PHP Users
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<Possible follow-ups>
RE: Earlier versions hurt PHP 5, Jay Blanchard
Passing $_POST values to a php script,
Sumit Chachra
MySQL - PHP's configure failed with error,
Scott Fletcher
Pblm with streaming ..,
PHP errors in Apache error logs,
Jose Borquez
Connecting to PHP,
Storing encrypted data into mysql: blob vs bin2hex, Mark Steudel,
Miles Thompson
? Split string into smaller chunks,
RE: Write a FIFO file,
Jay Blanchard
AJAX Framework,
Erfan Shirazi
How to get a unixtime with micro/mille seconds,
accessing RAW response,
Surya Mishra
duplicate filenames but different .extention,
matt VanDeWalle
asked too soon, nevermind, matt VanDeWalle
spaces in directory names, matt VanDeWalle
Load from db into <select>-list,
Gustav Wiberg
Looking for a photo gallery, Brian Dunning
insert to DB,
Need help with modifying values,
Someone please help me with this PHP script.,
Erik Johnson
Re: Someone please help me with this PHP script., Zareef Ahmed
Re: Someone please help me with this PHP script., Łukasz Hejnak
RE: Problem on Instalation ~ several module unable to downl oad, Bagus Nugroho
Function Overloading,
Callbacks in XML Parser,
Amol Hatwar
PHP programmers from hyderabad,
Vikram Kumar
PHP visual programming example, Edward Patel
setcookie doesn't save session properly,
Weird html - No "real" <cr>,
Gustav Wiberg
Re: Weird html - No "real" <cr>, Curt Zirzow
<Possible follow-ups>
RE: Weird html - No "real" <cr>, Brady Mitchell
Blocking Values From an External Source,
Can anyone recommend a hosting company,
Fatal error 'Unable to read from thread kernel pipe' when using mail() function,
PHP and Apache 2.2.0,
Kevin McBride
Re: PHP and Apache 2.2.0, Manuel Lemos
mysql select statement in php having three conditions,
sunaram patir
PHP 4.4.1 "array_set_current" bug?,
Eric Butera
upload path,
Adrian Bruce
PHP/MySQL noob rides again.. into trouble,
Paul Jinks
One big file or many includes?,
Martin Leduc
Binary Config file: Protect script(s): Powered-by logo: How to?,
Michael Hulse
Random Images with no duplicates?,
Mike Rondeau
Klorofil Platform 0.1.1 released with Linux Support, Reza Iqbal
Is it possible to use header() to POST form data?,
encrypt and dcrypt,
Help with the copy command...,
Tim Meader
Configure - How to disable the XMLLIB support?,
Scott Fletcher
Re: [PHP-DEV] why is '01' == '1.'?, M. Sokolewicz
Configure/Compile PHP 5.1.1 to work with NuSOAP,
Scott Fletcher
4 Digit ID with Leading Zeros,
Rahul S. Johari
XmlReader & DOC_TYPE, Jared Williams
Post-Vars doubled / corrupted,
Re: looking for php programmers in mumbai / bombay,
Hristo Yankov
i18n maybe?,
Richard Lynch
XML Parsing german special chars, Norbert Wenzel
XmlReader & XInclude,
Jared Williams
PHPEclipse vs TruStudio,
Chris Lott
array to object conversion,
MIME E-mail message,
Oli Howson
When using foreach(), how to use &$value in php 4??,
Scott Fletcher
php file upload permission query,
Angelo Zanetti
Re: Programming Query - Authentication - Multiple Logons,
Sarith Chandrasekaran
RE: Message Should be displayed based on Date ,Time and Eve nt name, tg-php
foreach $_FILES,
RE: Message Should be displayed based on Date ,Time and Eve nt name,
Jay Blanchard
XSLT doesn't work anymore since PHP has been upgraded from 5.0.3 to 5.1.1, Tobi Reif
Problem: Distortion while saving text file.,
Janne Miettunen
Can Anybody telll me more php search engine?, (sent by
Aftab Alam
Message Should be displayed based on Date ,Time and Event name, suma parakala
