Sorry but I dont understand what you mean. Can you be more specific? {1} 2 3 ... 12 (Startup / Total 12 pages) When you click 7 1 ... 6 {7} 8 ... 12 When you click 11 or 12 1 ... 10 11 {12} Do you mean something like this? -----Original Message----- From: Angelo Zanetti [mailto:angelo@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx] Sent: Wednesday, September 30, 2009 1:21 PM To: php-general@xxxxxxxxxxxxx Subject: Paging script Hi All, I am looking for a paging script, not the normal type but slightly different. It must show as follows: 1 2 3 ... 12 Then: 1 ... 678 ... 12 And 1 ... 10 11 12 I have googled and not really found much and don't really want to reinvent the wheel. I am sure I can write my own but due to time constraints ill like to get a script that will assist me. Thanks in advance -- PHP General Mailing List ( To unsubscribe, visit: Bu mesaj ve ekleri, mesajda g?nderildi?i belirtilen ki?i/ki?ilere ?zeldir ve gizlidir. Size yanl??l?kla ula?m??sa l?tfen g?nderen kisiyi bilgilendiriniz ve mesaj? sisteminizden siliniz. Mesaj ve eklerinin i?eri?i ile ilgili olarak ?irketimizin herhangi bir hukuki sorumlulu?u bulunmamaktad?r. ?irketimiz mesaj?n ve bilgilerinin size de?i?ikli?e u?rayarak veya ge? ula?mas?ndan, b?t?nl???n?n ve gizlili?inin korunamamas?ndan, vir?s i?ermesinden ve bilgisayar sisteminize verebilece?i herhangi bir zarardan sorumlu tutulamaz. This message and attachments are confidential and intended for the individual(s) stated in this message. If you received this message in error, please immediately notify the sender and delete it from your system. Our company has no legal responsibility for the contents of the message and its attachments. Our company shall have no liability for any changes or late receiving, loss of integrity and confidentiality, viruses and any damages caused in anyway to your computer system. -- PHP General Mailing List ( To unsubscribe, visit: