Steve Holmes wrote: > I wonder how hard it would be to develope a binary > driver program for espeak and/or Cepstral. I do know C pretty well and > C++ even less but it would be a good learning experience since Espeak > has a run-time library now. This would be the best solution. Take a look at and go to the section `Server Programming', `Output modules'. This should give you quite a good estimation what this would involve. Especially the subsection `How to Write New Output Module'. > Shame that speech-dispatcher doesn't support punct level changes with > the generic setup. Even if we modified the generic file > somehow to trigger the --punct option for espeak, you wouldn't be able > to support a 3 option level; you would have all or none but not some. This should still be possible. I would suggest the following interface for setting it in the generic's module configuration file (example for espeak): GenericPunctuationNoneSwitch "" GenericPunctuationAllSwitch "--punct" GenericPunctuationSomeSwitch "--punct=\"$LIST\"" Then $PUNCT would get substituted in the GenericExecuteSynth by the value of the switch corresponding to the current punctuation mode. If the level is SOME, $LIST would get substituted by the current list of punctuation characters. But this is only a suggestion and would have to be implemented... I'm CC-ing this message to the Speech Dispatcher mailing list (speechd at and suggest continuing this debate there. Best regards, Tomas.