Re: What does TDE Buster use to escalate permissions?

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Anno domini 2020 Wed, 29 Jul 09:39:46 -0500
 Michael scripsit:
> Issue:
> In TDE in MX18 (stretch) the MX Tools apps would open in TDE.
> In TDE in MX19 (buster) the MX Tools that need to run as root will not open in 
> TDE.  The behavior is click the menu item and nothing happens (e.g. do not 
> get any prompts for password).
> MX Dev:
> “What does TDE Buster use to escalate permissions for their apps that need 
> it?”
> “We did switch them to using a wrapper called mx-pkexec to keep the tools 
> working on Buster after Debian removed gksu and went more to policykit-based 
> privileges.”

IMO it's "tdesu"


> This isn’t huge, really just an annoyance, as I can login to Xfce to run any 
> of the MX Tools I need...
> Example Menu Command:
> su-to-root -X -c mx-packageinstaller
> Copied mx-pkexec, su-to-root, and other called items below.
> I tried the example command, it seems to need a GUI, as it borks with 'wrong 
> password' (when the root password is correct).
> Any thoughts would be really appreciated.
> Best,
> Michael
> Ref’s:
> michael@local [~]# cat /usr/bin/mx-pkexec
> #!/bin/bash
> # MX Linux pkexec wrapper to retain QT environment
> # Usage:
> #        mx-pkexec mx-apps ...
> # original code by fehlix for MX-Linux
> if test "$EUID" != 0; then
>     # normal user
>     # wayland fix (chkboom)
>     if [ x"$WAYLAND_DISPLAY" != "x" ] && [ -n "${WAYLAND_DISPLAY##/*}" ]; then
>     fi
>     QTENV="${XDG_RUNTIME_DIR:-/tmp}/mx-pkexec-qtenv.$EUID.$PPID.$$.
>     if [ -f "$QTENV" ] ; then
>         rm  $QTENV
>     fi
>     umask 0022
>         touch "$QTENV"
>         while IFS=$'\n' read -r ENV; do
>                 IFS='=' read PAR VAL < <(echo $ENV);
>                 echo "export $PAR=${VAL@Q}" >> $QTENV
>         done < <(printenv | grep -E '^DESKTOP_SESSION|^KDE_FULL_SESSION=|
>     echo "CURRENT_WORK_DIR='$PWD'" >> "$QTENV"
>     chmod +r "$QTENV"
>     pkexec /usr/bin/mx-pkexec "--qtenv" "$QTENV" "${@}"
>     if [ -f "$QTENV" ] ; then
>        rm  $QTENV
>     fi
> fi
> if test "$EUID" == 0; then
>     # root user
>     # set XDG_RUNTIME_DIR - do nothing if already set
>     if [ x"$XDG_RUNTIME_DIR" = "x" ]; then
>       XDG_RUNTIME_DIR=/run/user/0
>       export XDG_RUNTIME_DIR
>       [ -d $XDG_RUNTIME_DIR ] || mkdir -p $XDG_RUNTIME_DIR
>       chmod 700 $XDG_RUNTIME_DIR
>       chown 0:0 $XDG_RUNTIME_DIR
>     fi
>     if  [ "x$1" = "x--qtenv" ]; then
>         QTENV="$2"
>         shift
>         shift
>         if [ -f "$QTENV" -a  "x$QTENV" != "x${QTENV#*/mx-pkexec-qtenv.}" ] ; 
> then
>             . "$QTENV"
>             rm  "$QTENV"
>             cd "${CURRENT_WORK_DIR}"
>             unset CURRENT_WORK_DIR
>         fi
>         PATH="/usr/local/bin:$PATH"
>     fi
>     # check if command is given within one parameter, split by eval in case
>     [ $# == 1 ] && eval set "$@"
>     RUN="$1"
>     shift
>     # check remaining parameter are quoted twice and do unquote
>     [ $# != 0 ] && [ -z "${1##[\'\"]*}" ] && [ -z "${1%%*[\'\"]}" ] && eval 
> set "$@"
>     echo Starting  "$RUN" "${@@Q}"
>     command -v "$RUN" >/dev/null || { echo "mx-pkexec: Command '$RUN' not 
> found"; exit 1; }
>     exec "$RUN" "${@}"
> fi
> exit
