Do away with the standard unix directory heirarchy. It's archaic, non-intuitive, non-internationalized and dangerous from an application management perspective. This would be a massive change to the entire system, primarily consisting of creating some standard env variables that point to standard directories. Also a switch to application directories would be done. A linux distribution has been built around this idea and has been successfull at working out the technical details. It's called GoboLinux and you can find out more about it here: They have a piece on common conserns about the idea here: This would take big steps in both usability and internationalization, which are both top goals for Fedora. I'm hoping that the Fedora leadership is serious enough about pushing the state of the technology that they will seriously consider such an idea. It will have to happen eventually in my opinion. This is done on the windows world, and is one aspact that makes windows easier to use and more flexible than Fedora. There are 12 env variables on my win xp system that point to directories for various things. -- Bryan Livingston -- Fedora-desktop-list mailing list Fedora-desktop-list@xxxxxxxxxx