[Hello, let's try this again.] Hello. I think there's a point of confusion here. When you're in vim, whether you're in emacs mode or vim mode, the communication between your terminal and vim is direct. That is, bash has no notion of what you're doing when you're inside vim. Having said that, the typical historical vi user, and vim is really emulating vi mode whenit's in vim mode, never knows wheteher they're in insert mode or command mode. To get around that, you hit escape a few times, since hitting escape puts you in command mode and, if you're already in command mode, it causes the terminal to beep. So, when in doubt, hit escape twice, and you should either get 1 or 2 beeps from the terminal, depending on whether you were already in command mode, or if you went from insert mode to command mode. And, if vim has a silent mode, turn that off, so you'll get the appropriate beeps. So, Janina is right, you don't need anything special from Vim,, except for it to beep the terminal, and you don't need anything special from Speakup. Hope that helps. -thanks -Brian On Nov 18, 2:04pm, Brian Buhrow wrote: } Subject: Re: If bash can, why not Speakup? } On Nov 18, 3:27pm, Janina Sajka wrote: } } Subject: Re: If bash can, why not Speakup? } } I think my main point got lost in the litany of vim complaints that have } } actually been with us for a long time. I was trying to say something new } } that no one has commented on. So, let me try to redirect, if I may ... } } } } William Hubbs writes: } } > On Thu, Nov 18, 2010 at 09:23:29AM +1000, pj at pjb.com.au wrote: } } > > Janina Sajka wrote: } } > > > My biggest complaint is that I need to be ultra-careful to } } > > > track whether I'm in insert or command mode, i.e. it would } } > > > sure help if Speakup could give me a differently pitched voice } } > > } } > > Good point :-) It might need some help from the vim folk... } } > } } > Yes, something like this would take modifications to vim to make it } } > communicate to speakup some how, and I'm not sure what that would } } > involve since I haven't looked at the vim code at all. } } > } } Actually, I don't think we need anything from vim. } } } } } } Note that you can have either vim or emacs editing of bash commands. } } Emacs is the default, but you can reset this by issuing: } } } } set -o vim } } } } By, default, this provides bash shell command editing in insert mode. As } } in vim, pressing Esc takes you into command mode where all the vim } } command mode functionality is provided. } } } } So, the shell knows. That's got to be a value that's written somewhere, } } and thus something Speakup could read and respond to. I don't know } } where, but am I wrong? } } } } Janina } } } } > William } } > } } > _______________________________________________ } } > Speakup mailing list } } > Speakup at braille.uwo.ca } } > http://speech.braille.uwo.ca/mailman/listinfo/speakup } } } } -- } } } } Janina Sajka, Phone: +1.443.300.2200 } } sip:janina at asterisk.rednote.net } } } } Chair, Open Accessibility janina at a11y.org } } Linux Foundation http://a11y.org } } } } Chair, Protocols & Formats } } Web Accessibility Initiative http://www.w3.org/wai/pf } } World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) } } } } _______________________________________________ } } Speakup mailing list } } Speakup at braille.uwo.ca } } http://speech.braille.uwo.ca/mailman/listinfo/speakup } >-- End of excerpt from Janina Sajka } } >-- End of excerpt from Brian Buhrow