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- PJSIP with H264 Video , not very clear
- From: guanxiansun@xxxxxxxxx (Guan Xsun)
- Regarding the dual stream in pjsip
- From: fantasyvideo@xxxxxxx (Tony)
- PJSIP 2.0 stream video to null device?
- From: MDaughtrey@xxxxxxxxxxxx (Matt Daughtrey)
- Regarding the dual stream in pjsip
- From: dennis.guse@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Dennis Guse)
- Regarding the dual stream in pjsip
- From: fantasyvideo@xxxxxxx (Tony)
- there is a bug in turn-server
- From: jzh_daemon@xxxxxxxx (jzh_daemon at sina.com)
- problem with stun server list under macos
- From: alex@xxxxxxxxxxxxx (Oleksii Vynogradov)
- Problems calling "pjsip_endpt_handle_events".
- From: noto89@xxxxxxxxx (Jorge Vinaches)
- PJSIP 2.1 packed for Ubuntu 13.10 with video support
- From: tzafrir.cohen@xxxxxxxxxx (Tzafrir Cohen)
- PJSIP 2.1 packed for Ubuntu 13.10 with video support
- From: saul@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Saúl Ibarra Corretgé)
- [PATCH] vidgui sample for QT 4.8 and 5.1 on Linux
- From: dennis.guse@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Dennis Guse)
- PJSIP 2.1 packed for Ubuntu 13.10 with video support
- From: dennis.guse@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Dennis Guse)
- IP Address Change Question
- From: wzink@xxxxxxxxxxxxx (Bill Zink)
- Audio distortion problems in PJSIP
- From: vijendra.khemnar@xxxxxxxxxxxxx (Vijendra Khemnar)
- Suspected minor bug
- From: jeff.localphone@xxxxxxxxx (Jeff Localphone)
- Binding TLS outgoing port to any port on the remote end
- From: pdorosh@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Paul Dorosh)
- pjsipdll updation
- From: yoursgaurav00@xxxxxxxxx (Gaurav Sharma)
- problem with pjsip during hangout
- From: r3gis.3r@xxxxxxxxx (Régis Montoya)
- problem with pjsip during hangout
- From: msalinasr@xxxxxxxxxx (Moisés Salinas Rosales)
- From: linus@xxxxxxxxxxxxx (Linus Unnebäck)
- audio rerouting doesn't work - ios7 compatability
- From: ming@xxxxxxxxx (Ming)
- TLS connect port issue with TURN server on a client outside of firewall
- From: pdorosh@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Paul Dorosh)
- Help Required on TLS iPhone configuration with pjproject-2.1.0
- From: alex@xxxxxxxxxxxxx (Oleksii Vynogradov)
- Register fails when client is behind a NAT
- From: cyrill.gremaud@xxxxxxx (Gremaud Cyrill)
- Help Required on TLS iPhone configuration with pjproject-2.1.0
- From: gaurav.kasliwal@xxxxxxxxxxxx (Gaurav Kasliwal)
- Help Required on TLS iPhone configuration with pjproject-2.1.0
- From: alex@xxxxxxxxxxxxx (Oleksii Vynogradov)
- Help Required on TLS iPhone configuration with pjproject-2.1.0
- From: gaurav.kasliwal@xxxxxxxxxxxx (gaurav kasliwal)
- SIP SRV Server Resolution - NAPTR Support
- From: romainjezequel@xxxxxxxx (Romain JEZEQUEL)
- Build PJSip in XCode
- From: daocuong@xxxxxxxxx (DAO CUONG)
- About PJSIP Video lib for OCX program.
- From: guanxiansun@xxxxxxxxx (Guan Xsun)
- Need to remove headers from sip messages
- From: agupta7308@xxxxxxxxx (Arun)
- audio rerouting doesn't work - ios7 compatability
- From: yosi@xxxxxxxxxx (Yosi Taguri)
- High CPU usage with two sound device
- From: sblaare@xxxxxxxxx (Santiago Blanco)
- pjsip Digest, Vol 74, Issue 19
- From: yosi@xxxxxxxxxx (Yosi Taguri)
- Some questions about iOS7 support's current state in PJSIP
- From: spencer.macdonald.other@xxxxxxxxx (Spencer MacDonald)
- Some questions about iOS7 support's current state in PJSIP
- From: ming@xxxxxxxxx (Ming)
- PJSip on iOS and -ObjC -all_load...
- From: qiulang@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (qiulang)
- Strange problem with pjsip and xcode 5 and ios7
- From: Jerry@xxxxxxxxxxx (Jerry Ryan)
- Second sound device
- From: sblaare@xxxxxxxxx (Santiago Blanco)
- Second sound device
- From: prawin219@xxxxxxxxx (prawin chavan)
- Second sound device
- From: sblaare@xxxxxxxxx (Santiago Blanco)
- PJSIP+g729 without IPP
- From: alex@xxxxxxxxxxxxx (Oleksii Vynogradov)
- PJSIP+g729 without IPP
- From: d.saravanan.mca@xxxxxxxxx (Sarvan D)
- blf support
- From: s.rapillo@xxxxxxxxxxxx (Savino Rapillo)
- PJSIP+g729 without IPP
- From: alex@xxxxxxxxxxxxx (Oleksii Vynogradov)
- pjsip Digest, Vol 73, Issue 47
- From: yosi@xxxxxxxxxx (Yosi Taguri)
- Some questions about iOS7 support's current state in PJSIP
- From: pockany@xxxxxxxxxx (Pockány, Pockány)
- PJSIP+g729 without IPP
- From: d.saravanan.mca@xxxxxxxxx (Sarvan D)
- pjsip Digest, Vol 74, Issue 4
- From: yosi@xxxxxxxxxx (Yosi Taguri)
- Echo Cancelation
- From: onmyway133@xxxxxxxxx (Khoa Pham)
- How to clear socket buffer when transport is attached again
- From: onmyway133@xxxxxxxxx (Khoa Pham)
- Returning multiple formats in an SDP answer?
- From: jcolp@xxxxxxxxxx (Joshua Colp)
- Returning multiple formats in an SDP answer?
- From: MDaughtrey@xxxxxxxxxxxx (Matt Daughtrey)
- Pjsip pjsua_call_set_hold returning false
- From: jamesgordon223@xxxxxxxxx (james gordon)
- Adding e:deflate support
- From: bennylp@xxxxxxxxx (Benny Prijono)
- Adding e:deflate support
- From: cloos+pjsip@xxxxxxxxxxx (James Cloos)
- TURN permissions error
- From: cyrill.gremaud@xxxxxxx (Gremaud Cyrill)
- Can't find audio device on Raspberry Pi
- From: 8flm6@xxxxxx (Paul Schmidt)
- Echo Cancelation
- From: soulgamebits@xxxxxxxxx (Rohit Singh)
- Integration of PJSIP with TI8168
- From: chaudharyiitian@xxxxxxxxx (shashank chaudhary)
- Invitation to use Google Talk
- From: talk-noreply@xxxxxxxxxx (Google Talk)
- Vishal Maheshwari has invited you to open a Google mail account
- From: visyuvi@xxxxxxxxx (Vishal Maheshwari)
- default audio device (PJMEDIA_EAUD_NODEFDEV)
- From: visyuvi@xxxxxxxxx (Vishal Maheshwari)
- Echo Cancelation
- From: onmyway133@xxxxxxxxx (Khoa Pham)
- Echo Cancelation
- From: soulgamebits@xxxxxxxxx (Rohit Singh)
- DNS SRV resolution
- From: soulgamebits@xxxxxxxxx (Rohit Singh)
- default audio device (PJMEDIA_EAUD_NODEFDEV)
- From: visyuvi@xxxxxxxxx (Vishal Maheshwari)
- compiling for iPhone5s with 64bit support (pjsip Digest, Vol 73, Issue 71)
- From: tmemail@xxxxxx (Thomas Martin)
- pjsip Digest, Vol 73, Issue 71
- From: yosi@xxxxxxxxxx (Yosi Taguri)
- compiling for iPhone5s with 64bit support
- From: tmemail@xxxxxx (Thomas Martin)
- Support for Content-Encoding: deflate
- From: zhengyumingnanjing@xxxxxxxxx (Yuming Zheng)
- Support for Content-Encoding: deflate
- From: kris@xxxxxxxxxxxx (Kristian Kielhofner)
- iOS video attempt
- From: work.anilgiri@xxxxxxxxx (Anil Giri)
- The problem of the PJSIP with Video
- From: potapov_s@xxxxxxxx (Сергей Потапов)
- Does PJSIP provide IAX support
- From: tcreek@xxxxxxxxx (Trent Creekmore)
- Can't find audio device on Raspberry Pi
- From: cordes.matthew@xxxxxxxxx (Matthew Cordes)
- Does PJSIP provide IAX support
- From: saul@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Saúl Ibarra Corretgé)
- Does PJSIP provide IAX support
- From: moss@xxxxxxxxx (Moss S)
- pjsip Digest, Vol 73, Issue 61
- From: guanxiansun@xxxxxxxxx (Guan Xsun)
- The problem of the PJSIP with Video
- From: guanxiansun@xxxxxxxxx (Guan Xsun)
- Building PJSIP for Android
- From: intercom.alarm@xxxxxxxxx (intercom_alert@xxxxxxxxx Intercom)
- iOS 7.0 sdk and Xcode 5 build - crash on same code, which working well on ios6.0 sdk
- From: alex@xxxxxxxxxxxxx (Oleksii Vynogradov)
- i'm looking a way to change all SIP(signaling) and RTP(media) packets by own protocol, please suggest me where i can do it
- From: alex@xxxxxxxxxxxxx (Oleksii Vynogradov)
- Error compiling pjsip sample app with video enable
- From: dheeraj.dodda@xxxxxxxxxx (dheeraj)
- i'm looking a way to change all SIP(signaling) and RTP(media) packets by own protocol, please suggest me where i can do it
- From: alex@xxxxxxxxxxxxx (Oleksii Vynogradov)
- DNS SRV resolution
- From: romainjezequel@xxxxxxxx (Romain JEZEQUEL)
- i'm looking a way to change all SIP(signaling) and RTP(media) packets by own protocol, please suggest me where i can do it
- From: dan@xxxxxxxxxxxx (Dan Arrhenius)
- DNS SRV resolution
- From: soulgamebits@xxxxxxxxx (Rohit Singh)
- DNS SRV resolution
- From: romainjezequel@xxxxxxxx (Romain JEZEQUEL)
- DNS SRV resolution
- From: soulgamebits@xxxxxxxxx (Rohit Singh)
- i'm looking a way to change all SIP(signaling) and RTP(media) packets by own protocol, please suggest me where i can do it
- From: varunps2003@xxxxxxxxx (varun pratapsingh)
- How can i send patch or write ticket?