Declaring arrays? Good practice?,
Michael Hulse
RE: Page Setup, Jay Blanchard
1 ip address go here all others go here,
Dave Carrera
Problems downloading e-mail,
Oli Howson
Re: asianwhiteskin beauty product,
Sending $_GET directly to AJAX,
Erfan Shirazi
AMF PHP, Yaswanth Narvaneni
Container Loading Script,
Leonard Burton
Help with preg_match and windows domain logins...,
Daevid Vincent
detecting file size,
Ahmed Abdel-Aliem
IE6 not returning POST data from a textarea,
unset and sessions,
Eternity Records Webmaster
need for $_POST[''] changed after server upgrade,
Date Function Questions,
pdf_open_memory_image - call to undefined function, Holografix
Stream lib vs Socket lib, will
Questions from a ColdFusion Developer,
Christopher Jordan
Value (not) being retuned by a function,
Moving code from a specific file to a generic one,
Variable $_POST vars?,
quickly discovered why refresh isn't nice,
matt VanDeWalle
Transfer-Encoding: chunked problem,
kumar kumar
Accessing photos outside the web folder,
Ken Tozier
href links not working in XP,
Marlin Unruh
OO XML Parser,
simple-ish question but something i never knew,
matt VanDeWalle
how to pass an array to Java script,
Johny John
[JOB] MySQL/PHP Engineer, Los Angeles, CA,
Beau Gould
CSS and Tables,
Michael B Allen
Socket Select(), will
RE: List Usage WAS Forwarding $_POST Values, Jay Blanchard
RE: Forwarding $_POST Values WAY OT,
Jay Blanchard
RE: Forwarding $_POST Values... please no flaming,
static functions w/ PHP 4?,
Michael B Allen
Forwarding $_POST Values,
Create Image From HTML,
get XSLT on server without Sablotron,
RE: Problem on Instalation ~ several module unable to downl oad,
Jay Blanchard
Problem on Instalation ~ several module unable to download,
Bagus Nugroho
PHP, MySQL and XML for IPodCasting,
PHP/MySql noob falls at first hurdle,
Paul Jinks
<Possible follow-ups>
RE: PHP/MySql noob falls at first hurdle, Jim Moseby
PKCS#5 padding,
Migration from MySQL to MS-SQL Server,
AmirBehzad Eslami
setlocale() : missing named constant in french doc, Olivier BERAUD
Re: Just a quick regular expression question!,
paid help wanted for session management, sunaram patir
pear/Horde_Block can optionally use PHP extension "gettext" ..., Marc G. Fournier
Curl Content-Encoding header?, Kenneth Andresen
href difference between OS's.,
Marlin Unruh
QUERY_STRING Variables and POST,
Michael B Allen
set quota to disable ..., Marc G. Fournier
PEAR Validate email question,
Eric Butera
Mime-type handling,
Manuel Vacelet
Call to undefined function mysql_real_escape_string()],
Paul Hickey
broken code....,
Eternity Records Webmaster
array carrying from one php page to another,
Eternity Records Webmaster
Re: [PHP-DB] ftp_put, Joe Harman
ob_start & session_start,
Joe Harman
Does the extension php_printer.dll work with php version 5.1.1 on a XP System,
james crooks
Non-trivial task of converting text to HTML,
Roman Ivanov
PHP 5 XML Dom, set doctype and system, Mariano Guadagnini
Preventing Cross Site Scripting Vulnerbilities,
Michael B Allen
Class Constant PHP 5,
Jeffrey Sambells
Call to undefined function mysql_real_escape_string(),
Paul Hickey
Eval To String,
Anyone getting bounces from,
Jay Blanchard
FW: Advanced search form,
Michelle Konzack
how to lock multiple rows in oracle?,
Rasim ÞEN
Security question,
Andy Pieters
<Possible follow-ups>
security question, Alain Roger
Re: security question, Jon Anderson
Re: security question, Sumeet
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