On Saturday 30 April 2005 09:13 pm, bradley.king@xxxxxxxxx wrote: > please can someone tell me how to instell zip. bin. tar. files on fedora > core 1 thank u verry much! This would be done as root. -->Sorry if I am being very blunt, but, if you do not know how to extract and install these files you are much better off not even trying. This can be a very dangerous undertaking and destroy your system. <--- But if still you want to then. 1) Open a terminal 2) Become root (su -) 3) Untar and/or extract the files. tar -xvzf file name or tar -xvjf filename or tar -xvf depending on the file. (For .bin chmod -rx filename then ./filename. 4) Install per the directions in INSTALL or README. -- John H Ludwig Common sense is so rare, why do they call it common!!! -- Fedora-desktop-list@xxxxxxxxxx http://www.redhat.com/mailman/listinfo/fedora-desktop-list