Greetings! I pass this along in case it may help others who've written on this list about the problem. (I think I was the first--what a privilege, man! I reinstalled FC6 this evening. When I tried to update orca, I got that error message that at least three of us have quoted here: warning: rpmts_HdrFromFdno: Header V3 DSA signature: NOKEY, key ID 4bfffd75 GPG key parsing failed: can't set attribute I've suspected since late February, when I wrote "hungry for updates," that the problem related to the speakupmodified site. That notion, plus a key-related message I read while emacs was successfully installed (also as in the past) prompted me to go into /etc/pki/rpm-gpg and try rpm --import RPM-GPG-KEY-speakupmodified from there. (I thought of this in part because of the bit in the FC3 howto on, except that both the key and the directory named are different there.) Anyway, it seems to have worked. The commands yum update orca, yum install lsr, and yum -y update all ran. I of course don't know what new problems are coming, but this is progress! I write all this in case it Al