2018-02-16 10:16 GMT+01:00 Dan van der Ster <dan@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>:
Hi Caspar,
I've been trying the mgr balancer for a couple weeks now and can share
some experience.
Currently there are two modes implemented: upmap and crush-compat.
Upmap requires all clients to be running luminous -- it uses this new
pg-upmap mechanism to precisely move PGs one by one to a more balanced
The upmap mode is working only with num PGs, AFAICT, and on at least
one of our clusters it happens to be moving PGs in a pool with no data
-- useless. Checking the implementation, it should be upmapping PGs
from a random pool each iteration -- I have a tracker open for this:
Upmap is the future, but for now I'm trying to exercise the
crush-compat mode on some larger clusters. It's still early days, but
in general it seems to be working in the right direction.
crush-compat does two things: it creates a new "compat" crush
weight-set to give underutilized OSDs more crush weight; and second,
it phases out the osd reweights back to 1.0. So, if you have a cluster
that was previously balanced with ceph osd reweight-by-*, then
crush-compat will gently bring you to the new balancing strategy.
There have been a few issues spotted in 12.2.2... some of the balancer
config-key settings aren't cast properly to int/float so they can
break the balancer; and more importantly the mgr doesn't refresh
config-keys if they change. So if you do change the configuration, you
need to ceph mgr fail <theactiveone> to force the next mgr to reload
the config.
My current config is:
ceph config-key dump
"mgr/balancer/active": "1",
"mgr/balancer/begin_time": "0830",
"mgr/balancer/end_time": "1600",
"mgr/balancer/max_misplaced": "0.01",
"mgr/balancer/mode": "crush-compat"
Note that the begin_time/end_time seem to be in UTC, not the local time zone.
max_displaced defaults to 0.05, and this is used to limit the
percentage of PGs/objects to be rebalanced each iteration.
I have it enabled (ceph balancer on) which means it tries to balance
every 60s. It will skip an iteration if num misplaced is greater than
> max_misplaced, or if any objects are degraded.
When you're first trying the balancer you should do two things to test
a one-off balancing (rather than the always on mode that I use):
- set debug_mgr=4/5 # then you can tail -f ceph-mgr.*.log | grep
balancer to see what it's doing
- ceph balancer mode crush-compat
- ceph balancer eval # to check the current score
- ceph balancer optimize myplan # create but do not execute a new plan
- ceph balancer eval myplan # check what would be the new score
after myplan. Is it getting closer to the optimal value 0?
- ceph balancer show myplan # study what it's trying to do
- ceph balancer execute myplan # execute the plan. data movement starts here!
- ceph balancer reset # we do this because balancer rm is broken,
and myplan isn't removed automatically after execution
v12.2.3 has quite a few balancer fixes, and also adds a pool-specific
balancing (which should hopefully fix my upmap issue).
Hope that helps!
It sure does Dan! Thank you very much for your detailed answer.
I will start testing the balancer module with our demo cluster.
> ______________________________
On Fri, Feb 16, 2018 at 9:22 AM, Caspar Smit <casparsmit@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Hi,
> After watching Sage's talk at LinuxConfAU about making distributed storage
> easy he mentioned the Balancer Manager module. After enabling this module,
> pg's should get balanced automagically around the cluster.
> The module was added in Ceph Luminous v12.2.2
> Since i couldn't find much documentation about this module i was wondering
> if it is considered stable? (production ready) or still experimental/WIP.
> Here's the original mailinglist post describing the module:
> https://www.spinics.net/lists/ceph-devel/msg37730.html
> A few questions:
> What are the differences between the different optimization modes?
> Is the balancer run at certain intervals, if yes, what is the interval?
> Will this trigger continuous backfillling/recovering of pg's when a cluster
> is mostly under write load?
> Kind regards,
> Caspar
> ceph-users mailing list
> ceph-users@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
> http://lists.ceph.com/listinfo.cgi/ceph-users-ceph. com
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