- From: gmstima@xxxxxxxxx (Роман Савченко)
- i'm looking a way to change all SIP(signaling) and RTP(media) packets by own protocol, please suggest me where i can do it
- From: alex@xxxxxxxxxxxxx (Oleksii Vynogradov)
- Issue with changeset 4590 - Unable to open sound device on iphone 5 ios 7 (GM)
- From: ming@xxxxxxxxx (Ming)
- RTP recv() error messages
- From: kewei.ma.ubiquity@xxxxxxxxx (马克维)
- Wrong data type of the id and version in the "origin" (o=) field of SDP
- From: bernd@xxxxxxxxxx (Bernd Petrovitsch)
- regarding the double video stream in pjsip
- From: fantasyvideo@xxxxxxx (梦幻工作室)
- iPhone simulator compilation with xcode 5 fails
- From: romainjezequel@xxxxxxxx (Romain JEZEQUEL)
- pjsip Digest, Vol 73, Issue 41
- From: yosi@xxxxxxxxxx (Yosi Taguri)
- iPhone simulator compilation with xcode 5 fails
- From: romainjezequel@xxxxxxxx (Romain JEZEQUEL)
- SIP Invite with sdp setted to zero
- From: gmstima@xxxxxxxxx (Роман Савченко)
- Opus Integration
- From: soulgamebits@xxxxxxxxx (Rohit Singh)
- [BUG] PJSIP Python Binding
- From: vit1251@xxxxxxxxx (Vitold S)
- A Bug on iOS7: The volume level is degraded after making a VoIP call using the PJSIP2.0
- From: 416415455@xxxxxx (sunny_day)
- Issue with changeset 4590 - Unable to open sound device on iphone 5 ios 7 (GM)
- From: yosi@xxxxxxxxxx (Yosi Taguri)
- A possible Bug: The volume level is degraded after making a VoIP call using the PJSIP2.0
- From: 416415455@xxxxxx (sunny_day)
- How to implement asynchronous delay in Python with pjsip 2.1 ?
- From: teodor.l.georgiev@xxxxxxxxx (Teodor Georgiev)
- Voice not coming in Pjsip from one ISP to another
- From: varunps2003@xxxxxxxxx (varun pratapsingh)
- PJSIP as sip server
- From: 8flm6@xxxxxx (Paul Schmidt)
- Can't find audio device on Raspberry Pi
- From: 8flm6@xxxxxx (Paul Schmidt)
- PJNATH - Never reach the callback
- From: cyrill.gremaud@xxxxxxx (Gremaud Cyrill)
- Setting PJSUA audio sampling rate higher than 16Khz?
- From: haomiao@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Haomiao Huang)
- PJSUA: notification if the network connection is lost
- From: onmyway133@xxxxxxxxx (Khoa Pham)
- PJSIP as sip server
- From: guanxiansun@xxxxxxxxx (Guan Xsun)
- From: misc.mm@xxxxxxxxx (mm misc)
- PJSUA: notification if the network connection is lost
- From: kchitiz.saxena@xxxxxxxxx (Kchitiz Saxena)
- PJSUA: notification if the network connection is lost
- From: norbert.weyrich@xxxxxxxxxxxx (Norbert Weyrich)
- PJSUA: notification if the network connection is lost
- From: onmyway133@xxxxxxxxx (Khoa Pham)
- PJSUA: notification if the network connection is lost
- From: norbert.weyrich@xxxxxxxxxxxx (Norbert Weyrich)
- 答复: Regarding the pps/sps when using the third media stack
- From: fantasyvideo@xxxxxxx (梦幻工作室)
- Minimum sound level for microphone
- From: cordes.matthew@xxxxxxxxx (Matthew Cordes)
- Sound quality issue with pjsip 2.1 and Raspberry Pi
- From: cordes.matthew@xxxxxxxxx (Matthew Cordes)
- Can't find audio device on Raspberry Pi
- From: cordes.matthew@xxxxxxxxx (Matthew Cordes)
- ICE with PJSUA
- From: cyrill.gremaud@xxxxxxx (Gremaud Cyrill)
- Send custom headers in invite
- From: soulgamebits@xxxxxxxxx (Rohit Singh)
- Send custom headers in invite
- From: andreas_wehrmann@xxxxxxxx (Andreas Wehrmann)
- Regarding the pps/sps when using the third media stack
- From: zhengyumingnanjing@xxxxxxxxx (Yuming Zheng)
- Send custom headers in invite
- From: soulgamebits@xxxxxxxxx (Rohit Singh)
- Send custom headers in invite
- From: soulgamebits@xxxxxxxxx (Rohit Singh)
- Regarding the pps/sps when using the third media stack
- From: fantasyvideo@xxxxxxx (梦幻工作室)
- Can't find audio device on Raspberry Pi
- From: 8flm6@xxxxxx (Paul Schmidt)
- Problems with decrypt SRTP
- From: dominique.haeber@xxxxxx (Dominique Haeber)
- Linker error when building with iOS 7 SDK and Xcode 5 on Mavericks
- From: samuelv@xxxxxxxxxxx (samuelv at laposte.net)
- Linker error when building with iOS 7 SDK and Xcode 5 on Mavericks
- From: James.Addyman@xxxxxxxxxxxx (James Addyman)
- Linker error when building with iOS 7 SDK and Xcode 5 on Mavericks
- From: james.addyman@xxxxxxxxxxxx (James Addyman)
- How to force cancelled a callout(invite) to not exist callee?
- From: gmstima@xxxxxxxxx (R. Savchenko)
- How to force cancelled a callout(invite) to not exist callee?
- From: eboy20041206@xxxxxxxxx (eboy chen)
- [patch] Fix compilation with recent versions of FFMpeg
- From: onmyway133@xxxxxxxxx (Khoa Pham)
- [patch] Fix compilation with recent versions of FFMpeg
- From: saul@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Saúl Ibarra Corretgé)
- PJNATH - Create simple STUN client
- From: cyrill.gremaud@xxxxxxx (Gremaud Cyrill)
- Subscribe/Notify through proxy
- From: sandygmaharaj@xxxxxxxxx (Sandeep Gupta)
- pjsip Digest, Vol 72, Issue 72
- From: agupta7308@xxxxxxxxx (Arun Gupta)
- Deadlock when opening preview window on OSX
- From: saul@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Saúl Ibarra Corretgé)
- Implement TLS (Ashwin Rath)
- From: soulgamebits@xxxxxxxxx (Rohit Singh)
- Deadlock when opening preview window on OSX
- From: saul@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Saúl Ibarra Corretgé)
- Deadlock when opening preview window on OSX
- From: saul@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Saúl Ibarra Corretgé)
- Registration timeout
- From: onmyway133@xxxxxxxxx (Khoa Pham)
- Implement TLS (Ashwin Rath)
- From: cyrill.gremaud@xxxxxxx (Gremaud Cyrill)
- Implemnet TLS
- From: ashwinrath@xxxxxxxxx (Ashwin Rath)
- Implemnet TLS
- From: soulgamebits@xxxxxxxxx (Rohit Singh)
- Audio issues (possibly portaudio)
- From: krc@xxxxxxxxxxxxx (Kim Rostgaard Christensen)
- Thread concurrency in close_snd_dev (possibly BUG)
- From: onmyway133@xxxxxxxxx (Khoa Pham)
- [crash][pjmedia-videodev] iInitialization/refresh
- From: gmstima@xxxxxxxxx (R. Savchenko)
- [crash][pjmedia-videodev] Initialization/refresh
- From: gmstima@xxxxxxxxx (R. Savchenko)
- windows + qt + dshow(COM threading model)
- From: potapov_s@xxxxxxxx (Сергей Потапов)
- Thread concurrency in close_snd_dev (possibly BUG)
- From: onmyway133@xxxxxxxxx (Khoa Pham)
- windows + qt + dshow(COM threading model)
- From: gmstima@xxxxxxxxx (R. Savchenko)
- Disable subscription
- From: pasquale.caruso@xxxxxxxx (Pasquale Caruso)
- Disable subscription
- From: pasquale.caruso@xxxxxxxx (Pasquale Caruso)
- Registration timeout
- From: pasquale.caruso@xxxxxxxx (Pasquale Caruso)
- My approach to implementing TURN over TLS
- From: jselbie@xxxxxxxxx (John Selbie)
- Eventloop
- From: alexander.huemer@xxxxx (Alexander Huemer)
- Intel IPP (Andreas Ahland)
- From: jridges@xxxxxxxxxx (John Ridges)
- Intel IPP
- From: a.ahland@xxxxxx (Andreas Ahland)
- Receiving a lot of RTP recv() error messages
- From: 8flm6@xxxxxx (Paul Schmidt)
- Status 403 - You must register with a S-CSCF first
- From: radoslaw.szalski@xxxxxxxxx (Radosław Szalski)
- Receiving a lot of RTP recv() error messages
- From: 8flm6@xxxxxx (Paul Schmidt)
- TLS pjsip error (admin gupta)
- From: cyrill.gremaud@xxxxxxx (Gremaud Cyrill)
- TLS pjsip error
- From: agupta7308@xxxxxxxxx (admin gupta)
- - high cpu load when pjsip is running in background
- From: tanvi164@xxxxxxxxx (Tanvi Sachdeva)
- - high cpu load when pjsip is running in background
- From: tanvi164@xxxxxxxxx (Tanvi Sachdeva)
- Memory corruption after #1686
- From: lars@xxxxxx (Lars Immisch)
- Memory corruption after #1686
- From: lars@xxxxxx (Lars Immisch)
- Memory corruption after #1686
- From: lars@xxxxxx (Lars Immisch)
- possible PJSIP bug on TCP calls?
