PHP Users
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- RE: pulling script in interval of second., (continued)
- session expire timeout,
- PHP 5.5.14 is released, Julien Pauli
- Friday morning madness., Richard Quadling
- PHP 5.4.30 Released,
Stas Malyshev
- close the browser,
- get file from directory.,
- PHP Mystery,
Ethan Rosenberg, PhD
- Search directory,
- Xpath-query against Overpass API-endpoint: an example with PHP SimpleXML, Martin Kaspar
- Living with bootstrap ..., Lester Caine
- PHP 5.6.0RC1 Released for Testing!, Ferenc Kovacs
- An HTML/CSS question,
Ethan Rosenberg, PhD
- Calling page and condition check?,
Joey J
- web page expired,
- refresh not working in IE,
- Digest mode,
- extend the xpath request with php simpleXML, Martin Kaspar
- for loop not working,
- gnupg_verify help needed,
Tsvetan Nikolov
- PHP 5.5.14RC1 is ready for testing, Julien Pauli
- drush 5.3 failing to launch under php 5.3.22,
Tim Dunphy
- How to change php version,
- Webpage has expired,
- Session_id(); are changing between the pages.,
- background process - procTBL,
- PHP 5.6.0beta4 Released for Testing!, Ferenc Kovacs
- Echo from stream_select as output is generated by child process?,
Mike Kilmer
- Call an overridden method in parent class,
Alain Williams
- reuse my data source,
- [ANNOUNCE] PHP 5.5.13 released, Julien Pauli
- PHP 5.5.13 released, Julien Pauli
- PHP 5.4.29 Released,
Stas Malyshev
- Building variable getter-method,
Michael Bakonyi
- enbale zlib on apache 2.2.6,
- Help needed with mb_convert_encoding(),
Alain Williams
- Working with PHP Functionality Inside of Wordpress,
- cannot store values into memcache, Huang
- assign value from fetch array,
- php side code for jQuery,
- Complete IMAP Message Body,
Ron Piggott
- PHP 5.4.29 RC1 Released for testing,
Stas Malyshev
- joomla install on mac and zlib, Érico
- PHP 5.6.0beta3 Released for Testing!,
Ferenc Kovacs
- PHP 5.6.0 beta 3 for EasyPHP DevServer 14.1 is available,
- PHP 5.5.13RC1 is available, Julien Pauli
- Weird Stuff,
The Doctor,3328-138 Ave Edmonton AB T5Y 1M4,669-2000,473-4587
- A little confusing thing on (mistakenly) geting a offset from string with multi dim index.,
Finding the Middle elements of a String,
introduction !,
Erwin Noever
connection mySQL,
Javascript backslash in php dom object,
Uggla Henrik
show data on the text input box,
Sorting through an array,
Ron Piggott
Changing IP sent on header,
Ricardo R Bonfim
[ANNOUNCE] PHP 5.5.12 is available, Julien Pauli
PHP 5.5.12 is available, Julien Pauli
PHP 5.6.0 beta 2 for EasyPHP DevServer 14.1 is out!, EasyPHP
PHP 5.6.0beta2 Released for Testing!, Ferenc Kovacs
ver 5.4xxx .ini problem,
Jim Giner
Codebabes: PHP,
Daevid Vincent
Amazon Web Services ans Simple Email Services, Don Wieland
PHP SoapClient cannot generate valid soap request,
Adam Tong
PHP 5.5.12RC1 available, Julien Pauli
PHP 5.4.28RC1 released, Stas Malyshev
php rss grabber strange characters,
David Mehler
update new version,
set_time_limit () - CPU time or elapsed time?,
Tim Streater
PHP 5.6.0 beta 1 for EasyPHP DevServer 14.1 is out!, EasyPHP
PHP 5.6.0beta1 Released for Testing!, Ferenc Kovacs
Andrew Ballard
Php Objects and mysql db with web frontend.,
Nikhil Jain
highlight_file suggestion, Jeffry Killen
Build PHP,
Brian Smither
Printing From Web Application for Raw printing,
deffrin joseph
[ANNOUNCE] PHP 5.5.11 got released, Julien Pauli
