PHP Users
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Sanitizing potential MySQL strings with no database connection,
Dotan Cohen
Access violation error,
Marshall Burns
Plotting a Line Graph,
Plotting a Line Graph It seems that the google charts work from a url - so 500 points would be way to long for any url - so I guess that option is out., cool@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Wrong Date,
Darvin Denmian
How to pronounce PHP code over the phone?,
Dotan Cohen
Message not available
Re: How to pronounce PHP code over the phone?, Jim Lucas
Re: How to pronounce PHP code over the phone?, Robert Cummings
RE: How to pronounce PHP code over the phone?, Daevid Vincent
Re: How to pronounce PHP code over the phone?, Richard Quadling
How to Delete the parent node, and child nodes/leafs for a db/tbl in php,
XSLTProcessor: need interface to libxslt´s xsltDocLoaderFunc, Felix Siglreithmaier
Built-in Debugging,
Raymond Irving
php-ldap works in commandline but not through browser,
chima s
regex for multiple line breakes,
Merlin Morgenstern
SimpleXML var_dump() weirdness, Mattias Thorslund
Signing (hand-written signature) pdf document,
Bug in php-cgi.exe, loki
How to bypass (pipe) curl_exec return value directly to a file?,
m.hasibuan rebuild required? , SAILESH KRISHNAMURTI, BLOOMBERG/ 731 LEXIN
exec() confused by a specially crafted string,
Soner Tari
Wrighting to $_POST array,
VC9 x86 Non Thread Safe or VC9 x86 Thread Safe ?,
security/deployment issue,
Augusto Flavio
Need unrounded precision,
Andre Dubuc
php exception handling,
Lars Nielsen
PHP function unpack,
Gabriel Hahmann
utf8_decode() and mixed character sets,
James Colannino
COM Help (hopefully), Adam Randall
Fatal error on functions valid for PHP 4, 5,
Horizontall scrollbars in pdf,
Manoj Singh
Correct handling _POST[] and implode. PHP5,
Native support to MS SQL Server,
Raymond Irving
Newb question about getting keys/values from a single array element,
Daevid Vincent
Newbie: Array of objects iteration,
XML RSS - Unexpected End of File error,
Ashley Sheridan
avoid Denial of Service,
Gerardo Benitez
what is php4 popularity?,
Paul M.
Downflow Booths for Sampling & Dispensing Applications, Esco Biotech Pvt. Ltd.
foreach insert error,
Haig Davis
Download Wrapper, Michael A. Peters
Apache Rewrite Issues,
Russell Seymour
problem with graphicsMagick and Apache, Toke Herkild
FILTER_VALIDATE_INT - newbie question,
Output buffering,
Arno Kuhl
Insult my code!,
Eric Bauman
Re: JM.PHP.NET, Daniel Brown
ternary operator sintax help,
Dynamic array creation and tracking,
John Nichel
David Otton
[Fwd: Sessions in databases],
Il pinguino volante
Sessions in databases, Il pinguino volante
Display HTML in XSL Style Sheet,
Matthew Croud
Active Directory LDAP Help,
Devendra Jadhav
Time Problem: always ten past xx,
Matthias Laug
How do YOU set default function/method params?,
Jim Lucas
Spry, XML, PHP and XSLT Hell,
Matthew Croud
Variable name as a variable?,
Dotan Cohen
SWF Manipulation with PHP,
Igor Escobar
sending HTML email,
John Corry
Developer Question [DOMDocument],
Michael A. Peters
Any Apache Solr Users in the house?, Israel Ekpo
strtotime strangeness,
Floyd Resler
a trivial little function (PostToHost),
class to generate Javascript Object ??,
Michael A. Peters
Missing php5apache2.dll,
problem with mod_php,
Problem with Filesystem Functions,
Andrew Burgess
A really wacky design decision,
Finding out DST with PHP, Rohit Sodhia
Whacky increment/assignment logic with $foo++ vs ++$foo,
Daevid Vincent
Re: Whacky increment/assignment logic with $foo++ vs ++$foo, tedd
Re: Whacky increment/assignment logic with $foo++ vs ++$foo, tedd
iconv - bad encoding, Jarosek
Curl output,
Parse Question Using list(),
Incorrect _SERVER['SERVER_PORT'] returned??,
Bob Schell
PHP/MySQL Superstars,
Jerome Botbol
POST without POSTing,
Paul M Foster
Converting print_r() output to an array,
James Colannino
Paging script,
Angelo Zanetti
Where's my memory going?!,
Philip Thompson
WYSIWYG editor to change textarea,
Angelo Zanetti
DateTime/DateInterval/DatePeriod Class PHP source for older than PHP 5.3.0, jeff brown
Text similarity,
Merlin Morgenstern
intl extension on os x,
Tom Worster
Issue of upgrading from to 5.x,
Chris Streatfield
modules in php?, Lars Nielsen
turning off a E_STRICT or fix for a bad coding habit,
[Fwd: Re: Re: How to take output from an include, and embed it into a variable?],
Carl Furst
Web Site Directory Layout,
Caner Bulut
Bad impact of memory_limit set to -1 ?,
Manuel Vacelet
Downloader help needed :-(,
Chris Payne
RIGHT Function?,
html email showing <br> instead of line breaks,
Adam Williams
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