Re: Luminous - bad performance

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Hi David,

I noticed the public interface of the server I am running the test from is heavily used  so I will bond that one too 

I doubt though that this explains the poor performance

Thanks for your advice 


On 22 January 2018 at 12:02, David Turner <drakonstein@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
I'm not speaking to anything other than your configuration. 

"I am using 2 x 10 GB bonded ( BONDING_OPTS="mode=4 miimon=100 xmit_hash_policy=1 lacp_rate=1")  for cluster and 1 x 1GB for public"
It might not be a bad idea for you to forgo the public network on the 1Gb interfaces and either put everything on one network or use VLANs on the 10Gb connections.  I lean more towards that in particular because your public network doesn't have a bond on it.  Just as a note, communication between the OSDs and the MONs are all done on the public network.  If that interface goes down, then the OSDs are likely to be marked down/out from your cluster.  I'm a fan of VLANs, but if you don't have the equipment or expertise to go that route, then just using the same subnet for public and private is a decent way to go.

On Mon, Jan 22, 2018 at 11:37 AM Steven Vacaroaia <stef97@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
I did test with rados bench are the results

rados bench -p ssdpool 300 -t 12 write --no-cleanup && rados bench -p ssdpool 300 -t 12  seq

Total time run:         300.322608
Total writes made:      10632
Write size:             4194304
Object size:            4194304
Bandwidth (MB/sec):     141.608
Stddev Bandwidth:       74.1065
Max bandwidth (MB/sec): 264
Min bandwidth (MB/sec): 0
Average IOPS:           35
Stddev IOPS:            18
Max IOPS:               66
Min IOPS:               0
Average Latency(s):     0.33887
Stddev Latency(s):      0.701947
Max latency(s):         9.80161
Min latency(s):         0.015171

Total time run:       300.829945
Total reads made:     10070
Read size:            4194304
Object size:          4194304
Bandwidth (MB/sec):   133.896
Average IOPS:         33
Stddev IOPS:          14
Max IOPS:             68
Min IOPS:             3
Average Latency(s):   0.35791
Max latency(s):       4.68213
Min latency(s):       0.0107572

rados bench -p scbench256 300 -t 12 write --no-cleanup && rados bench -p scbench256 300 -t 12  seq

Total time run:         300.747004
Total writes made:      10239
Write size:             4194304
Object size:            4194304
Bandwidth (MB/sec):     136.181
Stddev Bandwidth:       75.5
Max bandwidth (MB/sec): 272
Min bandwidth (MB/sec): 0
Average IOPS:           34
Stddev IOPS:            18
Max IOPS:               68
Min IOPS:               0
Average Latency(s):     0.352339
Stddev Latency(s):      0.72211
Max latency(s):         9.62304
Min latency(s):         0.00936316
hints = 1

Total time run:       300.610761
Total reads made:     7628
Read size:            4194304
Object size:          4194304
Bandwidth (MB/sec):   101.5
Average IOPS:         25
Stddev IOPS:          11
Max IOPS:             61
Min IOPS:             0
Average Latency(s):   0.472321
Max latency(s):       15.636
Min latency(s):       0.0188098

On 22 January 2018 at 11:34, Steven Vacaroaia <stef97@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
sorry ..send the message too soon
Here is more info
Vendor Id          : SEAGATE
                Product Id         : ST600MM0006
                State              : Online
                Disk Type          : SAS,Hard Disk Device
                Capacity           : 558.375 GB
                Power State        : Active

( SSD is in slot 0)

 megacli -LDGetProp  -Cache -LALL -a0

Adapter 0-VD 0(target id: 0): Cache Policy:WriteThrough, ReadAheadNone, Direct, No Write Cache if bad BBU
Adapter 0-VD 1(target id: 1): Cache Policy:WriteBack, ReadAdaptive, Direct, No Write Cache if bad BBU
Adapter 0-VD 2(target id: 2): Cache Policy:WriteBack, ReadAdaptive, Direct, No Write Cache if bad BBU
Adapter 0-VD 3(target id: 3): Cache Policy:WriteBack, ReadAdaptive, Direct, No Write Cache if bad BBU
Adapter 0-VD 4(target id: 4): Cache Policy:WriteBack, ReadAdaptive, Direct, No Write Cache if bad BBU
Adapter 0-VD 5(target id: 5): Cache Policy:WriteBack, ReadAdaptive, Direct, No Write Cache if bad BBU

