Linux Speakup
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- speakup + ubuntu 10.04
- speakup + ubuntu 10.04
- speakup + ubuntu 10.04
- speakup + ubuntu 10.04
- Speakup with vim
- From: Albert Sten-Clanton
- Speakup with vim
- vim with speakup
- speakup + ubuntu 10.04
- vim with speakup
- Things for Sale
- Booting rescue iso image from grub2
- Speakup with vim
- Speakup with vim
- please help with legacy grub
- using startx to run gnome
- please help with legacy grub
- brltty python bindings
- please help with legacy grub
- please help with legacy grub
- please help with legacy grub
- using startx to run gnome
- please help with legacy grub
- please help with legacy grub
- please help with legacy grub
- please help with legacy grub
- please help with legacy grub
- please help with legacy grub
- From: Christopher Brannon
- please help with legacy grub
- please help with legacy grub
- please help with legacy grub
- please help with legacy grub
- using startx to run gnome
- using startx to run gnome
- please help with legacy grub
- please help with legacy grub
- a note for linphone users who want to use the freeswitch server
- From: Christopher Brannon
- a note for linphone users who want to use the freeswitch server
- a note for linphone users who want to use the freeswitch server
- From: Christopher Brannon
- speakup and 2.6.37 on gentoo
- ArchLinux, speakup and kernel 2.6.37
- From: Christopher Brannon
- ArchLinux, speakup and kernel 2.6.37
- From: Christopher Brannon
- ArchLinux, speakup and kernel 2.6.37
- a very important notice for people using Speakup on Arch Linux
- smooth upgrade to kernel 2.6.37 with speakup on arch
- a very important notice for people using Speakup on Arch Linux
- speechd-up status and ideas
- ArchLinux, speakup and kernel 2.6.37
- smooth upgrade to kernel 2.6.37 with speakup on arch
- a very important notice for people using Speakup on Arch Linux
- a very important notice for people using Speakup on Arch Linux
- a very important notice for people using Speakup on Arch Linux
- From: Christopher Brannon
- a very important notice for people using Speakup on Arch Linux
- a very important notice for people using Speakup on Arch Linux
- OT: Twinkle cli
- a very important notice for people using Speakup on Arch Linux
- a very important notice for people using Speakup on Arch Linux
- a very important notice for people using Speakup on Arch Linux
- From: Christopher Brannon
- a very important notice for people using Speakup on Arch Linux
- a very important notice for people using Speakup on Arch Linux
- From: Christopher Brannon
- OT: Twinkle cli
- OT: Twinkle cli
- New System with Fedora
- OT: Twinkle cli
- OT: Twinkle cli
- OT: Twinkle cli
- OT: Twinkle cli
- OT: Twinkle cli
- New System with Fedora
- OT: Twinkle cli
- New System with Fedora
- New System with Fedora
- OT: Twinkle cli
- OT: Twinkle cli
- From: covici at
- New System with Fedora
- New System with Fedora
- OT: Twinkle cli
- twinkle.cfg was: RE: Twinkle cli
- Twinkle cli
- Twinkle cli
- Twinkle cli
- Twinkle cli
- Twinkle cli
- New System with Fedora
- OT: Twinkle cli
- Loosing speech when there is too much data
- Another convert to arch
- Another convert to arch
- Another convert to arch
- Another convert to arch linhux
- freeswitch server
- freeswitch server
- freeswitch server
- Another convert to arch linhux
- mail processing delay
- mail processing delay
- mail processing delay
- speechd-up status and ideas
- speechd-up status and ideas
- speechd-up status and ideas
- speechd-up status and ideas
- speechd-up status and ideas
- Here's what I got...
- pc weasel?
- pc weasel?
- speakup and speech-dispatcher
- speakup and speech-dispatcher
- pc weasel?
- speakup and speech-dispatcher
- speakup and speech-dispatcher
- kernel crashes with 2.6.36-gentoo-r6
- From: covici at
- speakup and speech-dispatcher
- From: covici at
- speakup and speech-dispatcher
- speakup and speech-dispatcher
- From: covici at
- pc weasel?
