Fedora Linux Test Release Discussion
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- F-14 Branched report: 20101020 changes,
Branched Report
- rawhide report: 20101020 changes,
Rawhide Report
- X won't start on F14 - I've run out of ideas!,
Claude Jones
- Need karma testing for a few final builds needed for 14 Release Candidate,
Jesse Keating
- F-14 Branched report: 20101019 changes,
Branched Report
- Re: Fedora C14 beta on Magny-cours,
- Questions about Fusion Linux,
- Fwd: f14: xhci suspend/resume,
Kyle McMartin
- F-14 ON_QA release blockers in need of testing,
James Laska
- [Fedora QA] #145: Request to join ProvenTester,
Fedora QA
- rawhide report: 20101019 changes,
Rawhide Report
- Re: [Fedora-livecd-list] livecd when converted to liveusb fails ?!?,
Valent Turkovic
- safely remove drive,
cornel panceac
- [Test-Announce] Nice-to-have bug process goes (officially) live,
Adam Williamson
- new xz in Rawhide and "md5 mismatch of result" errors in rebuilding drpms,
Andre Robatino
- [Test-Announce] 2010-10-18 - F-14-Final Blocker review recap,
James Laska
- Release criteria proposal: release notes,
Adam Williamson
- Revisor - I give up :-(,
Gregory Woodbury
- F-14 Branched report: 20101018 changes,
Branched Report
- Request to add numlock functionality to QA checklist,
Christopher Beland
- 2010-10-18 @ ** 15:00 UTC ** - Fedora QA meeting,
James Laska
- rawhide report: 20101018 changes,
Rawhide Report
- Re: Revisor bug? the .discinfo file is missing in action - try two,
Gregory Woodbury
- Revisor bug? the .discinfo file is missing in action,
Gregory Woodbury
- Broken dependencies with Fedora 14 + updates-testing - 2010-10-17,
Michael Schwendt
- F-14 Branched report: 20101017 changes,
Branched Report
- rawhide report: 20101017 changes,
Rawhide Report
- Unable To Complete Fedora 14 HTTP Install,
Bob Cochran
- Testing f14 anaconda,
mike cloaked
- Where Are The Very Latest Fedora 14 iso's?,
Bob Cochran
- F-14 Branched report: 20101016 changes,
Branched Report
- rawhide report: 20101016 changes,
Rawhide Report
- disable nouveau drivers,
Jim Bennett
Booting Rawhide to text mode,
Chuck Forsberg WA7KGX N2469R
Bug 643425 Submitted – Can't click on "mailto:" links in firefox windows,
Jonathan Kamens
F-14 Branched report: 20101015 changes,
Branched Report
rawhide report: 20101015 changes,
Rawhide Report
pre-upgrade f12>fbeta14... gdm fails?,
Morgan Read
resource eaters,
Karel Volný
Chuck Forsberg WA7KGX N2469R
RPC idmapd?,
Tom Horsley
Fedora 14 under constant load,
John Poelstra
[Test-Announce] Fedora 14 Final Blocker Bug Review Meeting 2010-10-15 @ 16:00 UTC (12 PM EDT),
John Poelstra
F-14 Branched report: 20101014 changes,
Branched Report
RC1 Install Report.,
Chuck Forsberg WA7KGX N2469R
rawhide report: 20101014 changes,
Rawhide Report
Re: F14 Installation report,
Timothy Davis
[Fedora QA] #144: Proventester Mentor Request by Sandro "red" Mathys,
Fedora QA
TC1.1 Live CD - ATI Rage Mobility chipset missing in R128 driver,
Robert G. (Doc) Savage
[Fedora QA] #143: Proventester request for mentor,
Fedora QA
F14 Release TC1.1 install report,
Gregory Woodbury
warning - 20101013 rawhide curl update breaks yum,
Michal Jaegermann
[Fedora QA] #142: Request to join the proven testers and requesting a mentor,
Fedora QA
Upgrading nightly install to rawhide,
F-14 Branched report: 20101013 changes,
Branched Report
rawhide report: 20101013 changes,
Rawhide Report
Broken dependencies with Fedora 14 + updates-testing - 2010-10-13,
Michael Schwendt
task#44 - Pre-RC Acceptance Test Plan #1 - recap,
Mingtao Niu
[Test-Announce] Fedora 14 Final TC1 Available Now!,
Andre Robatino
Fedora 14 QA retrospective - feedback requested,
James Laska
[Test-Announce] Fedora 14 ON_QA Blocker bugs needing verification,
James Laska
F-14 Branched report: 20101012 changes,
Branched Report
[Fedora QA] #141: proventester for pcfe?,
Fedora QA
Fedora Bugzappers Meeting 2010-10-12 @ 1500 UTC (today),