PHP 5.5.11 got released, Julien Pauli
include orgin,
haiwen zhu
multiple sessions for the same user,
Larry Martell
Re: [PHP-DEV] Proposal for license change,
Proposal for PHP license change,
Conexão adodb com SQL Server,
Edson David
Google maps and php, David Mehler
jQuery Dialog - links not calling correct function,
Don Wieland
AV scanning for file uploads,
Cristian Bichis
\r\n in data breaks php,
Marc Fromm
Tiago Hori
Weak logic operators, Robert Stoll
Clone FilterIterator/IteratorIterator?,
Peter Oberst
Php Mysql calendar,
David Mehler
PHP 5.4.27 RC1 released, Stas Malyshev
PHP-5.5.11RC1 released,
Julien Pauli
PHP-FPM: zend_mm_heap corrupted, Dennis Birkholz
Efficiently parsing a File,
Tiago Hori
Re: Efficiently parsing a File, Christoph Becker
Memcache on multiple servers is safe to use from multiple http servers ?,
Cristian Bichis
Zend Code Analyzer, Christoph Boget
Sanity check on form validation code,
David Mehler
From Python to PHP - Which framework,
Sayth Renshaw
Trying to comple fpm into php 5.5.10, The Doctor
question on stat function,
Jeffry Killen
PHP 5.4.26 Released,
Stas Malyshev
PHP 5.6.0alpha3 Released for Testing!, Ferenc Kovacs
CodeIgniter Developer Support needed..., Don Wieland
PHP 5.5.10 has been released, Julien Pauli
[ANNOUNCE] PHP 5.5.10 is released, Julien Pauli
What happens when the execution time limit is exceeded?,
Tim Streater
How to set open_basedir in httpd.conf when running via FCGI?, MC
Large(ish) scale pdf file cacheing,
George Wilson
PHP 5.6.0 alpha 3 for EasyPHP DevServer is out!, EasyPHP
Mixed return type - boolean and array/resource/closure or object,
Robert Stoll
Re: Mixed return type - boolean and array/resource/closure or object, Christoph Becker
Re: Mixed return type - boolean and array/resource/closure or object, Jim Lucas
Re: Mixed return type - boolean and array/resource/closure or object, marco@xxxxxxxxxx
Re: Mixed return type - boolean and array/resource/closure or object, Sebastian Krebs
Strange server behavior,
Jeffry Killen
Problem with PHP and mounted folder,
Cliff Nieuwenhuis
php-fpm, chroot & apc/opcache key collision, etienne . champetier
Clearing session,
Larry Martell
Getting database name from link identifier,
Larry Martell
php code review and help,
Re: php code review and help, haiwen zhu
https protocol,
Gregor Leskovšek
Re: PHP 5.5 apache .dll, Tim Streater
PHP 5.5 apache .dll,
Tim Streater
Zend Studio question re: switching between tasks/projects,
Daevid Vincent
PHP-5.5.10RC1 is available,
Julien Pauli
PHP 5.4.26 RC1 released,
Stas Malyshev
disable_functions = mail,
session_start() and a bad guy,
Vernon Nemitz
Re: session_start() and a bad guy, Stuart Dallas
Re: session_start() and a bad guy, Christoph Becker
PHP failed connecting to mongodb after upgrade pecl-mongo from 1.3.7 to 1.4.5,
Chaoshu SHA
Testing PHP FTP connection( (if still connected),
Ron Piggott
Syntax of imap_search(), Domain
Why does PHP consider the system's timezone unreliable, and is date_default_timezone_set() required?,
Martin Tournoij
Fred Silsbee
SSL Certificate Question,
Tedd Sperling
ftp_chdir notice error,
Ron Piggott
cgi.fix_pathinfo=0 faster?, Grant
error message when trying to access file in /var/www/html, Fred Silsbee
RE: Anyone have a tool/script to convert <? to <?php (but not <?=) [deprecated], Daevid Vincent
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