- speakup and speech-dispatcher
- speakup and speech-dispatcher
- From: covici at
- speakup and speech-dispatcher
- speakup and speech-dispatcher
- From: covici at
- speakup and speech-dispatcher
- speakup and speech-dispatcher
- From: covici at
- serial synth and kernel 2.6.36
- From: covici at
- keyboard commands question
- From: Kristoffer Gustafsson
- pc weasel?
- pc weasel?
- An Odd Reading punc 0-2 Behavior?
- espeakup.iso boot parameter question
- espeakup.iso boot parameter question
- Speakup working witht he latest 2.6.37 kernel? Whoot!
- serial synths and 2.6.36/37
- pc weasel?
- serial synths and 2.6.36/37
- From: acollins at
- serial synths and 2.6.36/37
- unable to make oldconfig with speakup in 2.6.36-gentoo-r5
- From: covici at
- unable to make oldconfig with speakup in 2.6.36-gentoo-r5
- unable to make oldconfig with speakup in 2.6.36-gentoo-r5
- From: covici at
- unable to make oldconfig with speakup in 2.6.36-gentoo-r5
- From: covici at
- unable to make oldconfig with speakup in 2.6.36-gentoo-r5
- unable to make oldconfig with speakup in 2.6.36-gentoo-r5
- From: covici at
- unable to make oldconfig with speakup in 2.6.36-gentoo-r5
- unable to make oldconfig with speakup in 2.6.36-gentoo-r5
- From: covici at
- serial synths and 2.6.36/37
- Speakup working witht he latest 2.6.37 kernel? Whoot!
- serial synths and 2.6.36/37
- From: acollins at
- serial synths and 2.6.36/37
- From: acollins at
- Speakup working witht he latest 2.6.37 kernel? Whoot!
- serial synths and 2.6.36/37
- serial synths and 2.6.36/37
- serial synths and 2.6.36/37
- ot: on line banking?
- serial synths and 2.6.36/37
- 2.6.37 is out *with* speakup
- 2.6.37 is out *with* speakup
- 2.6.37 is out *with* speakup
- From: covici at
- 2.6.37 is out *with* speakup
- Finding The Latest Speakup Colonel?
- 2.6.37 is out *with* speakup
- Finding The Latest Speakup Colonel?
- Finding The Latest Speakup Colonel?
- Finding The Latest Speakup Colonel?
- Finding The Latest Speakup Colonel?
- Minor issue after install and orca configuration
- No sound with espeakup-i386.iso
- From: Albert Sten-Clanton
- No sound with espeakup-i386.iso
- No sound with espeakup-i386.iso
- From: Albert Sten-Clanton
- No sound with espeakup-i386.iso
- Debian Netinst with Espeakup feedback
- No sound with espeakup-i386.iso
- 2.6.37 is out *with* speakup
- 2.6.37 is out *with* speakup
- 2.6.37 is out *with* speakup
- From: Albert Sten-Clanton
- 2.6.37 is out *with* speakup
- 2.6.37 is out *with* speakup
- 2.6.37 is out *with* speakup
- 2.6.37 is out *with* speakup
- 2.6.37 is out *with* speakup
- From: Albert Sten-Clanton
- 2.6.37 is out *with* speakup
- 2.6.37 is out *with* speakup
- error building speakup on Gentoo
- error building speakup on Gentoo
- stupid keys
- Stewpid keys!
- help, getting ttsynth serial
- Fedora13 ?
- fedora 13 ?
- help, getting ttsynth serial
- help, getting ttsynth serial
- help, getting ttsynth serial
- From: Kristoffer Gustafsson
- grml installation question
- OT Mutt and Gpgme
- grml installation question
- grml installation question
- grml installation question
- grml installation question
- espeak debian installation
- espeak debian installation
- From: Kristoffer Gustafsson
- speak in fedora 13?