> michael@local [~]# cat /usr/bin/su-to-root
> #!/bin/bash
> if test -r /etc/su-to-rootrc; then
> . /etc/su-to-rootrc
> fi
> if test -r ~/.su-to-rootrc; then
> . ~/.su-to-rootrc
> fi
> PRIV=root
> NEEDS=text
> gettext=$(which gettext 2>/dev/null)
> transl() {
>   txt="$1";
>   shift;
>   if [ -n "$gettext" ]; then
>     txt="$(gettext su-to-root "$txt")";
>   fi
>   printf "$txt" "$@"
> }
> eshell() {
>    getent passwd $1 | cut -f7 -d:
> }
> usage () {
>   transl 'usage: %s [-X] [-p <user>] -c <command>
>   -c command: command to execute as a string (mandatory)
>   -p <user>: user to switch to (default: root)
>   -X: command is a X11 program\n' "$0" >&2
>   exit 1
> }
> for i in "$@"; do
>    case "$prev" in
>      -p)
>        PRIV="$i";;
>      -c)
>        COMMAND="$i";;
>      -X)
>        NEEDS="X11";;
>    esac
>    prev="$i"
> done
> if [ -z "$COMMAND" ] ; then
>    usage;
> fi
> euid=$(id -u)
> privid=$(id -u $PRIV)
> if test "$euid" = "$privid"; then
>   sh -c "$COMMAND"
> else
>   case $NEEDS in
>   text)
>     if test "$euid" != 0; then
>       transl 'About to execute %s.\n' "$COMMAND"
>       transl 'This command needs %s privileges to be executed.\n' "$PRIV"
>     fi
> PATH=/sbin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/usr/bin/X11:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin
>     SHELL=`eshell $PRIV`
>     case $SU_TO_ROOT_SU in
>       sux)  suname=sux; pwuser="$PRIV"; cmd='sux  -p "$PRIV" "$COMMAND"';;
>       sudo) suname=sudo;pwuser="$USER"; cmd='sudo -u "$PRIV" 
> sh -c "$COMMAND"';;
>       *)    suname=su;  pwuser="$PRIV"; cmd='su   -p "$PRIV" -c "$COMMAND"';;
>     esac
>     transl 'Using %s...\n' "$suname"
>     transl 'Enter %s password at prompt.\n' "$pwuser"
>     yesexpr=$(locale yesexpr)
>     while ! eval $cmd; do
>       transl 'Incorrect password or command failed. Try again? (y/N)'
>       read ans
>       if echo "$ans" | perl -e "<> =~ /$yesexpr/ and exit(1);"; then
>         exit 1
>       fi
>     done;;
>   X11)
>     if test -z "$SU_TO_ROOT_X"; then
>       if which gksu >/dev/null 2>&1 ; then
>         SU_TO_ROOT_X=gksu
>         if test "X$KDE_FULL_SESSION" = "Xtrue" ; then
>           if which kdesu >/dev/null 2>&1 ; then
>             SU_TO_ROOT_X=kdesu
>           elif test -x /usr/lib/kde4/libexec/kdesu ; then
>             SU_TO_ROOT_X=kde4su
>           fi;
>         fi;
>       elif which kdesu >/dev/null 2>&1 ; then
>         SU_TO_ROOT_X=kdesu
>       elif test -x /usr/lib/kde4/libexec/kdesu ; then
>         SU_TO_ROOT_X=kde4su
>       elif which ktsuss >/dev/null 2>&1 ; then
>         SU_TO_ROOT_X=ktsuss
>       elif which sux >/dev/null 2>&1 ; then
>         SU_TO_ROOT_X=sux
>       else
>         SU_TO_ROOT_X=su-to-root
>       fi
>     fi
>     case $SU_TO_ROOT_X in
>       gksu) gksu -u "$PRIV" "$COMMAND";;
>       gksudo) gksudo -u "$PRIV" "$COMMAND";;
>       kdesu) kdesu -u "$PRIV" "$COMMAND";;
>       kdesudo) kdesudo -u "$PRIV" "$COMMAND";;
>       kde4su) /usr/lib/kde4/libexec/kdesu -u "$PRIV" "$COMMAND";;
>       ktsuss) ktsuss -u "$PRIV" "$COMMAND";;
>       sux) env SU_TO_ROOT_SU=sux \
>         x-terminal-emulator -e su-to-root -p "$PRIV" -c "$COMMAND";;
>   # As a last resort, open a new x-terminal-emulator and prompt for the 
> password
>   # Do not use -X here!