- From: john_q61@xxxxxxxxx (John Q)
- Memory corruption after #1686
- From: ming@xxxxxxxxx (Ming)
- Memory corruption after #1686
- From: lars@xxxxxx (Lars Immisch)
- How avoiding the PRACK method after receiving ringing?
- From: norbert.weyrich@xxxxxxxxxxxx (Norbert Weyrich)
- [patch] Fix replying to re-INVITE after it was cancelled
- From: saul@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Saúl Ibarra Corretgé)
- MSVC compilation
- From: gmstima@xxxxxxxxx (R. Savchenko)
- [patch] Fix replying to re-INVITE after it was cancelled
- From: ming@xxxxxxxxx (Ming)
- shared sound device
- From: sblaare@xxxxxxxxx (Santiago Blanco)
- Release mode
- From: gmstima@xxxxxxxxx (R. Savchenko)
- H.264 Packetization
- From: jeetu_friend123@xxxxxxxxxxx (jitendra gupta)
- Release mode
- From: pasquale.caruso@xxxxxxxx (Pasquale Caruso)
- Connecting 3 IP-Telephones via conference bridge
- From: 8flm6@xxxxxx (Paul Schmidt)
- regarding the pjsip's call or answer call's sdp
- From: fantasyvideo@xxxxxxx (梦幻工作室)
- regarding the pjsip's call or answer call's sdp
- From: fantasyvideo@xxxxxxx (梦幻工作室)
- BlackBerry Port falls over with new 10.2.x.x SDK
- From: Samuel.Truscott@xxxxxxxxxxxx (Samuel Truscott)
- STUN-TURN-ICE script ?
- From: spowage@xxxxxxxxx (Mark Spowage)
- Antwort: Assertion error when trying to create media stream
- From: 8flm6@xxxxxx (Paul Schmidt)
- [PJSIP] - Bad RTP pt 19( expecting 0)
- From: tanvi164@xxxxxxxxx (Tanvi Sachdeva)
- Prevent Assertion failed
- From: onmyway133@xxxxxxxxx (Khoa Pham)
- [PJSIP] - Bad RTP pt 19( expecting 0)
- From: onmyway133@xxxxxxxxx (Khoa Pham)
- PJSIP 2.2 release date?
- From: teng.jack@xxxxxxxxx (Jack Teng)
- pjsip Digest, Vol 72, Issue 42
- From: guanxiansun@xxxxxxxxx (Guan Xsun)
- pjsua telnet
- From: spowage@xxxxxxxxx (Mark Spowage)
- [PJSIP] - Bad RTP pt 19( expecting 0)
- From: tanvi164@xxxxxxxxx (Tanvi Sachdeva)
- Answering Call Down after transfer in Crashing iPhone Application
- From: moss@xxxxxxxxx (Moss S)
- linking problem in xcode
- From: alex@xxxxxxxxxxxxx (Oleksii Vynogradov)
- linking problem in xcode
- From: arraiashish00@xxxxxxxxx (Ashish Rai)
- Antwort: Assertion error when trying to create media stream
- From: Adam.Wientzek@xxxxxx (Adam.Wientzek at dfs.de)
- Assertion error when trying to create media stream
- From: 8flm6@xxxxxx (Paul Schmidt)
- Negotiation not done with 200 OK when Early Media has been negociated
- From: romainjezequel@xxxxxxxx (Romain JEZEQUEL)
- PJSIP problem on Android
- From: mlodzianck@xxxxxxxxx (Maciek Tokarski)
- PJSIP problem on Android
- From: guanxiansun@xxxxxxxxx (Guan Xsun)
- --help stun/turn/ice
- From: spowage@xxxxxxxxx (Mark Spowage)
- Handling re-INVITE answer manually
- From: romainjezequel@xxxxxxxx (Romain JEZEQUEL)
- Status 403 - You must register with a S-CSCF first
- From: cyrill.gremaud@xxxxxxx (Gremaud Cyrill)
- 2.0.1 with CoreAudio on iPhone
- From: ayun8848@xxxxxxxxx (Jack Ying)
- From: spowage@xxxxxxxxx (Mark Spowage)
- android
- From: spowage@xxxxxxxxx (Mark Spowage)
- PJSIP for high scale SIP server
- From: Matt.Williams@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Matt Williams)
- [patch] Fix replying to re-INVITE after it was cancelled
- From: saul@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Saúl Ibarra Corretgé)
- pjsip Digest, Vol 72, Issue 24
- From: yosi@xxxxxxxxxx (Yosi Taguri)
- pj_pool_create crash on build 4580
- From: gmstima@xxxxxxxxx (Роман Савченко)
- pj_pool_create crash on build 4580
- From: yosi@xxxxxxxxxx (Yosi Taguri)
- [pjmedia][bug, fix] pjmedia_vid_dev_refresh
- From: gmstima@xxxxxxxxx (Роман Савченко)
- PJSIP for high scale SIP server
- From: gangban.lau@xxxxxxxxx (Gang Liu)
- [PJSIP}: PJSUA does not play audio on alsa device if any other application is also using the same device
- From: tanvi164@xxxxxxxxx (Tanvi Sachdeva)
- pjmedia_vid_dev_refresh crash in worker thread
- From: gmstima@xxxxxxxxx (Роман Савченко)
- Nagios Voice Call Alert
- From: nbacon@xxxxxxxxxxxx (Nick Bacon)
- crash at pj_pool_release
- From: yosi@xxxxxxxxxx (Yosi Taguri)
- Nagios Voice Call Alert
- From: deepak@xxxxxxxxxxx (Deepak Bhatia)
- Nagios Voice Call Alert
- From: kaushalshriyan@xxxxxxxxx (Kaushal Shriyan)
- Nagios Voice Call Alert
- From: kaushalshriyan@xxxxxxxxx (Kaushal Shriyan)
- compiling qt_dev.m fails on PowerBook G4-laptop (OSX 10.4)
- From: Eeri.Kask@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Eeri Kask)
- Regarding Sip Message to pstn
- From: gourashish11@xxxxxxxxx (Ashish Gour)
- pjmedia_vid_dev_refresh crash in worker thread
- From: gmstima@xxxxxxxxx (Роман Савченко)
- PJSIP for high scale SIP server
- From: Matt.Williams@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Matt Williams)
- Prevent Assertion failed
- From: pasquale.caruso@xxxxxxxx (Pasquale Caruso)
- PJSIP for high scale SIP server
- From: gangban.lau@xxxxxxxxx (Gang Liu)
- PJSIP for high scale SIP server
- From: Matt.Williams@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Matt Williams)
- Cannot send Subscribe request after first registration with multiple NICs present - have to wait for re-registration.
- From: radoslaw.szalski@xxxxxxxxx (Radosław Szalski)
- Status 403 - You must register with a S-CSCF first
- From: radoslaw.szalski@xxxxxxxxx (Radosław Szalski)
- PJSIP for high scale SIP server
- From: dennis.guse@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Dennis Guse)
- PJSIP for high scale SIP server
- From: Matt.Williams@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Matt Williams)
- Fwd: Build issues
- From: chetana.vedantam@xxxxxxxxx (Chetana Vedantam)
- No incoming call in my pjsip based app for bb 10
- From: gourashish11@xxxxxxxxx (Ashish Gour)
- BUG (minor): ./configure is not handing over parameters correctly to new build script
- From: dennis.guse@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Dennis Guse)
- [Annoucement] Debian/Ubuntu package for pjsip 2.1 (inoffiziel)
- From: dennis.guse@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Dennis Guse)
- PJSIP for high scale SIP server
- From: gangban.lau@xxxxxxxxx (Gang Liu)
- Kamailio v4.0.2, iPhone, TCP connection and PJLIB
- From: kernel@xxxxxxxxxxxxx (Roberto Fichera)
- Video device "call backs"
- From: gmstima@xxxxxxxxx (Роман Савченко)
- Xaudio2 as audio backend
- From: abdelrahman.salah.cs@xxxxxxxxx (Abdelrahman Salah)
- Forcing PJSIP to use DirectSound
- From: a.ahland@xxxxxx (Andreas Ahland)
- Forcing PJSIP to use DirectSound
- From: abdelrahman.salah.cs@xxxxxxxxx (Abdelrahman Salah)
- What does Thread local storage mean in pjsip ?
- From: onmyway133@xxxxxxxxx (Khoa Pham)
- Application crash in iOS when making multiple back to back calls
- From: anuj.panwar@xxxxxxxxxx (Anuj Panwar)
- PJSIP on Blackberry 10
- From: goncalo.pinheira@xxxxxxxxxxx (Gonçalo Pinheira)
- Create conf port with incoming RTP stream example
- From: 045hko@xxxxxxxxx (Peter Velky)
- BUG (minor): ./configure is not handing over parameters correctly to new build script
- From: andreas_wehrmann@xxxxxxxx (Andreas Wehrmann)
- Setting Socket option - broadcast
- From: sandygmaharaj@xxxxxxxxx (Sandeep Gupta)
- What does Thread local storage mean in pjsip ?
- From: onmyway133@xxxxxxxxx (Khoa Pham)
- BUG (minor): configure script does not determine, if -fPIC is needed (as on amd64)
- From: dennis.guse@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Dennis Guse)
- BUG (minor): ./configure is not handing over parameters correctly to new build script
- From: dennis.guse@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Dennis Guse)
- Setting Socket option - broadcast
- From: sandygmaharaj@xxxxxxxxx (Sandeep Gupta)
- Setting Socket option - broadcast
- From: yuri@xxxxxxx (Yuri Saltykov)
- Setting Socket option - broadcast
- From: sandygmaharaj@xxxxxxxxx (Sandeep Gupta)
- What happen when callee does not receive INVITE ACK ?
- From: onmyway133@xxxxxxxxx (Khoa Pham)
- Building pjsip with direct sound support.
- From: abdelrahman.salah.cs@xxxxxxxxx (Abdelrahman Salah)
- Create conf port with incoming RTP stream example
- From: onmyway133@xxxxxxxxx (Khoa Pham)
- Problem, forwarding INVITE requests
- From: 8flm6@xxxxxx (Paul Schmidt)
- pjsip] [PJSIP] - Compiling only PJSUA-App
- From: cyrill.gremaud@xxxxxxx (Gremaud Cyrill)
- [PJSIP] - Compiling only PJSUA-App
- From: tanvi164@xxxxxxxxx (Tanvi Sachdeva)
- Vidgui builded in release mode failed to start
- From: potapov_s@xxxxxxxx (Сергей Потапов)
- Create conf port with incoming RTP stream example
- From: 045hko@xxxxxxxxx (Peter Velky)
- Building pjsip with direct sound support.
- From: abdelrahman.salah.cs@xxxxxxxxx (Abdelrahman Salah)
- Vidgui builded in release mode failed to start
- From: potapov_s@xxxxxxxx (Сергей Потапов)
- Jabber Conference created for PJSIP developers
- From: potapov_s@xxxxxxxx (Сергей Потапов)
- 503 error when TLS enabled
- From: ayun8848@xxxxxxxxx (Jack Ying)
- pjsip Digest, Vol 71, Issue 113
- From: ayun8848@xxxxxxxxx (Jack Ying)
- 503 error when TLS enabled
- From: onmyway133@xxxxxxxxx (Khoa Pham)
- 1. PJSUA manipulate media device before call. 2. Vidgui example problem.
- From: potapov_s@xxxxxxxx (Сергей Потапов)
- Build a deb-package
- From: dennis.guse@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Dennis Guse)
- 503 error when TLS enabled
- From: ayun8848@xxxxxxxxx (Jack Ying)
- Mobile Enthusiast
- From: mobenthusiast@xxxxxxxxx (Mobile Enthusiast)
- known failure scenarios
- From: ofert@xxxxxxxxx (Ofer Tehori)
- how do I send media over TCP instead of RTP?
- From: Eeri.Kask@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Eeri Kask)
- how do I send media over TCP instead of RTP?
- From: Werner.Dittmann@xxxxxxxxxxx (Werner Dittmann)
- how do I send media over TCP instead of RTP?
- From: techsup0073@xxxxxxxxx (Techie Sup)
- pjsip Digest, Vol 71, Issue 100
- From: mlodzianck@xxxxxxxxx (Maciek Tokarski)
- Suggestion - move this list to a google group
- From: yosi@xxxxxxxxxx (Yosi Taguri)
- crash on regc_cb [UPDATED]
- From: yosi@xxxxxxxxxx (Yosi Taguri)
- pjsip Digest, Vol 71, Issue 100
- From: yosi@xxxxxxxxxx (Yosi Taguri)
- crash on regc_cb
- From: yosi@xxxxxxxxxx (Yosi Taguri)
- Reducing CPU usage on raspberrypi
- From: zhengyumingnanjing@xxxxxxxxx (Yuming Zheng)
- TLS Transport Disconnected and auto reconnected
- From: onmyway133@xxxxxxxxx (Khoa Pham)
- H.264 video call
- From: branko.zebec@xxxxxxxxx (Branko Zebec)
- TLS Transport Disconnected and auto reconnected
- From: jfalexvijay@xxxxxxxxx (J Alex Antony Vijay)
- Problems building pjsip in OSX (10.8)
- From: samuelv@xxxxxxxxxxx (samuelv at laposte.net)
- how do I send media over TCP instead of RTP?
- From: jfalexvijay@xxxxxxxxx (J Alex Antony Vijay)
- Status 403 - You must register with a S-CSCF first
- From: radoslaw.szalski@xxxxxxxxx (Radosław Szalski)
- Problems building pjsip in OSX (10.8)
- From: robj.perez@xxxxxxxxx (Roberto Perez)
- Status 403 - You must register with a S-CSCF first
- From: cyrill.gremaud@xxxxxxx (Gremaud Cyrill)
- porting pjsip to set-top box
- From: 646650064@xxxxxx (=?gb18030?b?zebK1rv6tcTDqA==?=)
- pjsip Digest, Vol 71, Issue 88
- From: guanxiansun@xxxxxxxxx (Guan Xsun)
- Reducing CPU usage on raspberrypi
- From: cordes.matthew@xxxxxxxxx (Matthew Cordes)
- 1. PJSUA manipulate media device before call. 2. Vidgui example problem.
- From: gmstima@xxxxxxxxx (Роман Савченко)
- Status 403 - You must register with a S-CSCF first
- From: radoslaw.szalski@xxxxxxxxx (Radosław Szalski)
- 1. PJSUA manipulate media device before call. 2. Vidgui example problem.
- From: potapov_s@xxxxxxxx (Сергей Потапов)
- 1. PJSUA manipulate media device before call. 2. Vidgui example problem.
- From: gmstima@xxxxxxxxx (Роман Савченко)
- Incorrect jitter buffer level?
- From: alexandre.devos@xxxxxxxxxxx (Alexandre Devos)
- Status 403 - You must register with a S-CSCF first
- From: cyrill.gremaud@xxxxxxx (Gremaud Cyrill)
- Server side SW
- From: ofert@xxxxxxxxx (Ofer Tehori)
- Understanding audio device configuration
- From: cordes.matthew@xxxxxxxxx (Matthew Cordes)
- pjnath negotiation fails under Windows with short timeouts
- From: florian.winterstein@xxxxxxxxx (Florian Winterstein)
- Broadcasting with PJSIP
- From: tanvi164@xxxxxxxxx (Tanvi Sachdeva)
- Hang when shutting down on raspberry pi
- From: cordes.matthew@xxxxxxxxx (Matthew Cordes)
- TLS Transport Disconnected and auto reconnected
- From: pasquale.caruso@xxxxxxxx (Pasquale Caruso)
- Hang when shutting down on raspberry pi
- From: saul@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Saúl Ibarra Corretgé)
- Hang when shutting down on raspberry pi
- From: cordes.matthew@xxxxxxxxx (Matthew Cordes)
- Separation
- From: onmyway133@xxxxxxxxx (Khoa Pham)
- how do I send media over TCP instead of RTP?
- From: onmyway133@xxxxxxxxx (Khoa Pham)
- PJSIP for high scale SIP server
- From: nishantjr@xxxxxxxxx (Nishant Rodrigues)
- TLS Transport Disconnected and auto reconnected
- From: onmyway133@xxxxxxxxx (Khoa Pham)
- Why is pjmedia_stream created again when call is held ? (BUG maybe)
- From: onmyway133@xxxxxxxxx (Khoa Pham)
- TLS Transport Disconnected and auto reconnected
- From: pasquale.caruso@xxxxxxxx (Pasquale Caruso)
- pjsip Digest, Vol 71, Issue 65
- From: pasquale.caruso@xxxxxxxx (Pasquale Caruso)
- pjsip Digest, Vol 71, Issue 65
- From: johan@xxxxxx (JOHAN LANTZ)
- Get options Message sent by server
- From: pasquale.caruso@xxxxxxxx (Pasquale Caruso)
- PJSIP on Android
- From: deepak@xxxxxxxxxxx (Deepak Bhatia)
- changset 4555 issue
- From: ming@xxxxxxxxx (Ming)
- Initializing pjsip from a worker thread
- From: yosi@xxxxxxxxxx (Yosi Taguri)
- changset 4555 issue
- From: yosi@xxxxxxxxxx (Yosi Taguri)
- Error in pjsua_call_set_vid_strm
- From: ming@xxxxxxxxx (Ming)
- Error in pjsua_call_set_vid_strm
- From: potapov_s@xxxxxxxx (Сергей Потапов)
- Rare crash when calling pjsua_set_snd_dev on Windows
- From: tom@xxxxxxxxxx (Thomas Steinacher)
- RTP Stream files conversion to WAV
- From: jfalexvijay@xxxxxxxxx (J Alex Antony Vijay)
- No audio or no auto-answer after X calls
- From: JJackson@xxxxxxxxxxx (Joshua Jackson, Ph.D.)