rawhide report: 20101012 changes,
Rawhide Report
cornel panceac
F-14 Branched report: 20101011 changes,
Branched Report
Part of characters missing,
Jim Bevier
Console and gui/X can't be different resolution in F14?,
Calling all b43legacy owners,
Steven Haigh
2010-10-11 @ ** 15:00 UTC ** - Fedora QA meeting,
James Laska
how to debug NetworkManager ?,
cornel panceac
F12 critical path testing,
Timothy Davis
F-14 Branched report: 20101010 changes,
Branched Report
rawhide report: 20101010 changes,
Rawhide Report
Broken dependencies with Fedora 14 + updates-testing - 2010-10-10,
Michael Schwendt
[Fedora QA] #140: Proventester Mentor Request,
Fedora QA
fake Final TC1?,
Andre Robatino
F-14 Branched report: 20101009 changes,
Branched Report
rawhide report: 20101009 changes,
Rawhide Report
Broken dependencies with Fedora 14 + updates-testing - 2010-10-09,
Michael Schwendt
[no subject],
Nick Cradock
vesa driver issue in Rawhide KVM guest,
Andre Robatino
F-14 Branched report: 20101008 changes,
Branched Report
certain php-pear and php-channel-doctrine installs or updates run php forever,
[Test-Announce] OpenLDAP/NSS Test Day - Thursday 2010-10-14,
Kamil Paral
F12 and F13 critical path tests,
Timothy Davis
rawhide report: 20101008 changes,
Rawhide Report
Broken dependencies with Fedora 14 + updates-testing - 2010-10-07,
Michael Schwendt
Re: test Digest, Vol 80, Issue 19,
Marty Felker
[Fedora QA] #139: proven tester request: Peter Robinson,
Fedora QA
F-14 Branched report: 20101007 changes,
Branched Report
rawhide report: 20101007 changes,
Rawhide Report
[no subject],
Nick Cradock
[Test-Announce] Fedora 14 Blocker Bugs + Review Meeting 2010-10-08 @ 16:00 UTC (12 PM EST),
John Poelstra
critpath test request: libdrm 2.4.22-1,
Adam Jackson
Where did the display background go,
Clyde E. Kunkel
openldap - please test updates,
Jan Vcelak
rawhide report: 20101006 changes,
Rawhide Report
two clicks in firefox,
cornel panceac
kde packages and yum?,
Rob Healey
[Test-Announce] 2010-09 Graphics Test Week recap,
Adam Williamson
kde packages problem?,
Rob Healey
theme picture,
Rob Healey
F-14 Branched report: 20101005 changes,
Branched Report
mono-devel mispackaged,
Michael Schwendt
GNOME control-center-extra in F14?,
Paul Jakma
rawhide report: 20101005 changes,
Rawhide Report
Where is the bacula package?,
Erik P. Olsen
kde package problem?,
Rob Healey
Broken dependencies with Fedora 14 + updates-testing - 2010-10-05,
Michael Schwendt
Non-default desktop validation testing for F14 final,
Adam Williamson tainted ?,
[Fedora QA] #138: critpath lacks proventester attention since a month,
Fedora QA
F-14 Branched report: 20101004 changes,
Branched Report
F14 kernel process loop, possibly in ext4 filesystem code,
Anne & Lynn Wheeler
2010-10-04 @ ** 15:00 UTC ** - Fedora QA meeting,
James Laska
Xorg bug affecting VirtualBox, KVM, and maybe other platforms,
Andre Robatino
rhpl update problem and rpmdb problem(s) (was Re: What is the current F14 state?),
Michał Piotrowski
rawhide report: 20101004 changes,
Rawhide Report
What is the current F14 state?,
Michał Piotrowski
Installing F14 beta using btrfs question,
F14 beta compliments,
[Fedora QA] #137: Proventester Mentor Request,
Fedora QA
F-14 Branched report: 20101003 changes,
Branched Report
rawhide report: 20101003 changes,
Rawhide Report
F-14 Branched report: 20101002 changes,
Branched Report
rawhide report: 20101002 changes,
Rawhide Report
[Test-Announce] 2010-10-01 - F14-Blocker meeting recap,
James Laska
64bit Flash Player! Must Read!!!,
Rob Healey
Slightly unusual test install case for f14 beta on a laptop,
mike cloaked
init 1 in GNOME,
Michael Schwendt
Release criteria proposal: conflicts / dependencies,
Adam Williamson
gvfs sftp times out.,
Steven Haigh
[Test-Announce] Please Help Test 389 Directory Server,
Rich Megginson
F-14 Branched report: 20101001 changes,
Branched Report
rawhide report: 20101001 changes,
