Fedora Linux Test Release Discussion
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- FC17 and btrfs,
Rob Healey
- firefox bookmarks...,
Rob Healey
- Slow Firefox in F17,
Joseph L. Casale
- rescue mode?,
Samuel Sieb
- How to install some software that requires Python 2.6 and rejects 2.7?,
Fernando Cassia
- Audio error while playing audio with mplayer in konsole in F17,
- rawhide report: 20120412 changes,
Fedora Rawhide Report
- F-17 Branched report: 20120412 changes,
Fedora Branched Report
- banshee update dependency error in F17 not being reported in branched report,
- Imagemagick dependencies that don't seem to be in the F17 dependency report,
- Evolution- - Couldn't create new Appontments or Meetings,
Bahtiar Gadimov
- [Test-Announce] Fedora 17 Beta is declared GOLD.,
Robyn Bergeron
- gpk-update-viewer fails in Beta-rc4 after confirming signing key BZ 811772,
G.Wolfe Woodbury
- New Pan 136-1 in F17 caused authentication to fail,
- [Test-Announce] Fedora 17 Beta RC4.1 available - what is it? Find out here,
Adam Williamson
- rawhide report: 20120411 changes,
Fedora Rawhide Report
- serious Python-2.7.2-12.x86_64 crash...,
Rob Healey
- [Test-Announce] Fedora 17 Beta Go/No-Go Meeting, Round 3, Wednesday, April 11, @17:00 Eastern,
Robyn Bergeron
- Cannot add FreeBSD entry to grub 2,
Antonio Olivares
- 2012-04-09 - Fedora QA Meeting - recap,
Adam Williamson
- rawhide report: 20120410 changes,
Fedora Rawhide Report
- F-17 Branched report: 20120410 changes,
Fedora Branched Report
- [Test-Announce] Fedora 17 Beta Release Candidate 4 (RC4) Available Now!,
Andre Robatino
- Noveau wedge still alive,
Chuck Forsberg WA7KGX N2469R
- Proposal: stop holding composes for preupgrade bugs at Alpha and Beta phases,
Adam Williamson
- Re: size of F17 install DVD,
Kamil Paral
- [Test-Announce] Fedora KDE Plasma Workspace Test Day - 2012-04-10,
Martin Holec
- [Test-Announce] 2012-04-09 @ 15:00 UTC - Fedora QA Meeting,
Adam Williamson
- rawhide report: 20120408 changes,
Fedora Rawhide Report
- F-17 Branched report: 20120408 changes,
Fedora Branched Report
- grub2 welcome screen in F17 showing 2 error messages,
Pratyush Sahay
- rawhide report: 20120407 changes,
Fedora Rawhide Report
- F-17 Branched report: 20120407 changes,
Fedora Branched Report
- F17 & btrfs installation,
- any lxde or xfce spin nightly build available?,
Antonio Olivares
- is the name ok,
- mouse scroll -- switches desktop,
Joshua Andrews
- rawhide report: 20120406 changes,
Fedora Rawhide Report
- new Release Criterion proposal: kernel+initrd boot,
Kamil Paral
- F-17 Branched report: 20120406 changes,
Fedora Branched Report
- [Test-Announce] [Fedora test day report] Gnome Shell Software Rendering 2012-03-29,
Martin Holec
- Re: Resend: 17 Beta-RC3 netinst.iso in vbox fails,
G.Wolfe Woodbury
- [Test-Announce] 2012-04-06 @ 17:00 UTC - F17 Beta Blocker Bug Review #5,
Tim Flink
- [Test-Announce] F17 Beta to slip by an additional week.,
Robyn Bergeron
- rawhide report: 20120405 changes,
Fedora Rawhide Report
- 17 Beta-RC3 netinst.iso in vbox fails,
G.Wolfe Woodbury
- F-17 Branched report: 20120405 changes,
Fedora Branched Report
- Repeated F17 gnome-shell crash, with fix,
Jonathan Kamens
- [Test-Announce] Fedora 17 Beta Release Candidate 3 (RC3) Available Now!,
Andre Robatino
- rawhide report: 20120404 changes,
Fedora Rawhide Report
- F-17 Branched report: 20120404 changes,
Fedora Branched Report
- [Test-Announce] Power Management Test Day today (Tuesday 2012-04-04),
Adam Williamson
- 2012-04-02 - Fedora QA Meeting - recap,
Adam Williamson
- 2012-03-26 - Fedora QA Meeting - recap,
Adam Williamson
- F16 updates-testing: polkit update pulls in a whole load of i686 dependencies,
James Wilkinson
- Missing firewall control panel,
Chuck Forsberg WA7KGX N2469R
- rawhide report: 20120403 changes,
Fedora Rawhide Report
- Install Fedora Button for LiveCD,
Kamil Paral
- F-17 Branched report: 20120403 changes,
Fedora Branched Report
- Noveau still unstable?,
Chuck Forsberg WA7KGX N2469R
- HTTP installation report,
Felix Miata
- [Test-Announce] Fedora 17 Beta Go/No-Go Meeting, Wednesday, April 4, @17:00 Eastern,
Robyn Bergeron
- Unable to read package metadata,
Felix Miata
- rawhide report: 20120402 changes,
Fedora Rawhide Report
- F-17 Branched report: 20120402 changes,
Fedora Branched Report
- [Fedora QA] #291: Proposed Test Day - JBoss Application Server,
Fedora QA
- [Test-Announce] 2012-04-02 @ 15:00 UTC - Fedora QA Meeting,
Adam Williamson
- /etc/yum/protected.d/ content thwarts yum update/upgrade,
Felix Miata
- rawhide report: 20120401 changes,
Fedora Rawhide Report
- F-17 Branched report: 20120401 changes,
Fedora Branched Report
- Issues encountered upgrading with yum from Fedora 16 to Fedora 17,
Jonathan Kamens
- ATK-2.4 please,
Rob Healey
- Pango-1.30 request please,
Rob Healey
- package request, please...,
Rob Healey
- nautilus-dropbox-0.7.1,
Rob Healey
- rawhide report: 20120331 changes,
Fedora Rawhide Report
- F-17 Branched report: 20120331 changes,
Fedora Branched Report
- nightly live CDs?,
Rob Healey
- Gnome 3.4 Testing,
Tim Flink
- Fedora QA and Google Summer of Code 2012,
Tim Flink
- F17 video annoyances, old hardware,
- rawhide report: 20120330 changes,
Fedora Rawhide Report
- Weird F17 effect: New gdm- presents mysql server account on the login screen,
Joachim Backes
- F-17 Branched report: 20120330 changes,
Fedora Branched Report
- Some errors from package install in F17,
- [Test-Announce] 2012-03-30 @ 17:00 UTC - F17 Beta Blocker Bug Review #4,
Tim Flink
- [Test-Announce] F17 Beta to slip by one week.,
Robyn Bergeron
- F17 vs. Pentium 4,
Michael Hennebry
- Re: F17 vs. Pentium 4,
Stephen John Smoogen
- Re: F17 vs. Pentium 4,
Michael Hennebry
- Re: F17 vs. Pentium 4,
Felix Miata
- Re: F17 vs. Pentium 4,
Michael Hennebry
- Re: F17 vs. Pentium 4,
Felix Miata
- Re: F17 vs. Pentium 4,
Michael Hennebry
- Re: F17 vs. Pentium 4,
Josh Boyer
- Re: F17 vs. Pentium 4,
Adam Williamson
- Re: F17 vs. Pentium 4,
- Re: F17 vs. Pentium 4,
Josh Boyer
- Re: F17 vs. Pentium 4,
Michael Hennebry
- Re: F17 vs. Pentium 4,
Adam Williamson
- Re: F17 vs. Pentium 4,
Michael Hennebry
- Re: F17 vs. Pentium 4,
Michael Hennebry
- Re: F17 vs. Pentium 4,
Bruno Wolff III
- Re: F17 vs. Pentium 4,
Michael Hennebry
- Re: F17 vs. Pentium 4,
Bruno Wolff III
- Re: F17 vs. Pentium 4,
Michael Hennebry
- Re: F17 vs. Pentium 4,
Stephen John Smoogen
- Re: F17 vs. Pentium 4,
Michal Jaegermann
- Re: F17 vs. Pentium 4,
Michael Hennebry
- Re: F17 vs. Pentium 4,
Michal Jaegermann
- Re: F17 vs. Pentium 4,
Michael Hennebry
- Re: F17 vs. Pentium 4,
Michal Jaegermann
- Re: F17 vs. Pentium 4,
Michael Hennebry
- Re: F17 vs. Pentium 4,
Michal Jaegermann
- Re: F17 vs. Pentium 4,
Michael Hennebry
- Re: F17 vs. Pentium 4,
Michael Hennebry
- Re: F17 vs. Pentium 4,
Michal Jaegermann
- Re: F17 vs. Pentium 4,