- From: bardiazakeri at
- [PATCH] staging:speakup:fix failure handling
- staging:speakup:fix failure handling patch
- Debian Netinst with Espeakup feedback
- bad upgrade event
- Debian Netinst with Espeakup feedback
- From: Christopher Brannon
- Debian Netinst with Espeakup feedback
- Debian Netinst with Espeakup feedback
- Debian Netinst with Espeakup feedback
- Debian Netinst with Espeakup feedback
- From: Kristoffer Gustafsson
- Debian Netinst with Espeakup feedback
- Debian Netinst with Espeakup feedback
- bad upgrade event
- bad upgrade event
- bad upgrade event
- grml
- grml
- grml
- From: covici at
- grml
- speakup and ubuntu, was: Re: World writable speakup files in Linux next
- speakup and ubuntu, was: Re: World writable speakup files in Linux next
- grml
- speakup and ubuntu, was: Re: World writable speakup files inLinux next
- sorry
- speakup and ubuntu, was: Re: World writable speakup files inLinux next
- speakup and ubuntu, was: Re: World writable speakup files inLinux next
- speakup and ubuntu, was: Re: World writable speakup files inLinux next
- speakup and ubuntu, was: Re: World writable speakup files in Linux next
- speakup and ubuntu, was: Re: World writable speakup files inLinux next
- speakup and ubuntu, was: Re: World writable speakup files in Linux next
- From: aerospace1028 at
- grml
- grml
- Arch Linux was: World writable speakup files in Linux next
- World writable speakup files in Linux next
- World writable speakup files in Linux next
- World writable speakup files in Linux next
- World writable speakup files in Linux next
- speakup and ubuntu, was: Re: World writable speakup files in Linux next
- espeakup-amd64.iso 10dec2010 build
- World writable speakup files in Linux next
- speakup and ubuntu, was: Re: World writable speakup files in Linux next
- World writable speakup files in Linux next
- World writable speakup files in Linux next
- World writable speakup files in Linux next
- From: bardiazakeri at
- World writable speakup files in Linux next
- From: bardiazakeri at
- World writable speakup files in Linux next
- World writable speakup files in Linux next
- World writable speakup files in Linux next
- From: bardiazakeri at
- World writable speakup files in Linux next
- World writable speakup files in Linux next
- From: bardiazakeri at
- World writable speakup files in Linux next
- From: bardiazakeri at
- World writable speakup files in Linux next
- World writable speakup files in Linux next
- World writable speakup files in Linux next
- World writable speakup files in Linux next
- World writable speakup files in Linux next
- From: acollins at
- World writable speakup files in Linux next
- World writable speakup files in Linux next
- espeakup-amd64.iso 10dec2010 build
- World writable speakup files in Linux next
- World writable speakup files in Linux next
- espeakup-amd64.iso 10dec2010 build
- Espeak under Debian/Ubuntu
- Espeak under Debian/Ubuntu
- World writable speakup files in Linux next
- World writable speakup files in Linux next
- World writable speakup files in Linux next
- From: Christopher Brannon
- Sound Devices on Arch?
- Sound Devices on Arch?
- Sound Devices on Arch?
- Sound Devices on Arch?
- From: Christopher Brannon
- Sound Devices on Arch?
- Sound Devices on Arch?
- World writable speakup files in Linux next
- World writable speakup files in Linux next
- 12/5/2010 espeakup-amd64.iso build install results
- 12/5/2010 build espeakup-amd64.iso results
- Accessibility DevRoom fosdem 2011 CfP
- Congratulations to speakup developers and arch architects
- Congratulations to speakup developers and arch architects
- hi iam new
- From: Jean-Philippe MENGUAL
- Congratulations to speakup developers and arch architects
- From: bardiazakeri at
- Congratulations to speakup developers and arch architects
- From: Christopher Brannon
- hi iam new
- 12/5/2010 build espeakup-amd64.iso results
- Newer DecTalk Drivers?