- pjsip: Codec frame is too short (PJMEDIA_CODEC_EFRMTOOSHORT)
- From: tanvi164@xxxxxxxxx (Tanvi Sachdeva)
- Sound problems! "sound_port.c EC suspended because of inactivity"
- From: filip.majerowski@xxxxxxxxx (Filip Majerowski)
- pjsip: streamutil issue
- From: tanvi164@xxxxxxxxx (Tanvi Sachdeva)
- PJSIP for high scale SIP server
- From: Matt.Williams@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Matt Williams)
- PJSIP: streamutil not working
- From: tanvi164@xxxxxxxxx (Tanvi Sachdeva)
- Problem in running streamutil.c and playfile from samples.
- From: tanvi164@xxxxxxxxx (Tanvi)
- PJSIP: streamutil not working
- From: tanvi164@xxxxxxxxx (Tanvi Sachdeva)
- Fwd: PJSIP: streamutil not working
- From: tanvi164@xxxxxxxxx (Tanvi Sachdeva)
- PJSIP: streamutil not working
- From: tanvi164@xxxxxxxxx (Tanvi Sachdeva)
- PJSUA-CLI: command line buffer too small
- From: Eeri.Kask@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Eeri Kask)
- Incorrect jitter buffer level?
- From: alexandre.devos@xxxxxxxxxxx (Alexandre Devos)
- PJSUA-CLI: command line buffer too small
- From: riza@xxxxxxxxx (Riza Sulistyo)
- pjsip Digest, Vol 71, Issue 43
- From: kalboussi.mohamed@xxxxxxxxx (mohamed kalboussi)
- pjsip Digest, Vol 71, Issue 41
- From: deepak@xxxxxxxxxxx (Deepak Bhatia)
- pjsip Digest, Vol 71, Issue 41
- From: kalboussi.mohamed@xxxxxxxxx (mohamed kalboussi)
- virtual machine
- From: deepak@xxxxxxxxxxx (Deepak Bhatia)
- virtual machine
- From: kalboussi.mohamed@xxxxxxxxx (mohamed kalboussi)
- PJSIP for high scale SIP server
- From: saul@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Saúl Ibarra Corretgé)
- PJSUA-CLI: command line buffer too small
- From: Eeri.Kask@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Eeri Kask)
- PJSIP for high scale SIP server
- From: Matt.Williams@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Matt Williams)
- Virtual machine
- From: kalboussi.mohamed@xxxxxxxxx (mohamed kalboussi)
- PJSIP build giving errors
- From: himanshu.sharma@xxxxxxxxxxxx (Himanshu Sharma)
- STUN session concept
- From: mlodzianck@xxxxxxxxx (Maciek Tokarski)
- pjsip Digest, Vol 71, Issue 27
- From: deepak@xxxxxxxxxxx (Deepak Bhatia)
- pjsip Digest, Vol 71, Issue 27
- From: deepak@xxxxxxxxxxx (Deepak Bhatia)
- pjsip Digest, Vol 71, Issue 27
- From: deepak@xxxxxxxxxxx (Deepak Bhatia)
- Non standard SDP line
- From: xch0929@xxxxxxx (Chenhui Xu)
- maximum amount of SSL ciphers
- From: tristan.matthews@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Tristan Matthews)
- pjsip Digest, Vol 71, Issue 27
- From: kalboussi.mohamed@xxxxxxxxx (mohamed kalboussi)
- pjsip Digest, Vol 71, Issue 25
- From: deepak@xxxxxxxxxxx (Deepak Bhatia)
- pjsip Digest, Vol 71, Issue 25
- From: kalboussi.mohamed@xxxxxxxxx (mohamed kalboussi)
- pjsip Digest, Vol 71, Issue 23
- From: deepak@xxxxxxxxxxx (Deepak Bhatia)
- pjsip Digest, Vol 71, Issue 23
- From: kalboussi.mohamed@xxxxxxxxx (mohamed kalboussi)
- pjsip Digest, Vol 71, Issue 19
- From: deepak@xxxxxxxxxxx (Deepak Bhatia)
- pjsip Digest, Vol 71, Issue 19
- From: kalboussi.mohamed@xxxxxxxxx (mohamed kalboussi)
- error when running ndk build
- From: deepak@xxxxxxxxxxx (Deepak Bhatia)
- error when running ndk build
- From: dan@xxxxxxxxxxxx (Dan Arrhenius)
- error when running ndk build
- From: deepak@xxxxxxxxxxx (Deepak Bhatia)
- error when running ndk build
- From: kalboussi.mohamed@xxxxxxxxx (mohamed kalboussi)
- Non standard SDP line
- From: zhengyumingnanjing@xxxxxxxxx (Yuming Zheng)
- Video decoding format changed, small buffer error
- From: ming@xxxxxxxxx (Ming)
- Non standard SDP line
- From: xch0929@xxxxxxx (Chenhui Xu)
- Non standard SDP line
- From: xch0929@xxxxxxx (Chenhui Xu)
- pjsip Digest, Vol 71, Issue 11
- From: kalboussi.mohamed@xxxxxxxxx (mohamed kalboussi)
- pjsip Digest, Vol 71, Issue 11
- From: kalboussi.mohamed@xxxxxxxxx (mohamed kalboussi)
- pjsip Digest, Vol 71, Issue 9
- From: deepak@xxxxxxxxxxx (Deepak Bhatia)
- pjsip Digest, Vol 71, Issue 9
- From: kalboussi.mohamed@xxxxxxxxx (mohamed kalboussi)
- building pjsua on Android
- From: kalboussi.mohamed@xxxxxxxxx (mohamed kalboussi)
- Issues with audio running pjsua on a Raspberry Pi via the 3.5mm analogue jack.
- From: perry@xxxxxxxxx (Perry Ismangil)
- RTP Stream files conversion to WAV
- From: mario.patricio@xxxxxxxxxx (Mário Patrício)
- pjsip Digest, Vol 71, Issue 2
- From: kalboussi.mohamed@xxxxxxxxx (mohamed kalboussi)
- PJSIP + iOS + background
- From: wellstaff@xxxxxxxxx (William Pompei)
- PJSUA-CLI send_arb
- From: Eeri.Kask@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Eeri Kask)
- Jitter buffer parameters
- From: miguelangel@xxxxxxxxxx (Miguel Angel Ortuño)
- Documentation
- From: deepak@xxxxxxxxxxx (Deepak Bhatia)
- Documentation
- From: kalboussi.mohamed@xxxxxxxxx (mohamed kalboussi)
- Some info on ZRTP lib for PJSIP and a ZRTP copycat
- From: Werner.Dittmann@xxxxxxxxxxx (Werner Dittmann)
- pjsua application cannot detect audio device
- From: nishantjr@xxxxxxxxx (Nishant Rodrigues)
- help please regarding pjsip project..
- From: sureshkansujiya@xxxxxxxxx (Suresh)
- Associating application data with a transport/transport factory.
- From: nishantjr@xxxxxxxxx (Nishant Rodrigues)
- Changing codec avg_bps
- From: alex.solis@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Alex Solis)
- pjsua application cannot detect audio device
- From: tanvi164@xxxxxxxxx (Tanvi Sachdeva)
- Video decoding format changed, small buffer error
- From: info@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Dmitry (MicroSIP))
- pjsua application cannot detect audio device
- From: amar.akshat@xxxxxxxxx (Amar Akshat)
- pjsua application cannot detect audio device
- From: rajatjain@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Rajat Jain)
- Sending REGISTER message through pjsip
- From: tanvi164@xxxxxxxxx (Tanvi Sachdeva)
- Sending REGISTER message through pjsip
- From: onmyway133@xxxxxxxxx (Khoa Pham)
- Sending REGISTER message through pjsip
- From: tanvi164@xxxxxxxxx (Tanvi Sachdeva)
- pjsua application cannot detect audio device
- From: tanvi164@xxxxxxxxx (Tanvi Sachdeva)
- pjsua application cannot detect audio device
- From: onmyway133@xxxxxxxxx (Khoa Pham)
- pjsua application cannot detect audio device
- From: tanvi164@xxxxxxxxx (Tanvi Sachdeva)
- RFC 6035 Event Package for Voice Quality Reporting support
- From: lutsenko.oleg@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Oleg Lutsenko)
- extension of python_pjsua to support in memory playback and audio recording
- From: jurcicek@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Filip Jurcicek)
- Bug report : mistake in create_rtp_rtcp_sock()
- From: onmyway133@xxxxxxxxx (Khoa Pham)
- Initial Win64 support - experimental
- From: perry@xxxxxxxxx (Perry Ismangil)
- svn HEAD fails to compile with PJ_CONFIG_MINIMAL_SIZE
- From: christopher@xxxxxxxxxxx (Christopher Creutzig)
- svn HEAD fails to compile with PJ_CONFIG_MINIMAL_SIZE
- From: christopher@xxxxxxxxxxx (Christopher Creutzig)
- Bad RTP pt 104 (expecting 9)
- From: christopher@xxxxxxxxxxx (Christopher Creutzig)
- Bad RTP pt 104 (expecting 9)
- From: marten.wikstrom@xxxxxxxxxxxx (Mårten Wikström)
- Bad RTP pt 104 (expecting 9)
- From: christopher@xxxxxxxxxxx (Christopher Creutzig)
- ./configure-android not found
- From: perry@xxxxxxxxx (Perry Ismangil)
- r4542 not building
- From: aftnix@xxxxxxxx (arif hossain)
- r4542 not building
- From: aftnix@xxxxxxxx (arif hossain)
- ./configure-android not found
- From: deepak@xxxxxxxxxxx (Deepak Bhatia)
- vary video rate dynamically
- From: john_q61@xxxxxxxxx (John Q)
- Issues with auto-answering call. No Audio?
