RE: Time Problem: always ten past xx

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Hi Mert,

But we're not talking about date() here, we're talking strftime().

According to the manual %i doesn't do anything in strftime(). Closest match
is %I which is 12-hour format for hours.


-----Original Message-----
From: Mert Oztekin [mailto:moztekin@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx] 
Sent: 06 October 2009 09:07
To: 'Jason'; 'Matthias Laug'; php-general@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: RE:  Time Problem: always ten past xx


%M is also month:

Month --- ---
F A full textual representation of a month, such as January or March January
through December
m Numeric representation of a month, with leading zeros 01 through 12
M A short textual representation of a month, three letters Jan through Dec
n Numeric representation of a month, without leading zeros 1 through 12
t Number of days in the given month 28 through 31

Time --- ---
i Minutes with leading zeros 00 to 59

-----Original Message-----
From: Jason [mailto:networkadmin@xxxxxxxxxxxx]
Sent: Tuesday, October 06, 2009 11:04 AM
To: 'Matthias Laug'; php-general@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: RE:  Time Problem: always ten past xx


That's because %m is month, what you need is %M for minute (note uppercase).

Check out


-----Original Message-----
From: Matthias Laug [mailto:matthias.laug@xxxxxxxxx]
Sent: 06 October 2009 08:53
To: php-general@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject:  Time Problem: always ten past xx

Hey everybody,

I've got a strange problem. Using PHP5.3 on my MacBook.

There is a script, which handles input from user, in this case a date
and time.

So I get for example "10:30" and "06.10.2009". Standard german time
format. Now I try to get the correct timestamp:

$time = strtotime("06.10.2009 10:30");
var_dump(strftime("%d.%m.%Y %H:%m",$time));

But the result is as

int 1254817800
string '06.10.2009 10:10' (length=16)

The minutes are always "10", no matter what time I get.

Anyone a clue?

Thanks, Mattes

P.S.: default timezone is set to


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