- Congratulations to speakup developers and arch architects
- building modules
- building modules
- location of the speakup users guide
- rfc: location of the speakup users guide
- rfc: location of the speakup users guide
- rfc: location of the speakup users guide
- Integrated kernel and C library
- Integrated kernel and C library
- From: Christopher Brannon
- question, sorry for my redundancy
- question, sorry for my redundancy
- From: Albert Sten-Clanton
- question
- From: Albert Sten-Clanton
- question
- question
- question
- Progress reports
- question
- Integrated kernel and C library
- Progress reports
- Progress reports
- Progress reports
- Progress reports
- Congratulations to speakup developers and arch architects
- espeakup-amd64.iso package selection probably wrong
- espeakup-amd64.iso package selection probably wrong
- Playing ninvaders with Speakup
- For your amusement - Fwd: Linux Radio
- Congratulations to speakup developers and arch architects
- From: Christopher Brannon
- Congratulations to speakup developers and arch architects
- For your amusement - Fwd: Linux Radio
- Congratulations to speakup developers and arch architects
- espeakup-amd64 frustration
- espeakup-amd64 frustration
- Progress reports
- Progress reports
- Progress reports
- Congratulations to speakup developers and arch architects
- debian versus slackware
- debian versus slackware
- Debian Verses Slackware?
- Debian Verses Slackware?
- Debian Verses Slackware?
- Debian Verses Slackware?
- aptitude upgrade error message
- If bash can, why not Speakup?
- aptitude upgrade error message
- aptitude upgrade error message
- aptitude upgrade error message
- Arch Linux celling points
- If bash can, why not Speakup?
- If bash can, why not Speakup?
- Speech on vim backspace [Was: If bash can, why not Speakup?]
- From: Albert Sten-Clanton
- Suggestion for an adition to the Speakup distro page.
- From: Christopher Brannon
- If bash can, why not Speakup?
- Suggestion for an adition to the Speakup distro page.
- Suggestion for an adition to the Speakup distro page.
- If bash can, why not Speakup?
- If bash can, why not Speakup?
- If bash can, why not Speakup?
- Speech on vim backspace [Was: If bash can, why not Speakup?]
- If bash can, why not Speakup?
- Distros that include Speakup that are accessible to install
- Distros that include Speakup that are accessible to install
- From: Christopher Brannon
- Distros that include Speakup that are accessible to install
- Arch Linux celling points
- If bash can, why not Speakup?
- If bash can, why not Speakup?
- If bash can, why not Speakup?
- Centos-and-Speakup?
- If bash can, why not Speakup?
- If bash can, why not Speakup?
- Centos-and-Speakup?
- If bash can, why not Speakup?
- If bash can, why not Speakup?
- From: Albert Sten-Clanton
- If bash can, why not Speakup?
- If bash can, why not Speakup?
- Centos-and-Speakup?
- If bash can, why not Speakup?
- Speakup Software Synthesizer
- Centos-and-Speakup?
- Speakup Software Synthesizer
- Centos-and-Speakup?
- From: William F. Acker WB2FLW +1 303 722 7209
- Centos-and-Speakup?
- /sys/accessibility/speakup/silent
- new email lists for blind computer professionals
- cpu, and debian install questions
- cpu, and debian install questions
- cpu, and debian install questions
- invalid module format for speakup modules
- invalid module format for speakup modules
- invalid module format for speakup modules
- invalid module format for speakup modules
- CPAN module Term::Clui
- CPAN module Term::Clui
- CPAN module Term::Clui
- cpu, and debian install questions
- cpu, and debian install questions
- speakup - espeakup and svox pico
- From: Willem van der Walt
- cpu, and debian install questions
- cpu, and debian install questions
- cpu, and debian install questions
- cpu, and debian install questions
- cpu, and debian install questions
- cpu, and debian install questions
- speakup - espeakup and svox pico
- enlarging terminal
- enlarging terminal
- enlarging terminal
- Speakup made it to LWN
- Speakup made it to LWN
- From: Christopher Brannon
- enlarging terminal
- enlarging terminal
- Speakup made it to LWN
- enlarging terminal
- enlarging terminal
- enlarging terminal
- enlarging terminal
- espeakup, alsa, pulseaudio, and volume levels
- espeakup, alsa, pulseaudio, and volume levels
- From: Christopher Brannon
- espeakup, alsa, pulseaudio, and volume levels
- espeakup, alsa, pulseaudio, and volume levels
- espeakup, alsa, pulseaudio, and volume levels
- Loading settings at startup question
- Configuring grub / grub2 to indicate the boot menu items
- IBMtts speakup connector AUR package
- Loading settings at startup question
- question about the espeakup code
- new git repository for user space speakup tools
- Loading settings at startup question
- From: Christopher Brannon
- Loading settings at startup question
- From: Jean-Philippe MENGUAL
- A patch for Speakup?
