CEPH Filesystem Users
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problem with automounting cephfs on KVM VM boot,
Re: ceph auth list,
John Spray
cephfs(10.2.10, kernel client4.12 ), gitlab use cephfs as backend storage, git push error, report "Permission denied",
Can't enable backfill because of "recover_replicas: object added to missing set for backfill, but is not in recovering, error!",
Philip Poten
How to clean data of osd with ssd journal(wal, db if it is bluestore) ?,
troubleshooting ceph performance,
Manuel Sopena Ballesteros
ceph osd perf on bluestore commit==apply,
Shawn Edwards
Re: Help rebalancing OSD usage, Luminous 12.2.2,
Bryan Banister
Help rebalancing OSD usage, Luminus 1.2.2,
Bryan Banister
Luminous 12.2.2 OSDs with Bluestore crashing randomly,
Alessandro De Salvo
High apply latency,
Jakub Jaszewski
set pg_num on pools with different size,
Nagy Ákos
Luminous 12.2.3 release date?,
Wido den Hollander
Broken Buckets after Jewel->Luminous Upgrade,
Ingo Reimann
OSD went down but no idea why,
blackpiglet J.
Cephfs Snapshots - Usable in Single FS per Pool Scenario ?,
Paul Kunicki
Reweight 0 - best way to backfill slowly?,
David Majchrzak
BlueStore "allocate failed, wtf" error,
Sergey Malinin
[Best practise] Adding new data center,
Nico Schottelius
Upgrading multi-site RGW to Luminous,
David Turner
Hardware considerations on setting up a new Luminous Ceph cluster,
Hervé Ballans
OSDs failing to start after host reboot,
Andre Goree
consequence of losing WAL/DB device with bluestore?,
Vladimir Prokofev
ceph CRUSH automatic weight management,
Inconsistent PG - failed to pick suitable auth object,
Josef Zelenka
pgs down after adding 260 OSDs & increasing PGs,
Jake Grimmett
CRUSH straw2 can not handle big weight differences,
ceph-helm issue,
Ercan Aydoğan
Debugging fstrim issues,
Nathan Harper
how to get bucket or object's ACL?,
luminous rbd feature 'striping' is deprecated or just a bug?,
Konstantin Shalygin
Ceph OSDs fail to start with RDMA,
Moreno, Orlando
Bluefs WAL : bluefs _allocate failed to allocate on bdev 0,
Dietmar Rieder
Migrating filestore to bluestore using ceph-volume,
BlueStore.cc: 9363: FAILED assert(0 == "unexpected error"),
David Turner
RGW Upgrade to Luminous Inconsistent PGs in index pools,
David Turner
Can't make LDAP work,
Theofilos Mouratidis
swift capabilities support in radosgw,
Syed Armani
How ceph client read data from ceph cluster,
Snapshot trimming,
Karun Josy
ceph-volume raw disks,
Nathan Dehnel
Two issues remaining after luminous upgrade,
Matthew Stroud
OSDs missing from cluster all from one node,
Andre Goree
Cephalocon APAC Call for Proposals,
Leonardo Vaz
Ceph Tech Talk Canceled,
Leonardo Vaz
How to migrate ms_type to async ?,
周 威
Cache-tier forward mode hang in luminous,
Scrub mismatch since upgrade to Luminous (12.2.2),
Full Ratio,
Karun Josy
Signature check failures.,
client with uid,
Keane Wolter
SPDK for BlueStore rocksDB,
Jorge Pinilla López
OSD servers swapping despite having free memory capacity,
Samuel Taylor Liston
Re: How to set mon-clock-drift-allowed tunable,
Hüseyin Atatür YILDIRIM
Ruleset for optimized Ceph hybrid storage,
Importance of Stable Mon and OSD IPs,
Mayank Kumar
Replication count - demo,
M Ranga Swami Reddy
PG inactive, peering,
Karun Josy
Re: What is the should be the expected latency of 10Gbit network connections,
Warren Wang
Luminous: example of a single down osd taking out a cluster,
Dan van der Ster
Ideal Bluestore setup,
Ean Price
Adding disks -> getting unfound objects [Luminous],
Nico Schottelius
Luminous - bad performance,
Steven Vacaroaia
Re: Luminous - bad performance,
Sage Weil
OSD doesn't start - fresh installation,
Hüseyin Atatür YILDIRIM
How to set mon-clock-drift-allowed tunable,
Hüseyin Atatür YILDIRIM
RGW compression causing issue for ElasticSearch,
Youzhong Yang
Weird issues related to (large/small) weights in mixed nvme/hdd pool,
peter . linder
udev rule or script to auto add bcache devices?,
Stefan Priebe - Profihost AG
Luminous upgrade with existing EC pools,
David Turner
Re: Migrating to new pools,
Jens-U. Mozdzen
Ubuntu 17.10 or Debian 9.3 + Luminous = random OS hang ?,
Youzhong Yang
Re: ghost degraded objects,
Sage Weil
QUEMU - rbd cache - inconsistent documentation?,
Wolfgang Lendl
Fwd: Ceph team involvement in Rook (Deploying Ceph in Kubernetes),
Kai Wagner
Hadoop on Ceph error,
Bishoy Mikhael
also having a slow monitor join quorum,
Marc Roos
ceph df shows 100% used,
Webert de Souza Lima
ceph luminous - cannot assign requested address,
Steven Vacaroaia
how to use create an new radosgw user using RESTful API?,
data_digest_mismatch_oi with missing object and I/O errors (repaired!),
Brian Andrus
how to update old pre ceph-deploy osds to current systemd way?,
Stefan Priebe - Profihost AG
Ceph luminous - DELL R620 - performance expectations,
Steven Vacaroaia
MDS injectargs,
Florent B
Re Two datacenter resilient design with a quorum site,
Vincent Godin
Karun Josy
ceph command hangs,
Nathan Dehnel
After Luminous upgrade: ceph-fuse clients failing to respond to cache pressure,
Andras Pataki
manually remove problematic snapset: ceph-osd crashes,
Stefan Priebe - Profihost AG
Two datacenter resilient design with a quorum site,
Alex Gorbachev
CRUSH map cafe or CRUSH map generator,
Alex Gorbachev
Suggestion fur naming RBDs,
Götz Reinicke
Ceph Day Germany 2018,
Leonardo Vaz
subscribe to ceph-user list,
German Anders
Bug in RadosGW resharding? Hangs again...,
Martin Emrich
Adding a host node back to ceph cluster,
Geoffrey Rhodes
Error message in the logs: "meta sync: ERROR: failed to read mdlog info with (2) No such file or directory",
Victor Flávio
slow requests on a specific osd,
radosgw fails with "ERROR: failed to initialize watch: (34) Numerical result out of range",
Alexander Peters
Limit deep scrub,
Karun Josy
Ceph-objectstore-tool import failure,
Brent Kennedy
jemalloc on centos7,
Marc Roos
Switching a pool from EC to replicated online ?,
moftah moftah
Ceph 12.2.2 - Compiler Hangs on src/rocksdb/monitoring/statistics.cc,
Dyweni - Ceph-Users
Have I configured erasure coding wrong ?,
Mike O'Connor
Cephalocon 2018 APAC,
Leonardo Vaz
Bluestore - possible to grow PV/LV and utilize additional space?,
Jared Biel
mons segmentation faults New 12.2.2 cluster,
Kenneth Waegeman
Rocksdb Segmentation fault during compaction (on OSD),
Stefan Kooman
Trying to increase number of PGs throws "Error E2BIG" though PGs/OSD < mon_max_pg_per_osd,
Subhachandra Chandra
4 incomplete PGs causing RGW to go offline?,
Brent Kennedy
Unable to join additional mon servers (luminous),
Thomas Gebhardt
Does anyone use rcceph script in CentOS/SUSE?,
Nathan Cutler
Ceph Future,
Massimiliano Cuttini
How to get the usage of an indexless-bucket,
Vincent Godin
replace failed disk in Luminous v12.2.2,
Dietmar Rieder
Ceph MGR Influx plugin 12.2.2,
Reed Dier
Ceph 10.2.10 - SegFault in ms_pipe_read,
Dyweni - Ceph-Users
Cluster crash - FAILED assert(interval.last > last),
Josef Zelenka
issue adding OSDs,
Luis Periquito
How to speed up backfill,
Message not available
Changing device-class using crushtool,
Wido den Hollander
luminous: HEALTH_ERR full ratio(s) out of order,
Stefan Priebe - Profihost AG
filestore to bluestore: osdmap epoch problem and is the documentation correct?,
Jens-U. Mozdzen
How to "reset" rgw?,
Martin Emrich
Incomplete pgs and no data movement ( cluster appears readonly ),
Brent Kennedy
OSDs going down/up at random,
Mike O'Connor
'lost' cephfs filesystem?,
Mark Schouten
OSD Bluestore Migration Issues,
Reed Dier
rbd: map failed,
Karun Josy
Dashboard runs on all manager instances?,
Tim Bishop
Real life EC+RBD experience is required,
Алексей Ступников
C++17 and C++ ABI on master,
Adam C. Emerson
Stuck pgs (activating+remapped) and slow requests after adding OSD node via ceph-ansible,
Tzachi Strul
"VolumeDriver.Create: Unable to create Ceph RBD Image",
Traiano Welcome
Bluestore migration disaster - incomplete pgs recovery process and progress (in progress),
Brady Deetz
Ceph on Public IP,
nithish B
Safe to delete data, metadata pools?,
Richard Bade
WAL size constraints, bluestore_prefer_deferred_size,
Richard Hesketh
Removing cache tier for RBD pool,
Jens-U. Mozdzen
Move an erasure coded RBD image to another pool.,
Caspar Smit
Bad crc causing osd hang and block all request.,
cephfs degraded on ceph luminous 12.2.2,
Alessandro De Salvo
permission denied, unable to bind socket,
Nathan Dehnel
Luminous : All OSDs not starting when ceph.target is started,
nokia ceph
Adding Monitor ceph freeze, monitor 100% cpu usage,
Nico Schottelius
[luminous 12.2.2]bluestore cache uses much more memory than setting value,
Is narkive down? There is no updates for a week(EOF),
Problem with OSD down and problematic rbd object,
Jan Pekař - Imatic
Increase recovery / backfilling speed (with many small objects),
Stefan Kooman
cephfs-data-scan pg_files errors,
Brady Deetz
Different Ceph versions on OSD/MONs and Clients?,
Götz Reinicke
Hawk-M4E SSD disks for journal,
Eneko Lacunza
RadosGW still stuck on buckets,
Martin Emrich
Where is source/rpm package of jewel(10.2.10) ?,
Chengguang Xu
Reduced data availability: 4 pgs inactive, 4 pgs incomplete,
Brent Kennedy
ceph.conf not found,
Nathan Dehnel
help needed after an outage - Is it possible to rebuild a bucket index ?,
Vincent Godin
Linux Meltdown (KPTI) fix and how it affects performance?,
Nick Fisk
mon_max_pg_per_osd setting not active? too many PGs per OSD (240 > max 200),
Stefan Priebe - Profihost AG
data cleaup/disposal process,
M Ranga Swami Reddy
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