[root@osd01 ~]#  megacli -LDGetProp  -DskCache -LALL -a0

Adapter 0-VD 0(target id: 0): Disk Write Cache : Disabled
Adapter 0-VD 1(target id: 1): Disk Write Cache : Disk's Default
Adapter 0-VD 2(target id: 2): Disk Write Cache : Disk's Default
Adapter 0-VD 3(target id: 3): Disk Write Cache : Disk's Default
Adapter 0-VD 4(target id: 4): Disk Write Cache : Disk's Default
Adapter 0-VD 5(target id: 5): Disk Write Cache : Disk's Default

Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2640 0 @ 2.50GHz

Centos 7 kernel 3.10.0-693.11.6.el7.x86_64

sysctl -p
net.ipv4.tcp_sack = 0
net.core.netdev_budget = 600
net.ipv4.tcp_window_scaling = 1
net.core.rmem_max = 16777216
net.core.wmem_max = 16777216
net.core.rmem_default = 16777216
net.core.wmem_default = 16777216
net.core.optmem_max = 40960
net.ipv4.tcp_rmem = 4096 87380 16777216
net.ipv4.tcp_wmem = 4096 65536 16777216
net.ipv4.tcp_syncookies = 0
net.core.somaxconn = 1024
net.core.netdev_max_backlog = 20000
net.ipv4.tcp_max_syn_backlog = 30000
net.ipv4.tcp_max_tw_buckets = 2000000
net.ipv4.tcp_tw_reuse = 1
net.ipv4.tcp_slow_start_after_idle = 0
net.ipv4.conf.all.send_redirects = 0
net.ipv4.conf.all.accept_redirects = 0
net.ipv4.conf.all.accept_source_route = 0
vm.min_free_kbytes = 262144
vm.swappiness = 0
vm.vfs_cache_pressure = 100
fs.suid_dumpable = 0
kernel.core_uses_pid = 1
kernel.msgmax = 65536
kernel.msgmnb = 65536
kernel.randomize_va_space = 1
kernel.sysrq = 0
kernel.pid_max = 4194304
fs.file-max = 100000


public_network =
cluster_network =

osd_op_num_threads_per_shard = 2
osd_op_num_shards = 25
osd_pool_default_size = 2
osd_pool_default_min_size = 1 # Allow writing 1 copy in a degraded state
osd_pool_default_pg_num = 256
osd_pool_default_pgp_num = 256
osd_crush_chooseleaf_type = 1
osd_scrub_load_threshold = 0.01
osd_scrub_min_interval = 137438953472
osd_scrub_max_interval = 137438953472
osd_deep_scrub_interval = 137438953472
osd_max_scrubs = 16
osd_op_threads = 8
osd_max_backfills = 1
osd_recovery_max_active = 1
osd_recovery_op_priority = 1

debug_lockdep = 0/0
debug_context = 0/0
debug_crush = 0/0
debug_buffer = 0/0
debug_timer = 0/0
debug_filer = 0/0
debug_objecter = 0/0
debug_rados = 0/0
debug_rbd = 0/0
debug_journaler = 0/0
debug_objectcatcher = 0/0
debug_client = 0/0
debug_osd = 0/0
debug_optracker = 0/0
debug_objclass = 0/0
debug_filestore = 0/0
debug_journal = 0/0
debug_ms = 0/0
debug_monc = 0/0
debug_tp = 0/0
debug_auth = 0/0
debug_finisher = 0/0
debug_heartbeatmap = 0/0
debug_perfcounter = 0/0
debug_asok = 0/0
debug_throttle = 0/0
debug_mon = 0/0
debug_paxos = 0/0
debug_rgw = 0/0

mon_allow_pool_delete = true

osd_heartbeat_grace = 20
osd_heartbeat_interval = 5
bluestore_block_db_size = 16106127360
bluestore_block_wal_size = 1073741824

host = osd01
osd_journal = /dev/disk/by-parttypeuuid/4fbd7e29-9d25-41b8-afd0-062c0ceff05d.1d58775a-5019-42ea-8149-a126f51a2501
crush_location = root=ssds host=osd01-ssd

host = osd02
osd_journal = /dev/disk/by-parttypeuuid/4fbd7e29-9d25-41b8-afd0-062c0ceff05d.683dc52d-5d69-4ff0-b5d9-b17056a55681
crush_location = root=ssds host=osd02-ssd

host = osd04
osd_journal = /dev/disk/by-parttypeuuid/4fbd7e29-9d25-41b8-afd0-062c0ceff05d.bd7c0088-b724-441e-9b88-9457305c541d
crush_location = root=ssds host=osd04-ssd

On 22 January 2018 at 11:29, Steven Vacaroaia <stef97@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Hi David,

Yes, I meant no separate partitions for WAL and DB

I am using 2 x 10 GB bonded ( BONDING_OPTS="mode=4 miimon=100 xmit_hash_policy=1 lacp_rate=1")  for cluster and 1 x 1GB for public   
Disks are 
Vendor Id          : TOSHIBA
                Product Id         : PX05SMB040Y
                State              : Online
                Disk Type          : SAS,Solid State Device
                Capacity           : 372.0 GB

On 22 January 2018 at 11:24, David Turner <drakonstein@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Disk models, other hardware information including CPU, network config?  You say you're using Luminous, but then say journal on same device.  I'm assuming you mean that you just have the bluestore OSD configured without a separate WAL or DB partition?  Any more specifics you can give will be helpful.

