From: djotto@xxxxxxxxx [mailto:djotto@xxxxxxxxx] On Behalf Of David Otton Sent: 07 October 2009 10:54 AM To: arno@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx Cc: php-general@xxxxxxxxxxxxx Subject: Re: Output buffering 2009/10/7 Arno Kuhl <akuhl@xxxxxxxxxxxx>: > According to the manual I shouldn't see anything at all when > output_buffering is off (or if memory serves me correctly I should see > an error about "headers already sent" or something). Looking at > phpinfo confirms the value echoed by the script. Has something changed > with output buffering? Use echo ob_get_level() . "<br/>"; to find out how many levels of output buffering you are wrapped in. Whether output buffering is set to start automatically, and whether output buffering is on right now are two different things: ob_end_clean(); echo ob_get_level() . "<br/>"; echo ini_get('output_buffering') . "<br/>"; -- Thanks David. After taking another look at the description for ob_start() I began to suspect there was a difference, but the manual doesn't mention anything about it. And the fact they use the same terminolgy for both the settings and the functions is confusing. I can see from tests that the htaccess/ini settings have no obvious effect on the ob functions (maybe buffer size?). Cheers Arno -- PHP General Mailing List ( To unsubscribe, visit: