As always, minutes and IRC transcript available on the wiki at Next meeting is scheduled for 2012-04-16 at 1500 UTC in #fedora-meeting. If you have topics you think we should bring up at the meeting, please add them to the Wiki page at . Thanks! TOPIC: Previous meeting follow-up ======================================================================= N/A TOPIC: Fedora 17 Beta status / blocker review ======================================================================= * Need to spin RC4 ASAP: blockers remained in anaconda/ preupgrade and selinux * #809707 was rejected as a beta blocker as we can only think of very few cases which will be hit by it, and there is an obvious 'workaround' (really, the fix): correct the system date TOPIC: Test Day report ======================================================================= * Turnout for the Power Management Test Day on 04-04[1] was good, looks like a solid bunch of results. It was open house in Brno, so a lot of input came from that * Seems to have been solid data in the Installation l10n/i18n Test Day on 04-05[2] but the results table is a little odd, may need tidying up TOPIC: Upcoming QA events ======================================================================= * KDE 4.8 Test Day tomorrow (04-10)[3] - KDE team is on top of preparation * Virtualization Test Day 04-12[4] - virt team is taking a freeform testing approach, looks like they have the page set up as they want it * Beta Go/No-Go scheduled (again) for 04-11 TOPIC: AutoQA update ======================================================================= * No news, team is busy with Beta testing TOPIC: Open floor ======================================================================= * Some discussion of whether preupgrade bugs should block media spins: adam to propose changes on the list * Andre noted that mediacheck is now 'hidden' and should be exposed or enabled by default: see #809663[5] ACTION ITEMS ======================================================================= * adamw to send formal proposal for preupgrade criteria adjustment to the list [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] -- Adam Williamson Fedora QA Community Monkey IRC: adamw | Twitter: AdamW_Fedora | adamwfedora -- test mailing list test@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx To unsubscribe: