Thanks for the information and help, Regards, iccsi, "Jasper Kips" <jasper@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote in message news:7E50771E-F538-40D1-982D-D437F1F03C9B@xxxxxxxxxxxxx... Oh, and try this after you get the row: $out_data=print_r($row, true); error_log($outdata); If you can access the error log that is. It helps you to inspect the data you get from the database. Sincerely Jasper Op 10 mei 2014, om 00:54 heeft iccsi <inungh@xxxxxxxxx> het volgende geschreven: I tried both with '\' or without '\', but I do not see the data on the text box on both situation. Do I need fetch records using php or how do I know that it is not end of file? Thanks again, Regard, Iccsi, "Jim Giner" wrote in message news:AE.B6.46741.8745D635@xxxxxxxxxxxx... On 5/9/2014 6:12 PM, iccsi wrote: Thanks for the information and help, I use the following code to show data, but it shows '/', but not data. <td><input name="mytext" type="text" value=<?php echo ($row['invdate']); ?> /></td> Are there any way to access from mySQL result data? Thanks again for helping, Regards, Iccsi, "Robert Cummings" wrote in message news:536C7208.6050201@xxxxxxxxxxxxx... On 14-05-09 12:37 AM, iccsi wrote: I have following code to connect MySQL and database. I see 'connected to database', I would like to know that which code do I need to show my data on the text box? Your help and information is great appreciated, Do you mean like the following? <input name="mytext" type="text" value="<?php echo htmlspecialchars( $value ); ?>" /> Cheers, Rob. You have no quotes on your value clause. Plus this might be easier to type and read: <? echo "<td><input name='mytext' type='text' value='{$row[\'invdate\']}'>"; ?> (Not sure you need the \ inside the [] on the $row reference, but I put them there.) -- PHP General Mailing List ( To unsubscribe, visit: