2009/10/13 Eric Bauman <baumane@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>: > *sigh* sometimes I really wish PHP allowed one to be a bit more heavy-handed > with types (optional real type hinting would be nice). There's a scalar type-hinting patch floating around somewhere, but then your code would only work on machines with that patch. > I guess I only ever worried about string (from DB) and int (internal call) > as in my specific use I would never be passing a float. > You make an excellent point however; I suppose in the interests of > completeness, forward compatibility etc. I should take into account more > possibilities. Perhaps I should just throw an exception in deposit() etc. if > the argument isn't int and worry about converting elsewhere. I can see two choices - either throw an exception in checkInt() if it's passed anything except an int or a string (which is fine - because you've made the assumption explicit) or change the checkInt() so it deals with ints-masquerading-as-floats. Try: function checkInt($x) { return((string)((int)$x) == $x); } > Also thanks for the sample TestCase code! I've never really thought about > unit testing in PHP, despite doing so in Java etc. Reading about PHPUnit > brought me on to phpUnderControl - interesting stuff! Yup. Pretty graphs. That's not the best unit test example to work from, BTW - the manual will give you better advice than I. -- PHP General Mailing List (http://www.php.net/) To unsubscribe, visit: http://www.php.net/unsub.php