Trinity Desktop Enviroment (TDE) Users
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Purging non needed TDE packages,
Loading setting on logon takes long time,
Janek Stolarek
Mounting issues,
Dr. Nikolaus Klepp
Apt-get or aptitude to install the TDE?,
Ken Heard
Upload file to Wiki?,
What does TDE Buster use to escalate permissions?,
Wiki Confirm email address working?,
Kmix : sound volume max at tde boot., ajh-valmer
error in mailinglist archive,
Dr. Nikolaus Klepp
Kmail attachments question,
Janek Stolarek
KMix can't control audio volume,
Janek Stolarek
MX-TDE edition options,
Inconsistent font sizes,
Janek Stolarek
Re: upgrade always wants to throw out my tdmrc,
William Morder via trinity-users
what is "platform reset"?,
Felmon Davis
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: what is "platform reset"?, Felmon Davis
Setting mouse speed?,
Janek Stolarek
Trouble mounting sr1 as user but not sr0 updated info,
BorgLabs - Kate Draven
Trouble mounting sr1 as user but not sr0, BorgLabs - Kate Draven
Writing Blu-Ray?,
Thierry de Coulon
kate & scheme comments,
Dr. Nikolaus Klepp
Sound don't works.,
Γιώργος Κωστόπουλος
kuickshow all black image,
Christian Schmitz
exegnu64 sources list.,
Alt+Space missing?,
Philip Ashmore
Activating the Trinity Desktop Environment,
Klaus Cook
changing perms,
Gene Heskett
screen blanker ???,
Gene Heskett
ARM build,
Thierry de Coulon
Avidemux hide and seek,
BorgLabs - Kate Draven
KMail filter question,
Re: VLC crashes - chronic problem since Jessie,
BorgLabs - Kate Draven
About A Boy, hmm.. a zombie - errr Transmageddon...,
BorgLabs - Kate Draven
kmail, video conference send invitaion issue,
transmegeddon video encoder,
BorgLabs - Kate Draven
What do we have that will play an .mp4?,
Gene Heskett
Re: What do we have that will play an .mp4?, gomadtroll
Re: What do we have that will play an .mp4?, deloptes
Does Trinity run on Debian Testing?,
Janek Stolarek
Downgrade trinity.,
Fedora 32,
Rick Ellis
TDE on Fedora 29, Steven D'Aprano
The Persistence Of Sorting,
Forrest Leeson
kmix launch fails,
Color of checkboxes?,
Dr. Nikolaus Klepp
Thinkpad X1: FN F1 silence audio, but cannot be activated via the fn keys,
Uwe Brauer
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