On 04/12/2012 11:52 AM, Michael Hennebry wrote:
On Wed, 11 Apr 2012, mwesten wrote:
On 04/11/2012 08:52 PM, Michael Hennebry wrote:
On Wed, 11 Apr 2012, Michael Hennebry wrote:
Here is the final grub stanza:
title Install Fedora16 from iso 11 15:34
root (hd0,2)
kernel /isolinux16/vmlinuz repo=hd:LABEL=/home1:/iso16 acpi=off
processor.nocst=1 maxcpus=1 selinux=0
initrd /isolinux16/initrd.img
As far as "installing without media", I believe your repo= is incorrect.
LABEL= takes a volume label, not a mountpoint. The blkid command will
tell you if there is one and what it is. You can set it with GPARTED.
So, if blkid says the label of the /home1 partition is "F16DVD", use
/home1 is the label.
It's usual mountpoint is /homes .
I would stick with F16 for now. Due to the changes in Anaconda for
F17, this gets a bit trickier to do...
I'll use whichever I can get to work.
So far, neither.
I get that it's been frustrating for you, but this is a bleeding-edge
distribution which will have some issues now and then. Also consider
that you are trying to use a non-standard means of installation.
In any case, there still seems to be a problem with accessing the repo
files. I'm not sure what would cause the selinux message you saw.
I hope this /home1 is just a standard partition, without encryption or
LVM. Is that right? Whenever I do this, I just stick the iso in the
root of a FAT32 partition.
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