- From: Jean-Philippe MENGUAL
- Loading settings at startup question
- A patch for Speakup?
- Guide changes
- From: Jean-Philippe MENGUAL
- A patch for Speakup?
- From: Jean-Philippe MENGUAL
- new git repository for user space speakup tools
- A patch for Speakup?
- From: Jean-Philippe MENGUAL
- A patch for Speakup?
- A patch for Speakup?
- From: Christopher Brannon
- A patch for Speakup?
- A patch for Speakup?
- From: Jean-Philippe MENGUAL
- mostly success with espeakup-i386.iso
- mostly success with espeakup-i386.iso
- mostly success with espeakup-i386.iso
- installing voxin on arch
- speakup_setlocale concerns
- speakup_setlocale concerns
- mostly success with espeakup-i386.iso
- mostly success with espeakup-i386.iso
- A patch for Speakup?
- No sound with espeakup-i386.iso
- From: Cleverson Casarin Uliana
- No sound with espeakup-i386.iso
- No sound with espeakup-i386.iso
- mostly success with espeakup-i386.iso
- New Speech Dispatcher Package for Arch Linux
- amateur radio log
- amateur radio log
- amateur radio log
- amateur radio log
- No sound with espeakup-i386.iso
- mostly success with espeakup-i386.iso
- No sound with espeakup-i386.iso
- No sound with espeakup-i386.iso
- No sound with espeakup-i386.iso
- No sound with espeakup-i386.iso
- From: Cleverson Casarin Uliana
- No sound with espeakup-i386.iso
- No sound with espeakup-i386.iso
- No sound with espeakup-i386.iso
- No sound with espeakup-i386.iso
- No sound with espeakup-i386.iso
- No sound with espeakup-i386.iso
- No sound with espeakup-i386.iso
- From: Cleverson Casarin Uliana
- No sound with espeakup-i386.iso
- Samuel's image report, was Re: Install Debian from within another distro
- From: Cleverson Casarin Uliana
- Samuel's image report, was Re: Install Debian from within another distro
- Samuel's image report, was Re: Install Debian from within another distro
- From: Cleverson Casarin Uliana
- installing voxin on arch
- Install Debian from within another distro
- Install Debian from within another distro
- From: Cleverson Casarin Uliana
- installing voxin on arch
- Install Debian from within another distro
- Install Debian from within another distro
- From: Cleverson Casarin Uliana
- Install Debian from within another distro
- Install Debian from within another distro
- From: Cleverson Casarin Uliana
- Install Debian from within another distro
- From: Christopher Brannon
- Install Debian from within another distro
- Install Debian from within another distro
- From: Cleverson Casarin Uliana
- Install Debian from within another distro
- Install Debian from within another distro
- Install Debian from within another distro
- Install Debian from within another distro
- From: Cleverson Casarin Uliana
- ibmtts speakup connector
- announcement: speakup is in staging
- announcement: speakup is in staging
- announcement: speakup is in staging
- announcement: speakup is in staging
- preparing speakup for staging
- preparing speakup for staging
- preparing speakup for staging
- preparing speakup for staging
- preparing speakup for staging
- Configuring grub / grub2 to indicate the boot menu items
- Configuring grub / grub2 to indicate the boot menu items
- Speakup 3.1.6 released!
- From: Christopher Brannon
- Expanding Spaces in Commands?
- IBMtts speakup connector AUR package
- Expanding Spaces in Commands?