Rawhide Report
[Fedora QA] #136: joining proventester: michich,
Fedora QA
R -> texlive -> libpoppler,
Getting error messages when updating F14,
Joachim Backes
gtk import error?,
Rob Healey
F-14 Branched report: 20100930 changes,
Branched Report
rawhide report: 20100930 changes,
Rawhide Report
kernel-debug F12\13\14 grub,
Frank Murphy
Anybody has problems too with totem in F14?,
Joachim Backes
Why is my login to the GNOME session so slow in F14?,
Joachim Backes
[Test-Announce] Graphics Test Week final stretch: Intel,
Adam Williamson
SSH keys broken?,
Steven Haigh
f14 beta hard disk install still busted,
Tom Horsley
Re: 1000 Bug reports,
James Laska
[Test-Announce] X Test Week: Radeon Test Day today!,
Adam Williamson
F-14 Branched report: 20100929 changes,
Branched Report
gdb-7.2-16.fc14 push testing -> stable,
Jan Kratochvil
rawhide report: 20100929 changes,
Rawhide Report
F-14 Branched report: 20100928 changes,
Branched Report
Re: test Digest, Vol 79, Issue 99 - Watch for U3 partition on USB sticks,
Thomas C Gilliard
rawhide report: 20100928 changes,
Rawhide Report
The most recent F14 updates damage my system,
Joachim Backes
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: The most recent F14 updates damage my system,
Erinn Looney-Triggs
Re: The most recent F14 updates damage my system,
Erinn Looney-Triggs
[Test-Announce] Graphics Test Week this week! 2010-09-28: Nouveau,
Adam Williamson
Comparing other distros kernels to Fedora.,
Rodd Clarkson
Broken dependencies with Fedora 14 + updates-testing - 2010-09-27,
Michael Schwendt
F-14 Branched report: 20100927 changes,
Branched Report
2010-09-27 @ ** 15:00 UTC ** - Fedora QA meeting,
James Laska
rawhide report: 20100927 changes,
Rawhide Report
[Fedora QA] #135: Proposed Test Day - TOPIC How about a consideration of the dual boot issues from Fedora 13?,
Fedora QA
[Fedora QA] #134: Clarify the ISO to USB tests,
Fedora QA
- Re: [Fedora QA] #134: Clarify writing ISO to USB tests,
Fedora QA
- Re: [Fedora QA] #134: Clarify writing ISO to USB tests,
Fedora QA
- Re: [Fedora QA] #134: Clarify writing ISO to USB tests,
Fedora QA
- Re: [Fedora QA] #134: Clarify writing ISO to USB tests,
Fedora QA
- Re: [Fedora QA] #134: Clarify writing ISO to USB tests,
Fedora QA
- Re: [Fedora QA] #134: Clarify writing ISO to USB tests,
Fedora QA
- Re: [Fedora QA] #134: Clarify writing ISO to USB tests,
Fedora QA
- Re: [Fedora QA] #134: Clarify writing ISO to USB tests,
Fedora QA
- Re: [Fedora QA] #134: Clarify writing ISO to USB tests,
Fedora QA
- Re: [Fedora QA] #134: Clarify writing ISO to USB tests,
Fedora QA
- Re: [Fedora QA] #134: Clarify writing ISO to USB tests,
Fedora QA
- Re: [Fedora QA] #134: Clarify writing ISO to USB tests,
Fedora QA
BZ# 633848 - ghostscript error printing PDF with image.,
Steven Haigh
F-14 Branched report: 20100926 changes,
Branched Report
Fedora 14 Beta,
Lawrence E Graves
rawhide report: 20100926 changes,
Rawhide Report
[Test-Announce] Fedora 14 Beta RC Validation Test Summary,
He Rui
Bug 635735 – firefox hangs when you attempt to clear individual cookies; thunderbird hangs in advanced config editor,
Jonathan Kamens
gnome-panel dependencies broken.,
Steven Haigh
F14 Beta RC3 install from DVD is a world of hurt.,
Steven Haigh
F-14 Branched report: 20100925 changes,
Branched Report
rawhide report: 20100925 changes,
Rawhide Report
Broken dependencies with Fedora 13 + updates-testing - 2010-09-25,
Michael Schwendt
Broken dependencies with Fedora 14 + updates-testing - 2010-09-25,
Michael Schwendt
F-14 Branched report: 20100924 changes,
Branched Report
rawhide report: 20100924 changes,
Rawhide Report
How to change the gdm-greeter background in F14?,
Joachim Backes
[Fedora QA] #133: Proventester mentor request,
Fedora QA
Fedora 14 Beta Readiness,
John Poelstra
F-14 Branched report: 20100923 changes,
Branched Report
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