Bob McConnell wrote:
From: tedd
At 4:51 PM +0100 10/16/09, Ashley Sheridan wrote:
On Fri, 2009-10-16 at 17:46 +0200, Dotan Cohen wrote:
How would you read this out loud if you were to read it to someone
over the phone?
($item->getServiceId() ? $item->getServiceId() : $item->getId())));
Wow! Here goes:
No, that's not an open bracket -- that's an open parenthesis or
"paren" for short.
An open bracket is [
An open curly brace is {
That depends on which edition of English you use. Take a look at the
definition of bracket in Wikipedia. What you call a parenthesis is
called a bracket in England and parts of Canada, as well as elsewhere.
They specify square bracket for the second one. I stumbled on this one
in another mailing list a few years ago.
Bracket... two syllables and ambiguous.
Round Brace... two syllables and not ambiguous.
For terse clarity use the following:
- round brace
- square brace
- curly brace
- angle brace
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