>       *) x-terminal-emulator -e su-to-root -p "$PRIV" -c "$COMMAND";;
>     esac;;
>   esac
> fi
> michael@local [~]# which x-terminal-emulator
> /usr/bin/x-terminal-emulator
> michael@local [~]# ll /usr/bin/x-terminal-emulator
> lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 37 May 30 
> 22:29 /usr/bin/x-terminal-emulator -> /etc/alternatives/x-terminal-emulator
> michael@local [~]# ll /etc/alternatives/x-terminal-emulator
> lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 31 May 30 
> 22:29 /etc/alternatives/x-terminal-emulator -> /usr/bin/xfce4-terminal.wrapper
> michael@local [~]# ll /usr/bin/xfce4-terminal.wrapper
> -rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 1124 Aug 15  2019 /usr/bin/xfce4-terminal.wrapper
> michael@local [~]# cat /usr/bin/xfce4-terminal.wrapper
> #! /usr/bin/perl -w
> #
> # Terminal.wrapper - Debian terminal wrapper script
> #
> # Copyright (c) 2004-2005 os-cillation
> #
> while ($opt = shift(@ARGV))
> {
>     if ($opt eq '-display')
>     {
>         $arg = shift(@ARGV);
>         push(@args, '--default-display', $arg);
>     }
>     elsif ($opt eq '-name')
>     {
>         $arg = shift(@ARGV);
>     }
>     elsif ($opt eq '-n')
>     {
>         $arg = shift(@ARGV);
>     }
>     elsif ($opt eq '-T' || $opt eq '-title')
>     {
>         push(@args, '--title', shift(@ARGV));
>     }
>     elsif ($opt eq '-geometry')
>     {
>         $arg = shift(@ARGV);
>         push(@args, "--geometry=$arg");
>     }
>     elsif ($opt eq '-fn')
>     {
>         $arg = shift(@ARGV);
>     }
>     elsif ($opt eq '-fg')
>     {
>         $arg = shift(@ARGV);
>     }
>     elsif ($opt eq '-bg')
>     {
>         $arg = shift(@ARGV);
>     }
>     elsif ($opt eq '-tn')
>     {
>         $arg = shift(@ARGV);
>     }
>     elsif ($opt eq '-e')
>     {
>         $arg = shift(@ARGV);
>     if (@ARGV)
>     {
>         push(@args, '-x', $arg, @ARGV);
>         last;
>     }
>     else
>     {
>         push(@args, '-e', $arg);
>     }
>     last;
>     }
>     elsif ($opt eq '-h' || $opt eq '--help')
>     {
>         push(@args, '--help');
>     }
> }
> exec('xfce4-terminal',@args);
> michael@local [~]# which xfce4-terminal
> /usr/bin/xfce4-terminal
> michael@local [~]# ll /usr/bin/xfce4-terminal
> -rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 248384 Aug 15  2019 /usr/bin/xfce4-terminal
> michael@local [~]#         
> michael@local [~/data/trash]# su-to-root -X -c mx-packageinstaller
> Authentication is required to run this application
> Authenticating as: root
> Password:
> polkit-agent-helper-1: error response to PolicyKit daemon: 
> GDBus.Error:org.freedesktop.PolicyKit1.Error.Failed: No session for cookie
> Error executing command as another user: Not authorized
> This incident has been reported.
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