Fedora Desktop
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- Re: Starting point for package list for Fedora 7 Desktop spin, (continued)
- hp note book with nvidia geforce go 6150 's problem,
da feng
- Cursor problems when running FC6 with Radeon driver in dual head mode.,
Vini Engel
- Fedora Community anbody?,
Thilo Pfennig
- Smaller menu space?,
Eli Barzilay
- Multiple gnome sessions/panels on console and on VNC,
Eli Barzilay
- Icon Theme,
- (fonts) wikipedia challenge,
Rik van Riel
- directions in Fedora desktop project,
Thilo Pfennig
- New Fedora Theme (GTK2+Metacity) (Download, Fixed index.theme),
Andrea Cimitan
- New Fedora Theme (GTK2+Metacity) (Download),
Andrea Cimitan
- New Fedora Metacity for Murrine,
Andrea Cimitan
- Plans for Fast User Switching,
David Zeuthen
- how about wxga monitor technology?,
da feng
- [Fwd: Re: New Fedora GTK Theme (Screenshot)],
Máirín Duffy
- Microphone does not work in FC6,
Krzysztof Dubowik
- New Fedora GTK Theme,
Andrea Cimitan
- FC6, Compiz and Dell 2405FPW (Digital) screen,
Manik Surtani
- Re: FC6, Compiz and IntelliJ (using Sun's 1.5.0 JDK),
Manik Surtani
- Printer setup,
pine cone
- duplicate KDE desktop icons,
John Minson
- Re: Fedora tools don't give credits to translators,
Damien Durand
- pilgrim livecd work,
David Zeuthen
Usability: SUSE, AD, and caching authentication,
Andrew Ziem
Kadischi GUI : usability,
Chitlesh GOORAH
Themes Related: Ability to select a icon size from those provided by the theme,
RE: Modern File Hierarchy,
Peter Kukums
Themes & Icons related,
Modern File Heirarchy,
Bryan Livingston
usability: fedora's killer app? Clean-Install Assistant...,
Morgan Read
[Usability] : First report of the Fedora Usability Sig,
Damien Durand
A sound or music when your desktop is starting?,
Damien Durand
usability: setting system-wide network proxies for all applications,
Andrew Ziem
usability: adding a PPD from the new printer wizard,
Andrew Ziem
Regarding shortcut keys,
usability: unplugged ethernet cable on an office desktop,
Andrew Ziem
Fedora Artwork,
Steve Barnhart
About Fedora Usability,
Damien Durand
Add/Remove Software Utility,
Rick Stuart
Execute as Root GUI Admin Interfaces,
Rick Stuart
Fedora usability : a new project?,
Damien Durand
About Boot-loader GRUB,
Claude Yu
Openoffice icon theme?,
Segmentation fault error on FC5,
Ken Lin
~/Desktop icon doesn't have Bluecurve style,
[Fwd: If you want bleeding edge...],
David Zeuthen
Better desktop?,
Rahul Sundaram
~/Desktop dir icon?,
Icon for application/x-rar is missing?,
wireless access,
Reggie Matthews
Proposing a switch to Tango,
David Nielsen
GNOME Vs KDE upgradeability.,
Gain Paolo Mureddu
starting tomboy,
Alexander Larsson
Merry Christmas,
Graphical Login screen background color,
abayomi onibudo
Why not do an all-sided testing for fedora?,
jiang guowei
Fedora Icons/Themes vs RedHat's,
Troy Dawson
request two icons for Bluecurve,
Bootsplash in Fedora 4,
Alicia Asín
X thro ssh,
Saravana Kumar
[help] suspend the computer from logout dialogue,
Firefox-bin process,
Daryl Goodman
Help Wanted: Icon Designer Needed,
Hrishikesh Ballal
Make KDE apps run remotely/other user be quiet,
Orion Poplawski
OSDL Linux client survey,
Miller, Marc
Re: SSH problem,
Filip Tsachev
SSH - Abnormal CPU Usage,
Thiago Arrais
A new utility "System Control Center (system-config-control)" !,
Ankit Patel
Fedora-core applications can't be killed fully from terminal !,
Ankit Patel
FC4 GNOME 2.10 a bit slow on Toshiba Satellite A40,
Evolution troubles with Connector / Exchange,
Karl Pitrich
xmms gnome control applet,
samuel cheung
So what about Gnome 2.12?,
Ali Sobhi
Jump Drive,
Gary P Carr
hibernate in gnome 2.10,
samuel cheung
mp3 driver for fedora,
samuel cheung
Gnome 2.12 on fedora,
samuel cheung
fingerworks touchstream/igesture problem with click/drag events (FC1 -> FC3/FC4),
[Fwd: Plans for Sparc???],
Rahul Sundaram
To play CD Rom on Fedora,
kde menu entries,
Jozef Kruger
RHGB Development,
Renaud Lepage
Captive Environment,
Gary P Carr
No epiphany icon in FC4 -- and it won't take one --,
Loading fonts on the fly from C,
FC4 RHN-Applet,
Sean Bruno
How to get native capacity of hard disk with kernel -2.6.11-1369_FC4,
Parameshwara Bhat
Suggestion: Installation Program for Windows,
FC4 - Fail to install nVidia driver,
McArthor Lee
screensavers in FC4,
a j
Evolution-connector 2.2,
Anze Vidmar
FC4 and ugly fonts on laptop,
Anze Vidmar
Devices on GNOME desktop,
bradley king
Editing the Gnome Menu,
Chris Spencer
Browsing windows networks on konqeror,
Shashi Kanth Boddula
how to install,
bradley . king
OpenOffice icons,
Kyrre Ness Sjobak
Current Artwork,
Daniel Kaliel
fedora core 1,
bradley king
Nforce Support,
Sean Bruno
Why not produce i586/686 binaries?,
Centering of the screen on the monitor.,
Dan Barnes
Re: default media player,
seth vidal
Preventing spammers from infiltrating the Red Hat mailing lists,
William M. Quarles
After update lost touchpad...,
Focus of new windows in metacity,
Otto J. Makela
Install Process,
Nick Ralabate
Evolution auto user setup,
Sean Bruno
Failure to Wake Up,
Paul Higgins
Problem to DISPLAY from own PROGRAM with FC3,
Karel De Waal
Changes to firefox FC3,
Sean Bruno
sort of interesting, helixplayer in OOo,
Caolan McNamara
I just want one more option in the FC Kernels,
Parameshwara Bhat
Re: Fedora-desktop-list Digest, Vol 14, Issue 1,
Parameshwara Bhat
Can't connect to internet though Link is up,
Parameshwara Bhat
Gnome slowing down again...,
Changing default WM for GNOME2,
Gain Paolo Mureddu
Strange messages in syslog,
Gain Paolo Mureddu
Desktop integration,
Peter Backlund
RE: Do yum and up2date play nice? -- detail,
Powell, James F CONT
Do yum and up2date play nice?,
OpenOffice.org extras - again,
Nicu Buculei
FC3 annoyances (blanking and blanking),
Ofer Nave
Being denied my own files!,
Dotan Cohen
startup screen with keyboard.,
Dotan Cohen
Fedora Core 4 ETA,
David C. Chipman
Some more OOo 2 questions.,
Gain Paolo Mureddu
locales in OpenOffice.org 2.0pre,
Bill Nottingham
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