- From: zach@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (zach at zachgoldstein.ca)
- Issues with auto-answering call. No Audio?
- From: zachgold@xxxxxxxxx (Zach Goldstein)
- ./configure-android not found
- From: tcreek@xxxxxxxxx (Trent Creekmore)
- telnet localhost 5554
- From: deepak@xxxxxxxxxxx (Deepak Bhatia)
- Telnet to - Pjsip on Android
- From: deepak@xxxxxxxxxxx (Deepak Bhatia)
- ./configure-android not found
- From: deepak@xxxxxxxxxxx (Deepak Bhatia)
- PJSIP on Android
- From: deepak@xxxxxxxxxxx (Deepak Bhatia)
- pjsua multiline MESSAGE
- From: Eeri.Kask@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Eeri Kask)
- Video decoding format changed, small buffer error
- From: info@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Dmitry (MicroSIP))
- outgoing call without SDP in INVITE message
- From: branko.zebec@xxxxxxxxx (Branko Zebec)
- PJSIP Build For Android
- From: shawnux@xxxxxxxxx (Sungbum Lim)
- PJSIP Build For Android
- From: deepak@xxxxxxxxxxx (Deepak Bhatia)
- ./configure-android not found
- From: deepak@xxxxxxxxxxx (Deepak Bhatia)
- ./configure-android not found
- From: deepak@xxxxxxxxxxx (Deepak Bhatia)
- PJSIP Build For Android
- From: deepak@xxxxxxxxxxx (Deepak Bhatia)
- Recieve and send an audio file
- From: tanvi164@xxxxxxxxx (Tanvi Sachdeva)
- maxaveragebitrate
- From: alex.solis@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Alex Solis)
- ./configure-android not found
- From: KLaMar@xxxxxxxxxxxx (Kevin LaMar)
- Missing TX packets from arm-ebi platform with pjsua
- From: janek.filus@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (janek.filus at ch.schindler.com)
- Pjsip does not automatically send a re-register and keep alive packets
- From: james180275@xxxxxxxxx (james james)
- Fwd: ./configure-android not found
- From: deepak@xxxxxxxxxxx (Deepak Bhatia)
- ./configure-android not found
- From: deepak@xxxxxxxxxxx (Deepak Bhatia)
- ./configure-android not found
- From: KLaMar@xxxxxxxxxxxx (Kevin LaMar)
- Assertion failed: (tdata == check->tdata), ice_session.c, line 2185.
- From: jselbie@xxxxxxxxx (John Selbie)
- wav_play and PUT/GET frame
- From: torwood@xxxxxxxxxx (P.a Masse)
- wav_play and PUT/GET frame
- From: onmyway133@xxxxxxxxx (Khoa Pham)
- wav_play and PUT/GET frame
- From: torwood@xxxxxxxxxx (P.a Masse)
- ./configure-android not found
- From: tcreek@xxxxxxxxx (Trent Creekmore)
- ./configure-android not found
- From: deepak@xxxxxxxxxxx (Deepak Bhatia)
- INVITE Request without SDP
- From: torwood@xxxxxxxxxx (P.a Masse)
- INVITE Request without SDP
- From: branko.zebec@xxxxxxxxx (Branko Zebec)
- problems with a simpleua manage by thread
- From: torwood@xxxxxxxxxx (P.a Masse)
- Issues with audio running pjsua on a Raspberry Pi via the 3.5mm analogue jack.
- From: C.Swinney@xxxxxxxxxxxxx (Swinney C.)
- pjsua multiline MESSAGE
- From: Eeri.Kask@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Eeri Kask)
- How to use ffmpeg h263 ?
- From: onmyway133@xxxxxxxxx (Khoa Pham)
- Core Audio iLBC on iPhone
- From: mlodzianck@xxxxxxxxx (Maciek Tokarski)
- Completion of error handling
- From: Markus.Elfring@xxxxxx (Markus Elfring)
- Complete build options for Pthread API
- From: Markus.Elfring@xxxxxx (Markus Elfring)
- reserved identifier violation
- From: Markus.Elfring@xxxxxx (Markus Elfring)
- possible bug in ZRTP implementation - SRTP replay check failed!
- From: privus007@xxxxxxxxx (Privus 007)
- Register is not being sent in Background mode in iOS
- From: onmyway133@xxxxxxxxx (Khoa Pham)
- Isssue regarding pjsip(broadcast call)
- From: prannoy.padamatinti@xxxxxxxxxx (prannoy.padamatinti at orvito.com)
- Register is not being sent in Background mode in iOS
- From: spencer.macdonald.other@xxxxxxxxx (Spencer MacDonald)
- Register is not being sent in Background mode in iOS
- From: anuj.panwar@xxxxxxxxxx (Anuj Panwar)
- pjsua_app_config
- From: shawnux@xxxxxxxxx (Sungbum Lim)
- pjsua_app_config
- From: shawnux@xxxxxxxxx (Sungbum Lim)
- Register is not being sent in Background mode in iOS
- From: anuj.panwar@xxxxxxxxxx (Anuj Panwar)
- Register is not being sent in Background mode in iOS
- From: ash.x.ash@xxxxxxxxxxx (Ashraf Jaddo)
- RTP/RTCP callbacks in pjsua
- From: john_q61@xxxxxxxxx (John Q)
- pjsip Digest, Vol 70, Issue 46
- From: prannoy.padamatinti@xxxxxxxxxx (prannoy.padamatinti at orvito.com)
- Cisco Unified Call Manager
- From: nbacon@xxxxxxxxxxxx (Nick Bacon)
- Building PJSIP for Android
- From: deepak@xxxxxxxxxxx (Deepak Bhatia)
- streamutil.c Assertion failed: (pool && src)
- From: sblaare@xxxxxxxxx (Santiago Blanco)
- How to know orientation, color space, frame format in video call ?
- From: onmyway133@xxxxxxxxx (Khoa Pham)
- Fwd: Corrections in alsa_dev's error handling
- From: nishantjr@xxxxxxxxx (Nishant Rodrigues)
- possible bug in ZRTP implementation - SRTP replay check failed!
- From: privus007@xxxxxxxxx (Privus 007)
- How to call the DNS Parser by SIP
- From: yujian221@xxxxxxxxx (yujian221)
- possible bug in ZRTP implementation - SRTP replay check failed!
- From: privus007@xxxxxxxxx (Privus 007)
- possible bug in ZRTP implementation - SRTP replay check failed!
- From: privus007@xxxxxxxxx (Privus 007)
- pjsip x64 windows support (FIXED)
- From: pascal.lequeux@xxxxxx (Pascal Lequeux)
- Is this a bug, in REFER messages
- From: lars.olsson76@xxxxxxxxx (Lars Olsson)
- H264 42e01e: pjsua, pjsip-2.1.0
- From: Eeri.Kask@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Eeri Kask)
- Using opus codec with pjsip
- From: kernel@xxxxxxxxxxxxx (Roberto Fichera)
- Using opus codec with pjsip
- From: sahiljindal1993@xxxxxxxxx (sahil jindal)
- possible bug in ZRTP implementation - SRTP replay check failed!
- From: Werner.Dittmann@xxxxxxxxxxx (Werner Dittmann)
- pjsip x64 windows support
- From: tcreek@xxxxxxxxx (Trent Creekmore)
- possible bug in ZRTP implementation - SRTP replay check failed!
- From: privus007@xxxxxxxxx (Privus 007)
- Video Orientation Problem
- From: tom@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Thomas Leavy)
- possible bug in ZRTP implementation - SRTP replay check failed!
- From: Werner.Dittmann@xxxxxxxxxxx (Werner Dittmann)
- SRTP decoding using "pcaputil"
- From: ghomri.nasser@xxxxxxxxx (Abdenasser Ghomri)
- possible bug in ZRTP implementation - SRTP replay check failed!
- From: privus007@xxxxxxxxx (Privus 007)
- pjsip x64 windows support
- From: tcreek@xxxxxxxxx (Trent Creekmore)
- Answering machine detection..
- From: bensly@xxxxxxxxx (Bensly Shanmugam)
- pjsip x64 windows support
- From: pascal.lequeux@xxxxxx (Pascal Lequeux)
- pjsip x64 windows support
- From: ashwinrath@xxxxxxxxx (Ashwin Rath)
- Possible memory corruption in in pj_sockaddr_set_str_addr() with IPv6 address
- From: pascal.lequeux@xxxxxx (Pascal Lequeux)
- pjsip x64 windows support
- From: pascal.lequeux@xxxxxx (Pascal Lequeux)
- ICE Re-Negotiation in the middle of a call
- From: yaron.zehavi3@xxxxxxxxx (Yaron Zehavi)
- How to create Push to talk ?
