On 09-28, ?yvind Lode wrote: > Does Slackware include Speakup? > Is it possible to install Slackware with software speech? For what it's worth: Slackware 13.0 can be installed with a speakup.s kernel, that worked for me but I didn't document what I did. :^(... However; I tried again with a fresh install of the huge.s kernel that I couldn't get working so I tried again with the huge-smp- kernel, and was able to test invoking espeak or speak and typing text /or/ importing a text file and that worked.. My notes say I had to do this: (I used the JFS file system for the test.) Installed/compiled the following: libportaudio0-18.1-4mdk.i586.tgz from the Mandrake repository. Required by PortAudio.. pa_stable_v19_20071207.tar.gz speakup-3.1.5.tar.bz2 espeakup-0.71.tar.bz2 speech-dispatcher-0.7.tar.gz Haven't tried this yet.. The above on an i810, P III machine.. This message typed on a different machine.. -- Hal UNIX-GNU/Linux; Slackware 10.2 kernel 2.6.13 www.asciiribbon.org