Michael Hennebry
- Re: F17 vs. Pentium 4,
Michael Hennebry
- Re: F17 vs. Pentium 4,
Felix Miata
- Re: F17 vs. Pentium 4,
Michael Hennebry
- Re: F17 vs. Pentium 4,
Felix Miata
- Re: F17 vs. Pentium 4,
Michael Hennebry
- Re: F17 vs. Pentium 4,
Felix Miata
- Re: F17 vs. Pentium 4,
Michael Hennebry
- Re: F17 vs. Pentium 4,
Felix Miata
- Re: F17 vs. Pentium 4,
Michael Hennebry
- Re: F17 vs. Pentium 4,
Felix Miata
- Re: F17 vs. Pentium 4,
Michael Hennebry
- Re: F17 vs. Pentium 4,
Felix Miata
- Re: F17 vs. Pentium 4,
cornel panceac
- Re: F17 vs. Pentium 4,
Michael Hennebry
- Re: F17 vs. Pentium 4,
Michael Hennebry
- Re: F17 vs. Pentium 4,
Michael Hennebry
- Re: F17 vs. Pentium 4,
Felix Miata
- Re: F17 vs. Pentium 4,
Michal Jaegermann
- Re: F17 vs. Pentium 4,
Adam Williamson
- Re: F17 vs. Pentium 4,
Michael Hennebry
- Re: F17 vs. Pentium 4,
Adam Williamson
- Re: F17 vs. Pentium 4,
Michael Hennebry
- Re: F17 vs. Pentium 4,
Adam Williamson
- Re: F17 vs. Pentium 4,
- Re: F17 vs. Pentium 4,
Michael Hennebry
- Re: F17 vs. Pentium 4,
Michael Hennebry
- Re: F17 vs. Pentium 4,
- Re: F17 vs. Pentium 4,
Michael Hennebry
- Re: F17 vs. Pentium 4,
- Re: F17 vs. Pentium 4,
Michael Hennebry
- Re: F17 vs. Pentium 4,
Michael Hennebry
- Re: F17 vs. Pentium 4,
- Re: F17 vs. Pentium 4,
Michael Hennebry
- Re: F17 vs. Pentium 4,
- Re: F17 vs. Pentium 4,
Michael Hennebry
- Re: F17 vs. Pentium 4,
Michael Hennebry
- Re: F17 vs. Pentium 4,
Michael Hennebry
- Re: F17 vs. Pentium 4,
- Re: F17 vs. Pentium 4,
Michael Hennebry
- Re: F17 vs. Pentium 4,
Adam Williamson
- Re: F17 vs. Pentium 4,
Michael Hennebry
- Re: F17 vs. Pentium 4,
Adam Williamson
- Re: F17 vs. Pentium 4,
Michael Hennebry
- Re: F17 vs. Pentium 4,
Adam Williamson
- Re: F17 vs. Pentium 4,
Michael Hennebry
- Re: F17 vs. Pentium 4,
Adam Williamson
- Re: F17 vs. Pentium 4,
Michael Hennebry
- Re: F17 vs. Pentium 4,
Michael Hennebry
- Re: F17 vs. Pentium 4,
Adam Williamson
- Re: F17 vs. Pentium 4,
Michael Hennebry
- Re: F17 vs. Pentium 4,
Adam Williamson
- Re: F17 vs. Pentium 4,
Michael Hennebry
- Re: F17 vs. Pentium 4,
Akshay Vyas
- Re: F17 vs. Pentium 4,
James Wilkinson
- Re: F17 vs. Pentium 4,
Bruno Wolff III
- [Test-Announce] Announcing 389 Directory Server version Stable,
Rich Megginson
- curious: yum-presto prevents from updating in F17 by yum?,
Joachim Backes
- Network unstable in F17 after latest NetworkManager updates,
Joachim Backes
rawhide report: 20120329 changes,
Fedora Rawhide Report
F-17 Branched report: 20120329 changes,
Fedora Branched Report
Morte Noveau still there.,
Chuck Forsberg WA7KGX N2469R
Python-3.3.0 ...,
Rob Healey
[Test-Announce] Fedora 17 Beta Release Candidate 2 (RC2) Available Now!,
Andre Robatino
rawhide report: 20120328 changes,
Fedora Rawhide Report
Safely cleanup the contents of /var/cache/abrt-di ?,
Joachim Backes
F-17 Branched report: 20120328 changes,
Fedora Branched Report
Libreoffice not found by yum search F17,
Frank Murphy
future of Fedora and Python???,
Rob Healey
Fc17 updates-testing...,
Rob Healey
rawhide report: 20120327 changes,
Fedora Rawhide Report
[Test-Announce] Test Day 2012-03-29: GNOME Shell Software Rendering,
Kamil Paral
F-17 Branched report: 20120327 changes,
Fedora Branched Report
[Test-Announce] Kdump Test Day on Mar 27,
Hongqing Yang
Installation validation matrix: dropped all install repository '_default' tests (except DVD and mirrorlist),
Adam Williamson