- From: andreas_wehrmann@xxxxxxxx (Andreas Wehrmann)
- How to create Push to talk ?
- From: onmyway133@xxxxxxxxx (Khoa Pham)
- possible bug in ZRTP implementation - SRTP replay check failed!
- From: Werner.Dittmann@xxxxxxxxxxx (Werner Dittmann)
- How to create Push to talk ?
- From: andreas_wehrmann@xxxxxxxx (Andreas Wehrmann)
- How to create Push to talk ?
- From: onmyway133@xxxxxxxxx (Khoa Pham)
- PJSIP VIDEO device enumeration problem!
- From: can.canbolat@xxxxxxxxxxxxx (Can Canbolat)
- iOS video attempt
- From: tom@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Thomas Leavy)
- possible bug in ZRTP implementation - SRTP replay check failed!
- From: privus007@xxxxxxxxx (Privus 007)
- Using opus codec with pjsip
- From: kernel@xxxxxxxxxxxxx (Roberto Fichera)
- Using opus codec with pjsip
- From: sahiljindal1993@xxxxxxxxx (sahil jindal)
- Why need to create transport listener ?
- From: onmyway133@xxxxxxxxx (Khoa Pham)
- possible bug in ZRTP implementation - SRTP replay check failed!
- From: Werner.Dittmann@xxxxxxxxxxx (Werner Dittmann)
- From: king@xxxxxxxxxx (Benjamin King)
- possible bug in ZRTP implementation - SRTP replay check failed!
- From: privus007@xxxxxxxxx (Privus 007)
- VAD and Noise Suppression value ranges configured in PJSIP
- From: sarfrazpk@xxxxxxxxx (Sarfraz Ahmed)
- Using opus codec with pjsip
- From: kernel@xxxxxxxxxxxxx (Roberto Fichera)
- Using opus codec with pjsip
- From: mythfish@xxxxxxxxx (tim chang)
- Using opus codec with pjsip
- From: kernel@xxxxxxxxxxxxx (Roberto Fichera)
- Using opus codec with pjsip
- From: sahiljindal1993@xxxxxxxxx (sahil jindal)
- Rough audio on Samsung GT-S5300
- From: ASeebregts@xxxxxxxxx (Seebregts, Anthony)
- No audio after starting video capture in iOS
- From: jjefferson2089@xxxxxxxxx (Jules Jefferson)
- fail to send before ice negotiate success
- From: aafaba@xxxxxxxxx (Faba Aa)
- PJSUA for android
- From: shawnux@xxxxxxxxx (Sungbum Lim)
- Video broken with latest pjsip release and latest version of ffmpeg?
- From: Eeri.Kask@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Eeri Kask)
- iOS video attempt
- From: tom@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Thomas Leavy)
- From: impaq_2@xxxxxxxxx (Hemsley Bien-aise)
- From: impaq_2@xxxxxxxxx (Hemsley Bien-aise)
- No audio after starting video capture in iOS
- From: jjefferson2089@xxxxxxxxx (Jules Jefferson)
- PJSIP various fixes
- From: ming@xxxxxxxxx (Ming)
- iOS video attempt
- From: samuelv@xxxxxxxxxxx (samuelv at laposte.net)
- PJSIP various fixes
- From: robbie@xxxxxxxxxx (Robbie Groenewoudt)
- iOS video attempt
- From: tom@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Thomas Leavy)
- iOS video attempt
- From: samuelv@xxxxxxxxxxx (samuelv at laposte.net)
- Video broken with latest pjsip release and latest version of ffmpeg?
- From: Eeri.Kask@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Eeri Kask)
- Can I use PJSIP on Android with Video
- From: guanxiansun@xxxxxxxxx (Guan Xsun)
- iOS video attempt
- From: onmyway133@xxxxxxxxx (Khoa Pham)
- iOS video attempt
- From: tom@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Thomas Leavy)
- Reg- build only PJNATH only
- From: jbd@xxxxxxxxxxx (jbd)
- Pjsip for Android
- From: zhengyumingnanjing@xxxxxxxxx (Yuming Zheng)
- Does PJSIP supports Transfer and Conference
- From: onmyway133@xxxxxxxxx (Khoa Pham)
- Does PJSIP supports Transfer and Conference
- From: moss@xxxxxxxxx (Moss S)
- PJSUA is not working with PSTN calling.
- From: narayan.behera@xxxxxxxxxx (Narayan)
- PJSUA is not working with PSTN calling.
- From: alejandro.orellana@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Alejandro Orellana)
- PJSIP 2.1 for Android without OpenSL
- From: ASeebregts@xxxxxxxxx (Seebregts, Anthony)
- Issues with audio running pjsua on a Raspberry Pi
- From: C.Swinney@xxxxxxxxxxxxx (Swinney C.)
- PJSIP 2.1 for Android without OpenSL
- From: r3gis.3r@xxxxxxxxx (Régis Montoya)
- PJSIP 2.1 for Android without OpenSL
- From: ASeebregts@xxxxxxxxx (Seebregts, Anthony)
- PJSIP 2.1 for Android without OpenSL
- From: r3gis.3r@xxxxxxxxx (Régis Montoya)
- PJSIP 2.1 for Android without OpenSL
- From: ASeebregts@xxxxxxxxx (Seebregts, Anthony)
- Fw:play buffer to a port associated with a call
- From: wenjiji@xxxxxxxx (wenjiji)
- PJSUA is not working with PSTN calling.
- From: narayan.behera@xxxxxxxxxx (Narayan)
- Cannot send Subscribe request after first registration with multiple NICs present - have to wait for re-registration.
- From: radoslaw.szalski@xxxxxxxxx (Radosław Szalski)
- PJSUA for android
- From: perry@xxxxxxxxx (Perry Ismangil)
- PJSUA for android
- From: shawnux@xxxxxxxxx (Sungbum Lim)
- Read the custom field in the SDP of an incoming INVITE
- From: dammedeagle@xxxxxxxxx (james Uno)
- PJSUA for android
- From: perry@xxxxxxxxx (Perry Ismangil)
- PJSUA for android
- From: shawnux@xxxxxxxxx (Sungbum Lim)
- How to pause recording ?
- From: onmyway133@xxxxxxxxx (Khoa Pham)
- PJSUA for android
- From: shawnux@xxxxxxxxx (Sungbum Lim)
- Error building pjsip with video
- From: onmyway133@xxxxxxxxx (Khoa Pham)
- PJSUA for android
- From: perry@xxxxxxxxx (Perry Ismangil)
- Error building pjsip with video
- From: onmyway133@xxxxxxxxx (Khoa Pham)
- PJSUA for android
- From: shawnux@xxxxxxxxx (Sungbum Lim)
- How to change From header in outgoing INVITE
- From: jitendra.bhadoriya@xxxxxxxxx (Jitendra Singh)
- Handling re-INVITE answer manually
- From: romainjezequel@xxxxxxxx (Romain JEZEQUEL)
- From: romainjezequel@xxxxxxxx (Romain JEZEQUEL)
- Integration Error- PJSIP version 2.0
- From: igauravrisingsun@xxxxxxxxx (Gaurav Pandey)
- Build PJSIP for Android on Cygwin(Win7) - checking whether the C compiler works: NO
- From: riza@xxxxxxxxx (Riza Sulistyo)
- Build PJSIP for Android on Cygwin(Win7) - checking whether the C compiler works: NO
- From: shawnux@xxxxxxxxx (Sungbum Lim)
- Current Trunk - PJSUA for Android not building w/o extra steps - Android app crashing on run
- From: KLaMar@xxxxxxxxxxxx (Kevin LaMar)
- Current Trunk - PJSUA for Android not building w/o extra steps - Android app crashing on run
- From: riza@xxxxxxxxx (Riza Sulistyo)
- Help compiling python_pjsua with python 2.7 on Windows 8 with VS2012
- From: j.cloutier@xxxxxxxxxxx (Jesse Cloutier)
- Passing userdata to pjsua.call_make_call from java and SWIG
- From: r3gis.3r@xxxxxxxxx (Régis Montoya)
- Passing userdata to pjsua.call_make_call from java and SWIG
- From: dammedeagle@xxxxxxxxx (user uno)
- Build PJSIP for Android on Cygwin(Win7) - checking whether the C compiler works: NO
- From: shawnux@xxxxxxxxx (Sungbum Lim)
- In the registration callback, how to tell if registering or unregistering?
- From: onmyway133@xxxxxxxxx (Khoa Pham)
- Current Trunk - PJSUA for Android not building w/o extra steps - Android app crashing on run
- From: KLaMar@xxxxxxxxxxxx (Kevin LaMar)
- Passing userdata to pjsua.call_make_call from java and SWIG
- From: dammedeagle@xxxxxxxxx (user uno)
- Help compiling python_pjsua with python 2.7 on Windows 8 with VS2012
- From: j.cloutier@xxxxxxxxxxx (Jesse Cloutier)
- From: contactramu@xxxxxxxxx (Ramu)
- Problem building pjsip with TLS
- From: hkberger@xxxxxxxxx (Karl Berger)
- From: romainjezequel@xxxxxxxx (Romain JEZEQUEL)
- using boost thread and pj_thread
- From: imranhkhan1989@xxxxxxxxx (Imran Khan)
- From: contactramu@xxxxxxxxx (Ramu)
- How to add a header to an outgoing message
- From: alocastro@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Agustin Lo Castro)
- Late offer/answer mode support (RFC 3264)
- From: max.kondr@xxxxxxxxx (max.kondr)
- streamutil Assertion failed: (pool && src)
- From: sergio.badalona@xxxxxxxxx (sergios)
- Design Decision FAQ
- From: ragavendrakk@xxxxxxxxx (Raghavendra Keshav)
- pjsua API enclosure doubts
- From: wenjiji@xxxxxxxx (wenjiji)
- PJSIP video call from Rpi
- From: sandygmaharaj@xxxxxxxxx (Sandeep Gupta)
- How to add a header to an outgoing message
- From: alejandro.orellana@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Alejandro Orellana)
- How to add a header to an outgoing message
- From: chandika.bhandari@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Chandika Bhandari)
- How to add a header to an outgoing message
- From: alocastro@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Agustin Lo Castro)
- pjsip Digest, Vol 69, Issue 44
- From: zhang8083@xxxxxxx (zhang8083)
- What is null port, null device ?