On Mon, Jan 22, 2018 at 11:20 AM Steven Vacaroaia <stef97@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:

I'll appreciate if you can provide some guidance / suggestions regarding perfomance issues on a test cluster ( 3 x DELL R620, 1 Entreprise SSD, 3 x 600 GB ,Entreprise HDD, 8 cores, 64 GB RAM)

I created 2 pools ( replication factor 2) one with only SSD and the other with only HDD
( journal on same disk for both)

The perfomance is quite similar although I was expecting to be at least 5 times better
No issues noticed using atop

What  should I check / tune ?

Many thanks

HDD based pool ( journal on the same disk)

ceph osd pool get scbench256 all

size: 2
min_size: 1
crash_replay_interval: 0
pg_num: 256
pgp_num: 256
crush_rule: replicated_rule
hashpspool: true
nodelete: false
nopgchange: false
nosizechange: false
write_fadvise_dontneed: false
noscrub: false
nodeep-scrub: false
use_gmt_hitset: 1
auid: 0
fast_read: 0

rbd bench --io-type write  image1 --pool=scbench256
bench  type write io_size 4096 io_threads 16 bytes 1073741824 pattern sequential
    1     46816  46836.46  191842139.78
    2     90658  45339.11  185709011.80
    3    133671  44540.80  182439126.08
    4    177341  44340.36  181618100.14
    5    217300  43464.04  178028704.54
    6    259595  42555.85  174308767.05
elapsed:     6  ops:   262144  ops/sec: 42694.50  bytes/sec: 174876688.23

fio /home/cephuser/write_256.fio
write-4M: (g=0): rw=randread, bs=4K-4K/4K-4K/4K-4K, ioengine=rbd, iodepth=32
Starting 1 process
rbd engine: RBD version: 1.12.0
Jobs: 1 (f=1): [r(1)] [100.0% done] [66284KB/0KB/0KB /s] [16.6K/0/0 iops] [eta 00m:00s]

fio /home/cephuser/write_256.fio
write-4M: (g=0): rw=write, bs=4K-4K/4K-4K/4K-4K, ioengine=rbd, iodepth=32
Starting 1 process
rbd engine: RBD version: 1.12.0
Jobs: 1 (f=1): [W(1)] [100.0% done] [0KB/14464KB/0KB /s] [0/3616/0 iops] [eta 00m:00s]

SSD based pool 

ceph osd pool get ssdpool all

size: 2
min_size: 1
crash_replay_interval: 0
pg_num: 128
pgp_num: 128
crush_rule: ssdpool
hashpspool: true
nodelete: false
nopgchange: false
nosizechange: false
write_fadvise_dontneed: false
noscrub: false
nodeep-scrub: false
use_gmt_hitset: 1
auid: 0
fast_read: 0

 rbd -p ssdpool create --size 52100 image2

rbd bench --io-type write  image2 --pool=ssdpool
bench  type write io_size 4096 io_threads 16 bytes 1073741824 pattern sequential
    1     42412  41867.57  171489557.93
    2     78343  39180.86  160484805.88
    3    118082  39076.48  160057256.16
    4    155164  38683.98  158449572.38
    5    192825  38307.59  156907885.84
    6    230701  37716.95  154488608.16
elapsed:     7  ops:   262144  ops/sec: 36862.89  bytes/sec: 150990387.29

[root@osd01 ~]# fio /home/cephuser/write_256.fio
write-4M: (g=0): rw=write, bs=4K-4K/4K-4K/4K-4K, ioengine=rbd, iodepth=32
Starting 1 process
rbd engine: RBD version: 1.12.0
Jobs: 1 (f=1): [W(1)] [100.0% done] [0KB/20224KB/0KB /s] [0/5056/0 iops] [eta 00m:00s]

fio /home/cephuser/write_256.fio
write-4M: (g=0): rw=randread, bs=4K-4K/4K-4K/4K-4K, ioengine=rbd, iodepth=32
Starting 1 process
rbd engine: RBD version: 1.12.0
Jobs: 1 (f=1): [r(1)] [100.0% done] [76096KB/0KB/0KB /s] [19.3K/0/0 iops] [eta 00m:00s]
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