type: conditions Ames Iowa or some other city state combination, or a zip code, and it displays the current conditions for that location. I've included the script at the end of this message. Have fun! Gene Collins #!/bin/bash # conditions: a bash script to display current weather conditions. # Author: Alvin Gene Collins # Last modified: Wed Apr 18 09:03:34 CDT 2007. # usage: conditions Ames Iowa # or some other location or zip code. # if [ $# -eq 0 ];then export LOCATION="ames iowa";else export LOCATION="$*";fi lynx "http://braille.wunderground.com/cgi-bin/findweather/getForecast?query=`echo $LOCATION`" -dump >/tmp/weather.tmp grep -i "observed" /tmp/weather.tmp >/dev/null if [ $? -gt 0 ];then echo $LOCATION not found\!;exit 1;fi let A=`grep -i -n "observed" /tmp/weather.tmp | cut -c 1-2` declare -i A A=A-1 tail -n +$A /tmp/weather.tmp | head -n +8 grep -i "sunrise" /tmp/weather.tmp grep -i "sunset" /tmp/weather.tmp grep -i "moon rise" /tmp/weather.tmp grep -i "moon set" /tmp/weather.tmp unset A unset X unset LOCATION