- ibmtts speakup connector
- From: Willem van der Walt
- ibmtts speakup connector
- From: Jean-Philippe MENGUAL
- ibmtts speakup connector
- From: Willem van der Walt
- ibmtts speakup connector
- From: Jean-Philippe MENGUAL
- ibmtts speakup connector
- Configuring grub / grub2 to indicate the boot menu items
- ibmtts speakup connector
- ibmtts speakup connector
- From: Jean-Philippe MENGUAL
- ibmtts speakup connector
- ibmtts speakup connector
- From: Jean-Philippe MENGUAL
- ibmtts speakup connector
- Using IBMTTS with speakup
- Using IBMTTS with speakup
- Using IBMTTS with speakup
- Using IBMTTS with speakup
- Configuring grub / grub2 to indicate the boot menu items
- Configuring grub / grub2 to indicate the boot menu items
- Configuring grub / grub2 to indicate the boot menu items
- Speakup and Voxin
- console chess
- console chess
- vinux and speakup
- Running Speakup on Ubuntu Lynx?
- Running Speakup on Ubuntu Lynx?
- vinux and speakup
- vinux and speakup
- From: Christopher Brannon
- vinux and speakup
- vinux and speakup
- Guide update
- From: Jean-Philippe MENGUAL
- Running Speakup on Ubuntu Lynx?
- use $() instead of backticks in talkwith
- From: Christopher Brannon
- use $() instead of backticks in talkwith
- questions about text-based e-mail
- use $() instead of backticks in talkwith
- use $() instead of backticks in talkwith
- use $() instead of backticks in talkwith
- use $() instead of backticks in talkwith
- specifying directory to save to or load from in speakupconf
- questions about text-based e-mail
- use $() instead of backticks in talkwith
- Running Speakup on Ubuntu Lynx?
- Running Speakup on Ubuntu Lynx?
- Running Speakup on Ubuntu Lynx?
- Running Speakup on Ubuntu Lynx?
- Running Speakup on Ubuntu Lynx?
- Running Speakup on Ubuntu Lynx?
- Running Speakup on Ubuntu Lynx?
- Running Speakup on Ubuntu Lynx?
- Running Speakup on Ubuntu Lynx?
- ttsynth-connector?
- specifying directory to save to or load from in speakupconf
- specifying directory to save to or load from in speakupconf
- specifying directory to save to or load from in speakupconf
- That change with Speakupconf sounds like a good one.
- questions about text-based e-mail
- questions about text-based e-mail
- questions about text-based e-mail
- questions about text-based e-mail
- questions about text-based e-mail
- questions about text-based e-mail
- questions about text-based e-mail
- questions about text-based e-mail
- questions about text-based e-mail
- What is .WITH. the Debian amd64 kernel and SpeakUP?
- From: William F. Acker WB2FLW +1 303 722 7209
- espeak
- espeak
- espeak
- From: Christopher Brannon
- espeak
- From: aerospace1028 at
- Retraction: My espeak 1.44.05 is also broken.
- Retraction: My espeak 1.44.05 is also broken.
- Retraction: My espeak 1.44.05 is also broken.
- Update on the SpeakUP problem...
- Minor hiccups with espeak 1.44.05 and espeakup 0.71-3 on Arch
- Minor hiccups with espeak 1.44.05 and espeakup 0.71-3 on Arch
- Minor hiccups with espeak 1.44.05 and espeakup 0.71-3 on Arch
- Minor hiccups with espeak 1.44.05 and espeakup 0.71-3 on Arch
- ttsynth-connector?
- ttsynth-connector?
- ttsynth-connector?
- ttsynth-connector?
- What is .WITH. the Debian amd64 kernel and SpeakUP?
- Minor hiccups with espeak 1.44.05 and espeakup 0.71-3 on Arch
- From: Willem van der Walt
- Minor hiccups with espeak 1.44.05 and espeakup 0.71-3 on Arch
- From: Christopher Brannon
- What is .WITH. the Debian amd64 kernel and SpeakUP?
- ttsynth-connector?
- Minor hiccups with espeak 1.44.05 and espeakup 0.71-3 on Arch
- What is .WITH. the Debian amd64 kernel and SpeakUP?
- Minor hiccups with espeak 1.44.05 and espeakup 0.71-3 on Arch
- What is .WITH. the Debian amd64 kernel and SpeakUP?
- new speakup release coming soon
- new speakup release coming soon
- new speakup release coming soon
- What is .WITH. the Debian amd64 kernel and SpeakUP?
