Thank you for the answer.
It seems like a good solution to use uniform in this case.
But adding this in the crush map result in failure to compile crush map.
datacenter stray {
alg uniform
hash 0
$: crushtool -c /tmp/crush.text -o /tmp/crush
in rule 'hdd' step take default has no class information
rule hdd {
id 2
type replicated
min_size 1
max_size 3
step take default class hdd
step chooseleaf firstn 0 type datacenter
step emit
Rule 'hdd' has nothing to do with datacenter 'stray'. So using uniform
anywhere in crush map disables/removes new class information?
On 2018-01-29 15:42, Wido den Hollander wrote:
On 01/29/2018 03:38 PM, Niklas wrote:
When adding new OSDs to a host, the CRUSH weight for the datacenter
one level up is changed to reflect the change.
What configuration is used to stop ceph from automatic weight
management on the levels above the host?
In your case (datacenters) you might want to change the 'alg' to
uniform instead of straw(2).
This 'alg' doesn't support weights, but if all your DCs are always
equal you can use that.
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