Hello Ceph (and CloudStack ;-) ) people!
Together with the Apache CloudStack [0] project we are organizing a Ceph
Day in London on April 19th this year.
As there are many users using Apache CloudStack with Ceph as the storage
behind their Virtual Machines or using Ceph as a object store in
addition to their VM offering we thought it would be great to bring both
communities together.
This e-mail is to call for papers for that day. A similar e-mail will
got the CloudStack community.
Do you have a interesting talk about Ceph (or CloudStack?), let me know!
The agenda is to be compiled, but we are aiming for:
- Morning: Mix of Ceph & CloudStack with talks applying to both projects
- Afternoon: Split into two tracks: Ceph and CloudStack
The page isn't online yet on ceph.com [1], but it will be soon.
Registrations [2] are already open for those who want to reserve their
seat early.
Looking forward to see a big group of people come to London!
[0]: https://cloudstack.apache.org/
[1]: https://ceph.com/cephdays/
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