How do I get myself off fedora list? P From:
fedora-desktop-list-bounces@xxxxxxxxxx [mailto:fedora-desktop-list-bounces@xxxxxxxxxx]
On Behalf Of Miller, Marc OSDL
is surveying users who have Linux-based clients in their companies.
Currently, 62% of the respondees are using Ubuntu, and 25% are using
Fedora. We the OSDL members believe that Fedora is
underrepresented. To correct this, please fill out the survey at the
below link (if you have not already responded).
The information from this survey will assist the OSDL Desktop
working The target recipients of this survey are IT professionals that
have Your prompt attention to this survey will provide the DTL team
with pertinent data and allow the Regards, OSDL DTL Marketing Working Group |
-- Fedora-desktop-list@xxxxxxxxxx