Sign of the Gnome 3 apocalypse?,
Tom Horsley
F17 rkhunter /lib/java False Positive?,
Frank Murphy
rawhide report: 20120326 changes,
Fedora Rawhide Report
[Test-Announce] Fedora 17 Beta Go/No-Go Meeting, Wednesday, March 28, @17:00 Eastern,
Robyn Bergeron
F-17 Branched report: 20120326 changes,
Fedora Branched Report
[Test-Announce] 2012-03-26 @ 15:00 UTC - Fedora QA Meeting,
Adam Williamson
F17-Alpha DVD basic install success with comments,
Downloaded F17 Alpha DVD - Thanks,
rawhide report: 20120325 changes,
Fedora Rawhide Report
F-17 Branched report: 20120325 changes,
Fedora Branched Report
yum upgrade F16 => F17 no longer possible,
Sven Lankes
Weird rawhide desktop behavior,
Jonathan Corbet
KDE Wallet then for Jabber Password which is direct conflict with, jabber.sugarlabs.org in sugar. when KDE Wallet is cancelled; it kills working jabber connection. (Multi-Desktop install to HD),
Thomas C Gilliard
rawhide report: 20120324 changes,
Fedora Rawhide Report
F-17 Branched report: 20120324 changes,
Fedora Branched Report
built-in DVD mediacheck is gone,
Andre Robatino
Fedora ARM QA testing,
Paul Whalen
[Test-Announce] Fedora 17 Beta Release Candidate 1 (RC1) Available Now!,
Andre Robatino
[Test-Announce] Fedora 17 QA Retrospective page is up,
Adam Williamson
Most recent F17 updates let my VirtualBox and then the gnome-shell session crash,
Joachim Backes
F-17 Branched report: 20120323 changes,
Fedora Branched Report
F17: restarting gnome-shell produces a mangled desktop,
Joachim Backes
[Test-Announce] (CANCELLED) 2012-03-23 @ 17:00 UTC - F17 Beta Blocker Bug Review #4,
Tim Flink
PackageKit - yumBackend.py,
Joshua Andrews
F-17 Branched report: 20120322 changes,
Fedora Branched Report
rawhide report: changes,
Fedora Rawhide Report
F17 release not updated the last few days?,
Bruno Wolff III
rawhide report: 20120322 changes,
Fedora Rawhide Report
[Fedora QA] #290: Proposed Test Day - KDE 4.8,
Fedora QA
Fedora 17 Beta status 2: open blockers, karma and blocker vote requests,
Adam Williamson
F17 Yum Update Error,
Sri Krishna
QA as a sub-project: draft 'governance' section for the wiki,
Adam Williamson
rawhide report: 20120321 changes,
Fedora Rawhide Report
[Fedora QA] #289: Howto: debug kernel,
Fedora QA
[Fedora QA] #288: Kdump,
Fedora QA
Wiki page change,
Paul W. Frields
rawhide report: 20120320 changes,
Fedora Rawhide Report
[Test-Announce] Sugar Fedora Test Day - 2012-03-22,
Samuel Greenfeld
[Fedora QA] #287: Add Bodhi testing guidelines to Bodhi?,
Fedora QA
2012-03-19 - Fedora QA Meeting - recap,
Adam Williamson
remove default test 'askmethod' from Fedora_17_Install_Results_Template,
Hongqing Yang
Fedora 17 Beta status: open blockers, karma and blocker vote requests,
Adam Williamson
[Test-Announce] Annoying reminder: please keep karma'ing, folks,
Adam Williamson
rawhide report: 20120319 changes,
Fedora Rawhide Report
[Test-Announce] Test Day: firewalld,
Thomas Woerner
F-17 Branched report: 20120319 changes,
Branched Report
/var/log/messages permissions issue...,
Rob Healey
17 Beta TC2 DVD minimal install won't use packages from media,
Andre Robatino
[Test-Announce] Fedora 17 Beta Test Compose 2 (TC2) Available Now!,
Andre Robatino
rawhide report: 20120318 changes,
Fedora Rawhide Report
F-17 Branched report: 20120318 changes,
Branched Report
gnome-shell desktop freezes sometimes in F17,
Joachim Backes
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