Hi all, This just showed up in this month's Linux Gazette. I thought it might be useful if you want to do basic video editing from the console. Video editing from the command line <http://linuxgazette.net/178/brownss.html> By *Silas Brown* This is an article about basic video production in MPlayer. MPlayer has its own "edit decision list" facility, but that is limited to deleting scenes from an already-made movie; it cannot be used to take scenes from more than one source file and to sequence them in a different order, as is often needed in production. However, by running several MPlayer commands in succession you /can/ do this on the command line, and you don't need particularly high-spec equipment or dexterous mouse skills or even eyesight to do it (some eyesight is a plus but you don't need much). URL: http://linuxgazette.net/178/brownss.html