- From: onmyway133@xxxxxxxxx (Khoa Pham)
- PJSIP on Windows Phone
- From: namanhams@xxxxxxxxx (namanhams at yahoo.com)
- PJSIP on Windows Phone
- From: onmyway133@xxxxxxxxx (Khoa Pham)
- In the registration callback, how to tell if registering or unregistering?
- From: saltyfoam@xxxxxxxxx (saltyfoam at gmail.com)
- In the registration callback, how to tell if registering or unregistering?
- From: onmyway133@xxxxxxxxx (Khoa Pham)
- In the registration callback, how to tell if registering or unregistering?
- From: saltyfoam@xxxxxxxxx (saltyfoam at gmail.com)
- Problem running libpj_video_android.so with HW decoder
- From: rakesh.garg84@xxxxxxxxx (rakesh garg)
- pjsua adb command-lie
- From: sergio.badalona@xxxxxxxxx (sergios)
- problem in setting HW decoder for h264
- From: r3gis.3r@xxxxxxxxx (Régis Montoya)
- problem in setting HW decoder for h264
- From: rakesh.garg84@xxxxxxxxx (rakesh garg)
- Using pjsip for voip call recording / voip call logging / wiretapping
- From: wenjiji@xxxxxxxx (wenjiji)
- Separation
- From: hasan3345@xxxxxxxxx (Md Mehedi Hasan)
- Status code from SIP response
- From: onmyway133@xxxxxxxxx (Khoa Pham)
- What is RemoteControlEvent in coreaudio_dev ?
- From: onmyway133@xxxxxxxxx (Khoa Pham)
- What is RemoteControlEvent in coreaudio_dev ?
- From: onmyway133@xxxxxxxxx (Khoa Pham)
- Status code from SIP response
- From: jitendra.bhadoriya@xxxxxxxxx (Jitendra Singh)
- TCP connection termination not handled well
- From: onmyway133@xxxxxxxxx (Khoa Pham)
- Using pjsip for voip call recording / voip call logging / wiretapping
- From: rafal.gwizdala@xxxxxxxxx (Rafal Gwizdala)
- pjsua Caching Pool
- From: Harald.Petrovitsch@xxxxxxxxxxx (Harald Petrovitsch)
- TCP connection termination not handled well
- From: jbj1@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Jens Jorgensen)
- TCP connection termination not handled well
- From: onmyway133@xxxxxxxxx (Khoa Pham)
- avoid using the default audio device
- From: wenjiji@xxxxxxxx (wenjiji)
- Separation
- From: hasan3345@xxxxxxxxx (Md Mehedi Hasan)
- TCP connection termination not handled well
- From: jbj1@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Jens Jorgensen)
- TCP connection termination not handled well
- From: onmyway133@xxxxxxxxx (Khoa Pham)
- pjsip Digest, Vol 69, Issue 17
- From: hasan3345@xxxxxxxxx (Md Mehedi Hasan)
- TCP connection termination not handled well
- From: jbj1@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Jens Jorgensen)
- Separation
- From: ts.hari@xxxxxxxxx (Hari Narayanan)
- Separation
- From: hasan3345@xxxxxxxxx (Md Mehedi Hasan)
- Unable to Build PJSIP for android on Windows 7
- From: junto06@xxxxxxxxx (malik Mudassar)
- Pjsip for Android
- From: junto06@xxxxxxxxx (malik Mudassar)
- TCP connection termination not handled well
- From: onmyway133@xxxxxxxxx (Khoa Pham)
- What is the cause of 503 and 408
- From: onmyway133@xxxxxxxxx (Khoa Pham)
- Heap Free error in pj_destroy -- Pjsua application
- From: voips86@xxxxxxxxx (Voip Ebsupport)
- Embed video window in OSX
- From: jmartin@xxxxxxxxxx (jmartin at akcode.com)
- Video call in iOS
- From: demeof@xxxxxxxxx (Federico De Meo)
- Video call in iOS
- From: samuelv@xxxxxxxxxxx (samuelv at laposte.net)
- Video call in iOS
- From: demeof@xxxxxxxxx (Federico De Meo)
- Video call in iOS
- From: samuelv@xxxxxxxxxxx (samuelv at laposte.net)
- Video call in iOS
- From: jjefferson2089@xxxxxxxxx (Jules Jefferson)
- Sound Quality Issues
- From: tedgerold@xxxxxxxxxx (Ted Gerold)
- pjmedia control
- From: wenjiji@xxxxxxxx (wenjiji)
- No pjsua folder in /pjsip-apps/src/ ; downloaded from tunk
- From: perry@xxxxxxxxx (Perry Ismangil)
- No pjsua folder in /pjsip-apps/src/ ; downloaded from tunk
- From: sergio.badalona@xxxxxxxxx (sergios)
- Do pjsip and pjsua support video calls for real?
- From: demeof@xxxxxxxxx (Federico De Meo)
- pjsip Digest, Vol 67, Issue 9
- From: marcdecorny@xxxxxxxxx (Marc de Corny)
- streamutil src && pool assertion
- From: sergio.badalona@xxxxxxxxx (sergios)
- Video call in iOS
- From: anadalg@xxxxxxxxx (Albert Nadal)
- Video call in iOS
- From: jjefferson2089@xxxxxxxxx (Jules Jefferson)
- [pjsua] No Window in Video Call
- From: lab@xxxxxxxxxx (Davide Dal Frà)
- pj_thread_is_registered() return true for ios main thread even before I start pjsip
- From: qiulang@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (qiulang)
- Sound Quality Issues
- From: tedgerold@xxxxxxxxxx (Ted Gerold)
- Mac OS 10.7 , PJSIP - 1.0.2 Version Problem
- From: arpandesai@xxxxxx (Arpan Desai)
- undefined reference to 'pjsua_is_connected'
- From: yikaikai@xxxxxxxxx (yikaikai)
- default stun server when enabling ice
- From: jselbie@xxxxxxxxx (John Selbie)
- default stun server when enabling ice
- From: dafna3@xxxxxxxxx (Dafna Hirschfeld)
- Separate branches for iphone and andro
- From: perry@xxxxxxxxx (Perry Ismangil)
- PJSIP 2.1 and Android
- From: vinu.viking@xxxxxxxxx (Vinayaka . surya)
- No pjsua folder in /pjsip-apps/src/ ; downloaded from tunk
- From: vinu.viking@xxxxxxxxx (Vinayaka . surya)
- Enabling H.264 Codec
- From: lab@xxxxxxxxxx (Davide Dal Frà)
- Enabling H.264 Codec
- From: lab@xxxxxxxxxx (Davide Dal Frà)
- pjsip Digest, Vol 68, Issue 130
- From: lkoszanski@xxxxxxxxx (Lukasz Koszanski)
- pjsua crash
- From: jh@xxxxxxxxxx (Juha Heinanen)
- pjsua crash
- From: jh@xxxxxxxxxx (Juha Heinanen)
- Separate branches for iphone and android
- From: perry@xxxxxxxxx (Perry Ismangil)
- PJSIP 2.1 and Android
- From: alex@xxxxxxxxxxxxx (Oleksii Vynogradov)
- PJSIP 2.1 and Android
- From: perry@xxxxxxxxx (Perry Ismangil)
- PJSIP 2.1 and Android
- From: muki_champs@xxxxxxxxx (Mukesh Srivastav)
- PJSIP 2.1 and Android
- From: vinu.viking@xxxxxxxxx (Vinayaka . surya)
- Dll creation using pjsip 2.1 ( G729 Codec)
- From: santoshmca.giit@xxxxxxxxx (Santosh Singh)
- PJSIP 2.1 and Android
- From: tcreek@xxxxxxxxx (Trent Creekmore)
- PJSIP 2.1 and Android
- From: vinu.viking@xxxxxxxxx (Vinayaka . surya)
- Separate branches for iphone and android
- From: lkoszanski@xxxxxxxxx (Lukasz Koszanski)
- Apple Mach-O linker error when building ipjsua
- From: onmyway133@xxxxxxxxx (Khoa Pham)
- Apple Mach-O linker error when building ipjsua
- From: onmyway133@xxxxxxxxx (Khoa Pham)
- [pjsua] compiling with h.264 support
- From: demeof@xxxxxxxxx (Federico De Meo)
- [patch] Fix CoreAudio backend compilation on OSX > 10.6
- From: saul@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Saúl Ibarra Corretgé)
- pjsua, ios and bluetooth
- From: s.marek@xxxxxx (s.marek at avm.de)
- pjsua crash
- From: jh@xxxxxxxxxx (Juha Heinanen)
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