- new speakup release coming soon
- What is .WITH. the Debian amd64 kernel and SpeakUP?
- What is .WITH. the Debian amd64 kernel and SpeakUP?
- From: Christopher Brannon
- What is .WITH. the Debian amd64 kernel and SpeakUP?
- What is .WITH. the Debian amd64 kernel and SpeakUP?
- What is .WITH. the Debian amd64 kernel and SpeakUP?
- From: Christopher Brannon
- What is .WITH. the Debian amd64 kernel and SpeakUP?
- arch: installing part of a group of packages
- From: aerospace1028 at
- arch: installing part of a group of packages
- arch: installing part of a group of packages
- Crappy-strange operations in the AMD64 realm...
- Installing arch linux on an Acer Aspire One?
- A patch for Speakup?
- From: Jean-Philippe MENGUAL
- A patch for Speakup?
- From: Jean-Philippe MENGUAL
- A patch for Speakup?
- Sending speakup upstream
- Installing arch linux on an Acer Aspire One?
- From: Christopher Brannon
- starting vinux 3.0 iso via grub2
- Installing arch linux on an Acer Aspire One?
- Installing arch linux on an Acer Aspire One?
- Installing arch linux on an Acer Aspire One?
- Installing arch linux on an Acer Aspire One?
- Installing arch linux on an Acer Aspire One?
- From: Christopher Brannon
- Installing arch linux on an Acer Aspire One?
- Installing arch linux on an Acer Aspire One?
- Installing arch linux on an Acer Aspire One?
- From: Christopher Brannon
- Installing arch linux on an Acer Aspire One?
- Installing arch linux on an Acer Aspire One?
- arch linux and orca
- arch linux and orca
- starting vinux 3.0 iso via grub2
- questions about text-based e-mail
- arch linux and orca
- From: Christopher Brannon
- questions about text-based e-mail
- arch linux and orca
- From: aerospace1028 at
- questions about text-based e-mail
- starting vinux 3.0 iso via grub2
- arch linux and orca
- arch linux and orca
- arch linux and orca
- questions about text-based e-mail
- questions about text-based e-mail
- From: Willem van der Walt
- Voxin
- Voxin
- questions about text-based e-mail
- Voxin
- A patch for Speakup?
- From: Jean-Philippe MENGUAL
- Voxin
- From: Jean-Philippe MENGUAL
- questions about text-based e-mail
- From: aerospace1028 at
- Voxin
- Voxin
- arch linux - setting screen size
- arch linux - setting screen size
- arch linux - setting screen size
- arch linux - setting screen size
- arch linux - setting screen size
- arch linux - setting screen size
- sox stat command - please help
- sox stat command - please help
- From: Christopher Brannon
- sox stat command - please help
- Fwd: Kumar Appaiah: Browsing with Elinks and using hooks
- Fwd: Kumar Appaiah: Browsing with Elinks and using hooks
- Fwd: Video editing from the command line
- Fwd: Kumar Appaiah: Browsing with Elinks and using hooks
- Fwd: Kumar Appaiah: Browsing with Elinks and using hooks
- Fwd: Kumar Appaiah: Browsing with Elinks and using hooks
- espeakup sharing soundcard
- espeakup sharing soundcard
- Fwd: Kumar Appaiah: Browsing with Elinks and using hooks
- Fwd: Kumar Appaiah: Browsing with Elinks and using hooks
- Fwd: Kumar Appaiah: Browsing with Elinks and using hooks
- Fwd: Kumar Appaiah: Browsing with Elinks and using hooks
- Fwd: Kumar Appaiah: Browsing with Elinks and using hooks
- debian squeeze keyboard problem
- debian squeeze keyboard problem
- changeable?
- From: Jean-Philippe MENGUAL
- debian with espeakup
- debian squeeze keyboard problem
- debian squeeze keyboard problem
- From: lists at
- Proposal
- From: Jean-Philippe MENGUAL
- Booting from USB
- serial synth with kernel
- serial synth with kernel
- serial synth with kernel
- serial synth with kernel
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